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Gorka paints The Batman miniature game

Gorka paints The Batman miniature game

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Project Blog by chaosgorka Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 56

About the Project

Just my personal Batman stuff.

This Project is Active


Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 6

Harvey Bullock is finished. I am now going to move on to some of the cops. I may throw in another hero/named character in between them to help break it up. May Nightwing or Batgirl.


Tutoring 4
Skill 8
Idea 7
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Catwoman is finished. Now to move on to some cops and Bullock. That will round out my brave and bold list.

The start

Tutoring 4
Skill 8
Idea 7
No Comments

So a couple of my friends and myself got into BMG at the end of its second edition with the plans to get into 3rd ed when it came out. 3rd ed had an unfortunate release timing for playing table top games. So finally getting a chance to get back, or basically start, playing this new edition. That means I finally HAVE to paint my stuff. Figured I would start of with a Batman, or brave and bold, whatever they are calling the good guys now, crew. And of course had to paint Batman first

The start
The start
The start

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