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Cedarwood Road

Cedarwood Road

Supported by (Turn Off)

Project Blog by hutch Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 180

About the Project


This Project is On Hold


Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 7

As moving around the labyrinth is going to be essential players will be able to access gateways to move from one location to another.  This will allow the players to quickly get around the ever-shifting maze.  However, this does not come without risk.  Every time a Hollowgate is used by a player there is a chance that it will disturb the Hollowmen that dwell in that alternative realm.  Each subsequent use of gate increases the risk.

Although mindless the Hollowmen make up for any weakness they have by being vast in number and relentless in their purpose.  Once they are woken, they will pursue the players and attempt to draw them back through the gateways with them.




Major Threat Model part 4

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 8

I think I am going to call this little happy-chappy done at this point.

I don’t want to spend too much time on this model as it really was just an experiment in dry brushing and washes.

I will have to do a base for him at some point but I can come back to the bases once all the models are painted up.   For now though, I have plenty of other things to be getting on with.

Major Threat Model part 4
Major Threat Model part 4
Major Threat Model part 4

Major threat model part 3

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

Today I quickly added some highlight.   Pretty much exclusively dry brushed because I don’t want to spend too long on one model if I can help it.

I’m still not sure if I should just leave the ‘metal’ areas grey or add in some metallics.   I’ll give that some thought.

Next stage will be to add some shading, which I will most likely do by applying washes.   Then I will have to do the base and add dirt, grime and lastly some blood splatter.

I’m pretty happy with how it is turning out so far.   Hopefully the quick paint job is helping to make the model look a bit grim, which is the general feel I want for this game.

Major threat model part 3
Major threat model part 3
Major threat model part 3

Major threat model part 2

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
No Comments

I very quickly blocked in the base colours using a combination of contrast paint and washes.  I am pretty happy with how it turned out.  The primer stage really helped to define areas of shadow.

The next step is to go through and start adding more shade and highlights.



Major threat model part 2

Major Threat model part 1

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 9
No Comments

I’ve been looking forward to making a start on this model and I finally got the chance to.

After assembling I undercoated the whole thing black and then added a grey, an off white and a white zenith highlight.

Nothing too fancy at this stage but I am hoping that these simple steps will assist with the next part of getting base colours down.

Major Threat model part 1

Concept major threat

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

Judgement, Guillotine ? Subject to change


Easy Target





Test Models

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments

Pal-A-Dins. (Subject to change)



Easy Target


Hard to Kill


Shift (local area only)



Test Models
Test Models

Possibly a ridiculous idea

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 8
No Comments
Possibly a ridiculous idea

The small fishing village of Cedarwood was once the home to 86 families.

The majority of the population worked either on the small fishing boats that would trawl the Atlantic Ocean or otherwise in small industries associated with processing the daily catch and keeping the boats afloat.

Tourism was infrequent; however, the inhabitants were always welcoming to passing visitors and a small, yet perfectly adequate cafe would provide good food and homely accommodation for just a small fee.

A carriage would run twice a week taking mail and the like to the nearest town, Towan, and from there ample transportation was available to St Ives.

The initial leg of the journey meandered through Towan Forest, the rough cobbled road often the demise of an old or uncared for wheel and it was all too common for the mail to be delayed.  As such the arrival of post from the wider world always bought much rejoicing from the small community of Cedarwood.

But that was 3 years ago now, and things have changed.

No-one goes to Cedarwood anymore and nothing has been heard from the village.

Sure, people have tried to visit, but have not been seen since.

The Forrest has grown twisted and dark, the feeling of being watched burning into your back, fiercer and fiercer with each step.

Only the foolish would venture into the woods and travel the Cedarwood Road.


Possibly a ridiculous idea

So where is all this going and where is this all coming from you may be wondering.

Well, my vision is to use a classic boardgame that my kids love and add an extra level of tension to it, whilst, if possible, incorporating a bit of role playing.

The board game that I am drawing inspiration from is that classic Labyrinth game.  For those that don’t know it the concept is that you play individual characters trying to make your way through an ever-changing maze to gain various objects.  The first player to collect all their items wins.  Each turn players would have to first shift the maze and then move their character.

My plan is to turn that game into something a little darker and more twisted with a wargame skirmish feel to it.   Rather than shift the maze to find objects, you need to shift the maze to stop the objects (monsters) finding you.  However, the twist is that you never really know how many actions you can take each turn and some of the monsters also have the ability to shift the maze.  Also, shifting the maze is not compulsory for the players, but will use up one of their limited actions, actions that they will also have to use to move, fight, search and perform other feats.

Of course, the players will be able to defend themselves somewhat if they get cornered, but they are not particularly combat focused.  Rather they would be better to rely on tactics to draw the monsters into positions where they can be trapped or delayed.

Anyway, that’s the basic idea.

Possibly a ridiculous idea

Supported by (Turn Off)