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2023 Miniature Log

2023 Miniature Log

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Project Blog by horus500 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 296

About the Project

Another year smashing away and slaying the grey in the pile of potential. I'm 52, my eyes aren't what they were. Table ready is good enough. Only characters get eyes. Can I paint another 650+ miniatures this year? More importantly, why do I still have so many unpainted miniatures?

This Project is Completed

Starting with some Old Hammer

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Late last year I painted some 5th Edition Bretonnian Bowmen with contrast paints. I found a bunch of metal bowmen still in blisters. I used standard paints this time. There’s still a few to go but they need stripping or repairs that I will get to next week.

Giving it a shot

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
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So I’ve continued on my Old Hammer run by painting some Pistolliers and Outriders that have sat unpainted for 30 years? I think I bought them in 1993 with the release of the Empire Army book.

With these done my Averland and Nordland armies are probably 75% of the way completed.

Hot days and steamy knights

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 10

It’s a warm and moist summer here in Oz, and as unpleasant as it sounds. Last night rather than spend hours sweating in my sleep, I spent it sweating as I painted Bretonnian Knights. I have another 6 from the 5th ed Warhammer starter set to do but it’s a good start.

ASOIAF Mormont Bruisers and Karlstark Spearmen

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So I wanted to add a little more of the minor houses to my ASOIAF table. I added 2 units of Mormont Bruisers to my She-Bears (posted last year) and I also ordered Karlstark Spearmen and Karlstark Loyalists (armed with flails). The Loyalists have yet to arrive and in my boredom I began to wonder if these minis would rank up on 20mm square bases. They do! The local ASOIAF community flew into a rage so I’m going to continue to do it from now on.

Warcry and Underworlds

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So I’m in the process of paimtimg Warcry ‘Heart of Ghur’ and ‘Sundered Fate’ sets before Bloodhunt arrives. What I like aboy these sets, like Killteam is a squad/team/gang of 10’ish models is quick and satisfying. On top of that, Warcry is actually a fun game. Probably the most fun in GWs current stable of games (although still a pale immitation of Mordheim).

Underworlds by contrast was a great game that GW could help but destroy. It was fast, it was simple and it was fun. Was. The minis are probably the best they make.

The Ulfenguard

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Whilst i waited for some stuff to arrive I decided to paint the Cursed City Ulfenguard. It was a day well spent as the models took paint well and looked good.

Just a note on the pictures, the Australian Summer sun showed up which means it’s 35+ degrees C. and blindingly bright, which effectively obliterates all the shading etc.

Rotmire Creed

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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These guys are unwitting Nurgle worshippers.  They took about 12 hours of painting time in total. There’s odd details on them (like moss? growing on them), rather ineffectual looking stilts, a number of open wounds and a frightening amount of bamboo about their persons.

Skeleton archers

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So I spent 2 weeks in the south island of New Zealand on holiday. It comes highly recommended, particularly Queenstown. The water is so blue it looked unreal, but I digress. On my return I decided to paint the  21 ‘Deadeye’ skeleton archers from Zombicide Black Plague so I can use them in a Saga Age of Magic warband. They turned out alright….. I guess.

Skeleton archers

Very Kunning!

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
1 Comment

This afternoon I decided to smash out ‘ Da Kunnin’ Krew’ for Underworlds. Really basic colours meant that it wasn’t even a couple of hours per mini, and with only 5 models in the ‘Krew’ it took next to no time.

Very Kunning!

I'm back

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Truth is that I didn’t really go anywhere I just didn’t post for a while. I painted heaps but I’ll just post some of it. I’ll start with all the Warcry scenery. Well most of it (there really is tons of it).

Cheese-eating surrender monkeys

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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These are some French adventurers I painted for Silver Bayonet.

Suck it up Samurai

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment

I’ll finish up with some Vampires. The Askurgan vampires are warrior monks trying to overcome the lust for blood. Apart from a cool story they are also great fun to paint.

I also got the Cursed City Villan bosses done. More vampires and some undead ogres

Apology for the poor photo quality but the Australian winter sun is almost as blindingly bright as the summer sunlight.

Basically Square-hammer

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So I continued with 2 previous projects, the first were my Averland and Nordland armies, adding a unit of Knights Panther and Knights of the Blazing Sun. It was only as I choose these that I realised the basic colours of these two orders was Yellow/Black (Averland) and Yellow/Blue (Nordland). I’m awaiting some 3D printed shield with sun icons on them for the KBS but for all other intents and purposes, they are done.

I also finished off the square based Karlstarks. They have yet to see table time in ASOIAF but have already been used in KoW and may end up as Middenlanders in the Olde World. Strangely the Karlstarks have blazing sun icons on their spearmens shields and standards. Perhaps I should have painted them yelow and black…..

Later September

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So once again I forgot to post anything despite getting plenty done. I started with the flavour of the month in ASOIAF, the Golden Company. I done particularly like the colour scheme but by half way through I realised it was too late so I pressed on.

My question to CMON is “are these Elephants (and mommoths in Freefolk) really self navigating in combat? Would it have really been that hard to put a howdah on there?


Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Next I returned to Warcry. I had alreadyt done a ton of terrain for Heart of Ghur so 1 or two more boxes of it wasn’t going to break me. I started with the Gorgers from The Hunter and the Hunted box set. I also regretable was convinced by one of my Warcry buddies to watch Bone Tomahawk. Essential Cannibal horror western with grizzly deaths delivered by troglodyte natives that look like Gorgers. I should probably add blood spray to these minis.

I'm kind of a big deal...

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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This guy has sat on a shelf half finished for about 2 years. I just didn’t need a Frost giant enough I guess. Either way, Done! Is it pretty -No. Do I care -No.

Beastie Boys

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So I put together some Beastmen and did a test colour scheme. I don’t like doing Nurgle = Green but it worked. I had to add red to the bottom of the banner to break up all that green. I think I’ll do some more but this time in rusty armour.

Beastie Boys

Kill Team Terrain

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I know it was terrain month but like I said I forgot to post. Anyway, I finally got around to doing the first Killteam box set terrain.


Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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And finally there was some gaming. So there has been some Warcry, Blood and Plunder, Space Hulk and ASOIAF.  What I will say is that terrain maketh the game. My plucky Blood Angels are 1 scenario away from completing the campaign. The ships and space hulk corridors are 3D Printed by my neighbour Jim and used both in our respective games rooms and at our local club. Right now Jim is printing Mordheim terrain for our campaign next quarter. In the meanwhile warbands are painted, and armies are preparing for our return to the time of 3 Emperors in the Old World!

More Gaming

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment

So another weekend gaming session meant we managed to get another scenario done. Once again Sanguinius was with us! Until he wasn’t. The Genestealer player allowed the marines almost uninterrupted movement before a the timer ran out before I could turn the lightning claws marine led to my first death. Two successive jams led to the next, which left one marine turning backwards and forth desperately trying to hold a vital intersection by himself. He soon died alone. With the reliquary in sight the librarian sprinted, recovered the artifact and sprinted back towards the serjeant, bloicking the corridor behind him with a psychic barrier. The Serjeant fought desperately, killing 3 genestealers in hand to hand,  only to be pulled down by the weight of numbers. With the serjeant gone the Librarian commended his soul to the Emperor. As the genestealers poured into the room the librarians overwatch luck finally ran out.

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