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Project Blog by marcuslamb Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 78

About the Project

Looks like Christmas! For me and many folk of a certain age there was one game to start a lifetime addiction to plastic crack! Back in '89 I was so excited sitting under the Christmas tree and ripping open a rather large box to find a large half naked barbarian wielding a giant 2-handed sword! Oh yes HeroQuest had arrived!! Fast-forward 30-odd years and completely unexpectedly there was another box under the tree! My brother had only gone and bought me the 2021 reprint!

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Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
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The gobbos were mostly basecoated at the same time as the Orcs so just needed some shade, highlights and detail

And yes – I know the mold lines are friccking horrendous – particularly on those last 2 but this was supposed to be a *quicck* (for me) board game ready project – so I didn’t bother to scrape them off!

In retrospect – this was a mistake!

All in all, It's Just A ...

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Back to the walls. I decided to try something new with the brickwork, so I just picked 2 pieces and tried to do start them with a tan/cream  colour rather than straight grey. I picked 2 artist acrylic’s I had to hand – a Pale Umber and Ochre Yellow.

Forgot to take a pic of the Ochre YellowForgot to take a pic of the Ochre Yellow

After that, I picked out some bricks in a cool grey and some of the base colours

All in all, It's Just A ...

Finally there was some heavy dry brushing with a lighter tan and a light grey then a wash with a mix of 50/50 water and matt medium with a few drops of flow aid and enough Black and Burnt Umber Liquitex acrylic inks to get the right depth. Another drybrush then some flock, green ink and pigment powder to finish it off.

All in all, It's Just A ...


Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 7
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With the wall sections drying, it’s time to start tackling some painting, starting with the greenskins. First to handle the base, I decided to slap some greenstuff down and make a rough stone slab texture. Everything then got a zenithal prime.

I always like to add a bit of weight to plastic minis. (Metal minis still rule – right Gerry?) There’s a handy hollow in the bottom of the HeroQuest minis. Unfortunatley they are just slightly too small to take a 1p or  a 1c euro so I resorted to my big bowl of foreign currency coins. Turns out a US dime or to be super niche and old pre-Euro Irish 5 pence piece is the perfect fit! ?

Finally a use for my old Irish money!Finally a use for my old Irish money!

With  the idea of getting these done relatively quickly, I started with some contrast paints – the first time I’ve ever really used these. Went straight in with the Orc Flesh – cause it’s in the name. This seems a bit darker than I’d do Orcs these day but maybe fits in with the old-skool feel. Knocked out most of the large areas with other contrasts.

First time using ContrastFirst time using Contrast

Once that was done and the metallic areas, I decided just to work on the Orcs separately to concentrate on them and get them finished. I lightened the skin slightly by giving it an overcoat of Plaguebearer Flesh – then standard washing and highlighting all over. The base was done with a mix of GSW pigment powders.

Orcs. Done.


It's a Tarp!

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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What better way to kick off a  project than a Battle Report (of sorts!)

It’s Christmas night, the goose has been cooked and devoured and myself and my brothers gather round the sitting room floor for a big dose of Christmas nostalgia with a wee game of HeroQuest!

Quest 1 – The Trail: Should be a nice little opener right? Re-learn the rules, ease into the game? Not a bit of it!! Turned into a complete disaster for our heros ? One of my brothers decided to split the party Turn 1 – and then doubled up by splitting his own 2 characters. The monsters had a field day picking off the heros one by one. Needless to say it didn’t take long!

One tragic moment happened when ‘Willy the Wizard’ ran down a dead-end corridor while being chased by an Abomination. Much wizard munching ensued. My brother complained that he couldn’t see the cardboard wall token that blocked the path

Dramatic Reconstruction!Dramatic Reconstruction!

To be fair they are fairly hard to make out and blend in too well with the actual board. So I figured rather than starting with the minis, I’d address this issue with some 3D wall tokens. Time to break out the DAS.

Completed wall sectionCompleted wall section

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