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Salve Mutinus Tutunus!

Salve Mutinus Tutunus!

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Project Blog by horati0nosebl0wer Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 25

About the Project

A legion of the empire, lost to imagination and brought forth in a manner "completely historically accurate"

This Project is Completed

Salve, Phallus Magnus

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
1 Comment

Due to another fine once over of a range by the crew with a Weekender I have seen more minis I want oh so badly. I will deny Gerry the joy of a Greek themed force just yet with his Harryhausen reference in this week’s episode, for the moment, as I think Romans are in need of need of some love. Really its an excuse to put a spotlight on the love affair between Justin, Warren and (as South Park once put it) a Redwood forest of penis. Ok, it may not be chock full of cock because there’s only so far even I will take a joke but there will be wee willies here and there.

As a force build I’ve thought that Naughtius Maximus and Biggus Dickus must be included. The question remains though, should I not also have Cerius Phallus present? Alright, I think there are the names for my leader and a couple of lieutenants.

Thanks to seeing what things Mierce have been up to since the last time I looked in on their ranges I believe a ‘dire’ wolf will be mandatory. One of the Romulan wolves of the Apenines (larger than the Capitoline ones) make the fantastic more plausible and will act as the beast mount of an 80x50mm base. I won’t show which one I’ve decided on yet as its still up in the air while I consider the epic nature of the miniature.

I will say that there won’t be any cock riders as special units for the cavalry. It may have been a funny thing to see printed as a gift but I would want to actually field this on a table at my FLGS and not get commentary. There will be humor in this but for the sake of play I will definitely be keeping it subdued. A vexillum or signum held by certain troops are going to be my playground. I laugh even now as I think more on it.

Novum stultum inspirationis

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Sitting and thinking more on the silliness of the project I decided to give the unit a designation of being the 6th cohort of Trajan’s Victorious Thirtieth Legion or “cohors sextus Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix”. Yes, I have had waaay to much time to sit and think about this as well with the word games that have bubbled up in my twisted mind.

I’ve also come to think of the governing authority to whom the legion reported. The name of this leader within the empire might well be Licentious Curious (inspired by the names of proconsuls of Moesia, Gaius Scribonius Curio and Marcus Licinius Crassus) but then I came up with the name Pubicus Silius Nervous (thanks to the governer of Dalmatia, Publius Silius Nerva).

The backstory of the unit is filling out at the moment and I have more thoughts to ruminate on. Creativity sometimes must be developed slowly. Perhaps this might be a good direction to work my brain should I get bogged down on the build/paint portion of hobbying in future.

Equus eroticus est, estne?

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I considered the task at hand and was influenced by Lloyd’s recent falling off the deep end with size analysis. There has been the addition of horses… for size… and scale.

Cavalry can be instrumental in filling out new dimensions as to where and how the cohort fights.

Finis Iocus?

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So I have run around the website leaving this project private for Gerry to see and only update at random to create umm… vera caerulei testes ?. Now that I’m done with the painting I can set these figures into the care of my friend with his love of the series Steiger’s Tigers. This all being said and done I’m glad to have more work done and another victory under my belt.

This has been a long term plan to play with the staff and an actual gift for a friend I used to work with. I hope everyone has had a good laugh at the ideas. Every figure comes from Victrix and was great to paint as the mass really shines when trotted out.. speaking of trotting, the cavalry fell apart as an idea for addition as I’ve had enough of horses in painting but could get back to something like that. The wolf initially for purchase turned out to be expensive and too large but the Reaper Bones figure I snagged is just right with some greenstuff. The siege engine also comes from Reaper and for the cost works perfectly. Overall, this is “done and dusted” for me to move onto my next army.


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