Manda’s (Amachan) Wrath of Metztli
Recommendations: 510
About the Project
This is the Wrath of Metztli, my lizardmen army for OnePageRules' Age of Fantasy & SAGA: Age of Magic. This project will go over all of my progress getting this army together.
Related Game: Age Of Fantasy
Related Company: One Page Rules
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is On Hold
Look at what has finally shown up! It only took a month and a half….. I blame Brexit. They do line up quite well with the Renedra ones I already have as long as I don’t use Renedra and Sarissa Precision bases in the same unit. About half a millimetre difference. But now I can finally start assembling and painting my lizardmen.
I have decided to go with tufts for the bases, so I ordered some from Green Stuff World. They didn’t have any bigger ones sadly… But I think they will do. ?
Just look at how much fun the skink on the left is having in the tall tufts! ?
The original plan of getting foam for the bags I have right now in October is not going to work due to financial stuff. So I move both the Skink Starpriest and the Salamander Hunting Pack up to Phase 1. They will replace the Skink Oracle on Troglodon (Still in phase 1) to make a smaller model list that I may be able to carry with me with the foam that I have. This way I can still get them on the table this year I hope, If I get the bases in and get Phase 1 painted this year.
Let the spawning begin!
I got my spawning liquid (resin) for my spawning pool (3D pinter) and now I can start spawning my lizardmen!
Here are some of the prints that have already come out of my printer while waiting for supplies to arrive.
Paint Scheme: Materials & Bases
Now for the painting scheme for all the materials. Most of the functional metals including armour, weapons etc. will be painted in my bronze scheme. Any decorative metal bits will be painted in my gold scheme. At certain places I will also be adding gems and they will be in my gem scheme. I am going to paint any of the sharp stone bits, the tips of spears etc. in my rock scheme, however any Celestite weapons will have their stone work done in my obsidian scheme. Leather will be done in my leather scheme and wood in my wood scheme. Any bone, horns, teeth and such will be done in my bone scheme. I think that summarises most of it apart from a couple of things which will be detailed below as well.
For bronze I will use a basecoat of Vallejo Model Color Bronze (70.998) and then a drybrush of Vallejo Model Air Silver RLM01 (71.063). The wash I will use for the bronze is Citadel Shade Athonian Camoshade (99189953024)
For gold I will use a basecoat of Scale 75 Metal N’ Alchemy Elven Gold (SC-74) and then a drybrush of Vallejo Model Air Silver RLM01 (71.063). For the gold I will use Citadel Shade Carroburg Crimson (99189953016) as a wash.
For the gems I will do a basecoat of Vallejo Model Air Silver RLM01 (71.063) and then after I have fully varnished the model I will go over that with one of the following, depending on the colour I want the gem to be:
- Tamiya Color Acrylic Paint Clear Blue (X-23)
- Tamiya Color Acrylic Paint Clear Yellow (X-24)
- Tamiya Color Acrylic Paint Clear Green (X-25)
- Tamiya Color Acrylic Paint Clear Orange (X-26)
- Tamiya Color Acrylic Paint Clear Red (X-27)
For obsidian I am going to use a basecoat of Vallejo Game Color Black (72.051) after the drybrush I will add a wash of Citadel Shade Nuln Oil (99189953017). After the model has been varnished and everything I will go over these bits with a bit of a gloss varnish to make them shiny.
For leather belts and straps I will use Vallejo Panzer Aces Leather Belt (70.312) or Vallejo Panzer Aces Dark Rubber (70.306). Larger surfaces of leather I will paint with either Vallejo Model Color Cavalry Brown (70.982) or Vallejo Model Color Red Leather (70.818). The wash I use for the leather is Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade (99189953018).
With the ropes used to attach decorations onto the limbs I wanted to bring a bit of a contrasting colour in so I decided to them in Vallejo Game Color Scarlett Blood (72.106). The wash on them will in most cases be the same as used on the skin of the model.
Some of the models are wearing bits of cloth and for those bits I am going to use Vallejo Model Color Desert Yellow (70.977) as a base and Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade (99189953018) as the wash. Some models may be wearing more fancy bits of cloth, I don’t recall any, but for those I will a colour that I find appropriate for that model as it would most likely be a character.
For wood I will use a base of Vallejo Model Color Mahogany Brown (70.846) for most and a Citadel Shade Athonian Camoshade (99189953024) wash at the end.
For the bone I will use a basecoat of Vallejo Game Color Bonewhite (72.034) and I will use Vallejo Game Color Sepia Shade (73.200) as the wash for them.
The shields carried by various lizards are mostly covered in bronze and feathers, some, especially the ones held by Skinks, have a scaly pattern on them as well. These scaly patterns on the shield I will do with a base of Vallejo Model Color Black Red (70.859) and the wash for it will be Citadel Shade Carroburg Crimson (99189953016).
For the feathers I will start at the base with Scale 75 Scalecolor Sol Yellow (SC-40) blend that to Scale 75 Fantasy & Games Goblin Flesh (SFG-24) in the middle and then to Vallejo Model Color Light Orange (70.911) at the tip. The wash for them will be Citadel Shade Casandora Yellow (99189953021).
Rock ?
For any large areas of rock I will start with a base of Vallejo Model Color Basalt Grey (70.869), then a wash of Citadel Shade Athonian Camoshade (99189953024) followed by a drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Medium Sea Grey (70.870) and then a lighter drybrush of Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119). This does have a bit of a different order of painting then the rest.
Now for the smaller rock or stone surfaces, they will receive a basecoat of Vallejo Model Color Medium Sea Grey (70.870) go through the normal paint process and get a wash of Citadel Shade Nuln Oil (99189953017) in the end.
Since there will be a certain amount of very similar models in units, I decided to change things up a little. So for any troops I will add warpaint. For this I will roll a D6, but I will make sure not to use the same colours on a similar model. So that will give me 5 different colours with a larger chance of getting no paint. I will also re-roll or choose a different colour if the colour is too close to the skin tone of the model.
- None
- None
- Vallejo Model Color Carmine Red (70.908)
- Vallejo Model Color Medium Blue (70.963)
- Vallejo Game Color Goblin Green (72.030)
- Vallejo Model Color Yellow Ochre (70.913)
For the pattern, I will do what I see fit, but draw a lot of inspiration from tribal warpaints used by various tribes throughout the world and time. The wash for the warpaint will be the same as for the skintone as to help blend it in a bit more and not make it pop too much.
The order of things.
The order of how I am going to paint things matters for the outcome of the models.
I start with a primer of course, my choice of primer is AK Interactive Primer and Microfiller Grey (AK 758) applied with an airbrush. I will then paint up all the base colours apart from the metallics on the models. Then I add a general drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Ivory (70.918) over the whole model. I will then paint the base coat for the metallics and follow that with the drybrush I have selected for that metallic colour. Following that, are the washes that have all been outlined before or if they haven’t, with a colour close to the base.
Then it is on to varnishes. On metal models I apply a gloss varnish first, although on the 3D printed resin I don’t think that is really necessary so I will varnish them with 1 or 2 coats of Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic Mediums Matt Varnish (3040802) thinned a little through my airbrush.
I have decided to go with a fairly similar basing scheme to my Roman and Epirote warbands as I think it will fit the lizardmen quite well. These are the steps I will follow for the bases.
- Work up the larger bases with a little bit of clay to make them look uneven rather than just flat.
- Attach the model to the base.
- I then add details on it that need to be painted, like resin tree stumps, weapons, skulls or whatever I feel is appropriate.
- I cover the base in PVA glue and cover it with a fine sand.
- Give the model and its base a coat of primer.
- I will paint the model as normal, but at the same time I paint the base and the rim with Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (70.819).
- When this is sufficiently dry I will drybrush the base with Vallejo Model Color Pale Sand (70.837).
- After that I will add a coat of Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade (99189953018) over the base.
- When the wash has dried I will add another drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Pale Sand (70.837).
- After that I will add a coat of Vallejo Model Wash Desert Dust (76.522).
- I will put a second coat of Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (70.819) over the rim of the base.
- When this is dry I will add some PVA glue in various areas where I want to place a tuft, a rock or a log to the base. I will then cover a couple of more areas of the base and sprinkle some fine flock over it.
- Shake it off and when the glue is dry it is ready for the varnishes.
- After the varnishes I may add a bit of a puddle here or there using AK Interactive Diorama Puddles (AK8028).
So in the end the bases will look something like these:
Paint Scheme: Core Species
Unsurprisingly I am not going for the GW bright blue paint scheme or paint them with only Seraphon Sepia, instead I am going to base my paint scheme for the different species in the lizardmen army inspired by existing lizard species.
The paint scheme for the Saurus I am going to base on the Komodo Dragon. I will start with a base of Scale 75 Scalecolor Petroleum Grey (SC-57), blending that with Vallejo Model Color Brown Sand (70.876) towards the back and towards the belly and around the eyes and mouth with Vallejo Model Color Green Ochre (70.914). The wash for the skin will be Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade (99189953018).
The eyes will be done with Vallejo Game Color Charred Brown (72.045) and receive a dot of Tamiya Color Acrylic Paint Clear Yellow (X-24) after all the varnishes are done.
The insides of the mouth and tongue will get a basecoat of Vallejo Model Color Light Flesh (70.928) and a wash of Citadel Shade Carroburg Crimson (99189953016).
The Kroxigors I base off of the American Alligator. I will start with a base Vallejo Model Color Beige (70.917) on the belly and then do the rest of the skin with Vallejo Model Color German Grey (70.995). The wash for the skin will be Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade (99189953018) again.
The eyes will be done with Vallejo Game Color Charred Brown (72.045) and receive a dot of Tamiya Color Acrylic Paint Clear Yellow (X-24) after all the varnishes are done.
The insides of the mouth and tongue will get a basecoat of Vallejo Model Color Light Flesh (70.928) and a wash of Citadel Shade Carroburg Crimson (99189953016).
I am basing the Skinks on the colours of the Boyd’s Forest Dragon. These come in a large variety of greens and browns, so I am going to use a D6 to decide on how I will paint each one. I will however most likely choose one for any Skink characters.
- A base of Vallejo Model Air Middlestone (71.031) with horizontal Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) stripes on the back.
- A base of Vallejo Panzer Aces Russian Tankcrew II (70.326) with horizontal Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) stripes on the back.
- A base of Vallejo Model Color Medium Olive (70.850) with horizontal Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) stripes on the back.
- A base of Vallejo Model Air Middlestone (71.031) with a vertical Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) stripe in the centre of the back.
- A base of Vallejo Panzer Aces Russian Tankcrew II (70.326) with a vertical Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) stripe in the centre of the back.
- A base of Vallejo Model Color Medium Olive (70.850) with a vertical Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) stripe in the centre of the back.
I will then blend the base to Vallejo Model Color Yellow Ochre (70.913) on the belly, to Scale 75 Scalecolor Petroleum Grey (SC-57) on the arms and legs and to a 50/50 mix with the base of the skin and Vallejo Model Air M495 Light Gray (71.298) towards the tail. They will get a wash of Citadel Shade Athonian Camoshade (99189953024).
The Skinks do have a little crest on their heads with a little vane in it, while the structure of the crest will follow the skintone the vane will be blended to Vallejo Game Color Scarlet Red (72.012).
The eyes will be done with Vallejo Game Color Charred Brown (72.045) and receive a dot of gloss varnish after all the varnishes are done.
The insides of the mouth and tongue will get a basecoat of Vallejo Model Color Light Flesh (70.928) and a wash of Citadel Shade Carroburg Crimson (99189953016).
Cold Ones
I am basing the Cold Ones off of the Nile Crocodile, even though the animal doesn’t particularly look similar, I think that this will be a good and striking paint scheme for them. I will start the skin with a base of Vallejo Model Color Yellow Ochre (70.913), which I will blend on the back and the head to Vallejo Model Color Cam. Olive Green (70.894) and to Vallejo Model Color Beige (70.917) on the belly. I will then add oval dots with Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) on the side as you can see in the pictures below. After drybrushing I will shade the skin with Citadel Shade Athonian Camoshade (99189953024).
The eyes will be done with Vallejo Game Color Charred Brown (72.045) and receive a dot of Tamiya Color Acrylic Paint Clear Yellow (X-24) after all the varnishes are done.
The insides of the mouth and tongue will get a basecoat of Vallejo Model Color Light Flesh (70.928) and a wash of Citadel Shade Carroburg Crimson (99189953016).
And for any other races that come up during painting like the Troglodon, Carnosaur, Chameleon Skinks, etc. I will write up a bit closer to when I actually start painting those specific models.
Following here is a list with the links directly to the posts for the various paint scheme posts.
What is the plan?
This project is my lizardmen army build for Age of Sigmar and SAGA: Age of Magic called the Wrath of Metztli. The army build has been split up in 6 phases coming to a total of 4000 points in the current rules for Age of Sigmar. I will outline these phases in a moment. The majority of the models for this army will be 3D printed using the great Saurian range from OnePageRules (links below).
The bases I use will be the Renedra rounds if they have them in the correct size for Age of Sigmar, otherwise I will order 2mm thick MDF bases from Sarissa Precision. I will use 3mm thick on the bigger bases to prevent warping. I will use the GW base size guide for Age of Sigmar to be sure I have the correct size. (link below)
Now let’s outline the 6 phases.
Phase 1
This is a basic 1000 point list to start playing.
- 1 Saurus Oldblood with warspear.
- 1 Skink Oracle on Troglodon.
- 5 Saurus Guard
- 5 Saurus Knights with spears.
- 10 Skinks with Javelins
- 6 Kroxigors with 2 Moon hammers.
Phase 2
This is a 1500 point list upgraded from what I made before, most of them will be additions to the previous list unless stated otherwise.
- 1 Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (This replaces the Saurus Oldblood from before)
- 5 more Saurus Knights with spears for a total of a unit of 10.
- 10 Saurus Warriors with clubs.
- 5 Chameleon Skinks.
Phase 3
Now upping the list to 2000 points.
- 1 Stegadon with Skystreak bow.
- 5 more Saurus Guard to bring the unit to a total of 10.
- 1 Salamander hunting pack which includes 1 Salamander and 3 Skink Handlers.
Phase 4
I am planning in October to order the foam to carry this army with me, fitting the bags I currently have. I use the carry system from Feldherr. So these additions are to fill up the carrying capacity for this order.
- The unmounted Saurus Oldblood is still there obviously.
- 1 Slann Starmaster
- 1 Bastiladon with Solar Engine.
- 10 more Saurus Warriors with clubs for a unit of 20 models.
- 10 more Skinks with Javelins for a unit of 20 models.
Phase 5
This is the last phase for Age of Sigmar, there are still a couple of things I want and for this army and I will have to order a new bag with the foam to carry this all with. I am hoping to be able to do that early next year. I mean, I still do want a Dread Saurian because I just love my big monsters in my fantasy games. So this will bring the total up to 4000 points.
- 1 Saurus Sunblood
- 1 Skink Starpriest
- 1 Dread Saurian
- Another unit of 20 Saurus Warriors, these are armed with spears.
- 1 more unit of 10 Skinks, armed with clubs this time.
- 3 Terradon Riders with Starstrike Javelins.
Phase 6
These are a couple of additions to the army for use in SAGA: Age of Magic.
- A unit of 12 Jungle Swarms.
- 1 Skink Chief with a blowgun to be used as a Ranger in the Lords of the Wild list.
- 1 Razordon model as a quadruped creature to accompany the Salamander. Alternatively I can swap out the Salamander for a Razordon hunting pack for Age of Sigmar.
- 1 Scenery piece to be used as their Primitive Totem.
That is my plan for my lizardmen army.