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Age of Fantasy Other-World Army using Fantasy Flights Runewars Uthuk

Age of Fantasy Other-World Army using Fantasy Flights Runewars Uthuk

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Project Blog by core8ball Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 6

About the Project

I've been wanting to play Age of Fantasy and decided to get started after my local comic book store had their 33rd anniversary sale. They had some Runewars boxes on sale, I had already purchased some when they first came out but never did anything with them but collect dust. With the sale discont of 30% off or more I decided to fill out a couple of armies so I would have plenty of choices for myself and friends when I could get them to play(scheduling around real life sucks). This is to help me track the progress of the Other-World/Daemons. Hopefully in time I'll add some battle reports and painted pics.

This Project is Active

Cleaning the bits before assembly

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The mins for Runewars are pretty good, not the greatest or the worst, but I can see why it trouble selling in the beginning. The initial price point was quite high, but since they’ve gone on sale/discount they are great for making a decent sized force for rather cheap.

That said I had to wash the minis in hot water and soap after un-bagging them, some residue from the factory or just having been stored for so long.

Mold lines aren’t too bad but I’m not going for golden daemon here just a good sized force at Tabletop quality I can knock out relativity quick. Some gorilla glue to keep them together and the first units start to take shape.

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