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Sisters of Battle Backlog Motivation

Sisters of Battle Backlog Motivation

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Project Blog by Anzel

Recommendations: 235

About the Project

One painter trying to stay motivated as he works through his Sisters of Battle backlog. They may never make it to the table but I want to have them done! This project will hopefully encourage me and hold me accountable.

This Project is On Hold

Week of 18-09-2022

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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It has been a while since an update. I haven’t been great about taking ‘in progress’ shots. I have been working though! Killteam has me distracted but I’ve finished a Dominion Squad that I’m pretty pleased with.

The DominionsThe Dominions
Army update!Army update!

Week of 15-08-2022

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
Finished two of my five ZephyrimFinished two of my five Zephyrim

I haven’t been completing as much as I’d like on the SoB front as of late. I need to get back in the swing of hobby time.

With that said, I made some good progress on the Zephyrim. I should finish the four regulars before the end of the week. The superior is going to go longer due to that flag.

Week of 01-08-2022

Tutoring 6
Skill 5
Idea 6
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After a rather lackluster week when it came to painting (but not playing) I buckled down and went a bit mad with construction.

I put together a Dominion Squad and a second Retributor squad. I also decided to be a bit brave and do some kitbashing and even a more extensive conversion. Pete the Wargamer inspired me on that one.

On the painting side, I also tried something different with my airbrush that may or may not have panned out. Normally I’m lazy. I prime my sisters in Panzer Grey which serves as both the prime layer and the base color for the armor.

I wanted to attempt to add more depth so I primed the models in black and then did panzer grey over it. I think they turned out darker but the finish is quite smooth and is taking paint better. I’ve included some pictures of that too.

This is the dominion squad. The 4th flamer is a kitbash between a regular sisters kit and a novitiate flamer I had left. The superior is a lot more and we'll come back to her!This is the dominion squad. The 4th flamer is a kitbash between a regular sisters kit and a novitiate flamer I had left. The superior is a lot more and we'll come back to her!
My second retributor squad. This one is all heavy bolters. Small kitbash on the superior using a mace from the sacrosancts. My second retributor squad. This one is all heavy bolters. Small kitbash on the superior using a mace from the sacrosancts.

Here are some comparisons of black prime with panzer grey over it.

For the sister superior of the dominions I pulled out a spare repentia superior I had from the combat patrol. I knew I’d never use her and had one painted up already. In all honesty I was quite afraid I’d ‘ruin’ the model. That felt doubly true as I started to clip the whip off her left hand and sand it off her robe.

I pulled a suitably impressive sword out from my canoness kit and clipped off the extra robe bits there. It fit perfectly and without much issue.

On the whip hand I had to saw everything off at the wrist. I wanted to give her a combo bolter/flamer but I didn’t have one so I pulled a flamer pistol out of the seraphim kit and called it ‘close enough.’ Even with sawing and sanding, I had a little gap to fill.

She’s probably a bit ‘wider’ than I’d like but I think it came out alright and with her giant, flaming backpack things will look right at home in a squad full of flamers.

I managed to get a little painting done too!I managed to get a little painting done too!

Week of 25-07-2022

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 5
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I did not accomplish that much this week. Instead of painting, I actually did some playing! All that I really managed to do was build some models for the next week.

Week of 25-07-2022

Week of 18-07-2022

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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This last week I wrapped up almost everything on my painting desk for this project. That is a great feeling, but now queues up a lot of building. I get bogged down in building because I’m overly scrape and sand.

My next goal is to complete a Zephyrim squad, my last paragon warsuit, and a dominion squad.

The dominion squad is going to be interesting as I’m trying to piece it together from extras I have left over from other squads. We’ll see how it comes out!

The completed Celestian Sacresants squadThe completed Celestian Sacresants squad
My next group in the process of the buildMy next group in the process of the build

Week of 11-07-2022

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5

After a slow week I made solid progress on the backlog. I finished the entire 1st retributor squad. Did I do batch painting to achieve it? Yes. Do I still hate batch painting? Yes? Do I like the results? Also, yes!

I may just end up doing more batch painting because I can’t deny how well it works.

This is my first retributor squad. In this minor order of sisters, when they attain enough honor to become a retributor, they’re allowed to dye their hair in the flame pattern you see on the superior and the one without a helmet. I really enjoyed doing something a bit different for the hair but not so ‘out there’ that it made little sense to the theme.

I did a bit of math and seem to be at almost 1500 points for One Page Rules and around the same for Warhammer 40K! I might be able to get these ladies on the table soon.

Week of 04-07-2022

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 7
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After a slow week, I made some solid progress. I’ve completely finished Squad C and managed to get a decent amount of paint on my first retributor squad. The gunner for my rhino is also complete even though she doesn’t have a rhino to ride!

With the next week having some holiday days I hope my next entry will have a something to show for itself!

All painted up but nothing to ride in.All painted up but nothing to ride in.
Progress on the retributors. Blues, greys, and faces.Progress on the retributors. Blues, greys, and faces.
The last 3 for Squad C (front). I actually like how the face came out!The last 3 for Squad C (front). I actually like how the face came out!
The last 3 for Squad C (rear). I wish there was a reason to have squads bigger than 5.The last 3 for Squad C (rear). I wish there was a reason to have squads bigger than 5.
Squad C ready to go!Squad C ready to go!

Week of 27-06-2022

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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This was not a great week for painting. I did manage to get a few things done but on the whole I would have liked to see more progress. Such is life though.

I completed some bases, started work on a ton of power packs, and brought three battle sisters from Squad C to near completion.

A whole line of power packs for a whole bunch of sisters.A whole line of power packs for a whole bunch of sisters.
Squad C and their rhino pal.Squad C and their rhino pal.

Week of 20-06-2022

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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This last week I managed to get a lot of prep work done. It doesn’t look like much but it will help me blast through a lot of models. After doing all of that assembly work I decided I’d try and stomach some batch painting. We’ll see how long that holds!

I also finished my test Rhino and I’m pretty satisfied with the look.

A batch of sisters that I'm slowly working through.A batch of sisters that I'm slowly working through.

Week of 13-06-2022

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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It has been a crazy week and I did not achieve as much as I’d have liked to. I did take a sudden turn and started working on some rhinos. One was the newest kit and the other was an old space marine rhino I’ve had since about 2006 or so. It didn’t take too much to adepta sororitas it up!

One new ‘innovation’ I found that worked for me was in shading. I’ve been using a purple shade for my blue cloth and it often darkens more than I’d like. I’ve tried more water and other things, but what I really wanted was it to run more smoothly into recessed areas and follow towards ground.

I believe I saw it on Sonic Sledgehammer where he recommended mixing your shade with contrast medium. I tried it and loved the result!

This is Catra, my second paragon warsuit. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.This is Catra, my second paragon warsuit. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.
Rear image. I think my basing skills are improving.Rear image. I think my basing skills are improving.
My unexpectedly assembled, primed, and base coated rhinos. I'm working on the older one first as a prototype for the newer.My unexpectedly assembled, primed, and base coated rhinos. I'm working on the older one first as a prototype for the newer.
I'm very pleased with the symbol. My stencil game is weak and I had some over spray and such but I'm getting better. Next time I'll lay down some masking tape further out.I'm very pleased with the symbol. My stencil game is weak and I had some over spray and such but I'm getting better. Next time I'll lay down some masking tape further out.

Week of 05-06-2022

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8

My second week of project work towards getting my Adepta Sororitas completed. I was pleased that I managed to get off my rump and get things done. This week I was prolific on building models.

I don’t love the assembly part because I get obsessed with mold lines. There is so much scrapping and sanding that ends up eating a lot of my hobby time. I did find a recent tool that has helped me a ton! Someone mentioned a ‘sanding sponge’ which I’d seen at my  local hardware store but they’re huge.

Modeling companies have their own though! Particularly for people that are big into Gundam. I purchased some in #240, #600, #800, and #1000 and it has sped up my processing quite a lot. The #240 will take any bur right off. The rest I use to polish and I’ve been pretty pleased.

As such, I finished the last three sisters for Squad Charlie and four sisters for my first Retributor Squad.

Assembled this week. I think the sanding sponges really show here.Assembled this week. I think the sanding sponges really show here.

On the painting side of things, I finished the Squad Charlie Sister Superior and one of her sister members. Not my finest eyes but I think I did alright. All they need is for me to glue on some grass and they’re ready.

I also made some solid progress on the second paragon warsuit. With any luck I’ll have it done for the next entry.

Squad Charlie Sister Superior FrontSquad Charlie Sister Superior Front
Squad Charlie Sister Superior RearSquad Charlie Sister Superior Rear

Week of 22-05-2022 Progress

Tutoring 9
Skill 12
Idea 10
No Comments
How the week started.How the week started.
How the week ended.How the week ended.
Sister Dogmata FrontSister Dogmata Front
Sister Dogmata BackSister Dogmata Back

I would like to have done more this week but in the scheme of things any time paint goes on a miniature that is a good thing in my eyes. I’ve been struggling to work on rank and file miniatures as I’ve done a lot of them and I can’t batch paint without wishing for the sweet release of death.

I thought the Dogmata was extremely interesting and really wanted to work on her. She went from start to finish fairly quickly.

The regular battle sister is just about done too. I have to finish up the power pack and her base.

The sister superior and paragon didn’t get much love. Perhaps next week!

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