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Soap Dodger’s Yu Jing

Soap Dodger’s Yu Jing

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Project Blog by soapdodger Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 279

About the Project

Walk through of my Yu Jing force for Infinity N4 and Code One. Using this as a test for future projects. Will contain everything I do for and with this force now and going into the future and additional sectorials moving on from Code One.

This Project is Active

Finishing the main force

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9

So I’m at the end of the basic collecting of this force. Yes, there are additional N4 models I can by to be more accurate with weapon options (I don’t care) There a few alternative sculpts I could go for and a couple of options that need new models before I would chose to make the dive.  But that’s everything you need to have almost every option for the force in an easy to pick up manner.

I like them now that I’m done and the full force isn’t that many models, didn’t kill me financially and is competitive enough in N4 to give me a good start and a stronger direction if I chose to go that way. (this is not an N4 force for me)

So I started this in my other project mammoth breaking this out on it’s own has been great, going into more detail. I will expand this with a battle report when I play next and possibly a painting video if I get the time as I will miss painting yellow.

It has relit the fire inside to be the 2nd most influential force in the human sphere.

I will put this on hold until it’s time to move onto the next section. I also need to write up my nomads but still painting away in the background for those.

Full Yu Jing Code One force.Full Yu Jing Code One force.

Yu Jing Booster Pack Beta

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 8
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The latest models I have painted completing my force Adds yet another hacking option a fast attacking option and a guy that’s just less than a Tag…

  • 1x Yān Huǒ FTO
  • 1x Zúyǒng
  • 1x Tiger Soldier Hacker

Yān Huǒ FTO

Very basic Heavy infantry but with a plus one burst +1 heavy missile launcher (shoots twice) high armour does what it says on the tin kind of guy. Great for clusters of models or large heavy targets.

“Any who have seen the Yan Huo Regiment in action, unloading their terrifying firepower, know just how fitting their nickname is. The regiment’s name means “fireworks” in Chinese, written with the characters for “smoke” and “fire” (??) although the latter also means “rage, anger”.

The incredible pyrotechnics unleashed by the members of this unit are as spectacular as they are fearsome. The firepower of a single Yan Huo could be used to raze a small country to the ground. The operational maxim of the regiment is the overabundance of ordnance, and in that spirit they have a close relationship with Yungang, the primary arms contractor of Yu Jing, who always make sure to supply the Yan Huo with the bigger guns in their catalogue. Generally speaking, when a Yan Huo decides to empty his magazines and spray the battlefield with his powerful artillery, that’s when things end. Their armour suits are not built to withstand enemy fire, but to carry their armament and attack, with the goal of keeping the enemy busy. When the Yan Huo jump into action, their opponents are overwhelmed by the onslaught, and are unable to develop an operational strategy while their life expectancy quickly wanes. The exchange of fire is no longer counted in the seconds, but is accelerated into painful milliseconds. Round by round, strike by strike, their enemies fall one by one, unable to believe what rains down upon them: thunder and lightning, the flashy, deadly fireworks of the Yan Huo Regiment.”


Again a solid heavy infantry option not the best armour but enough to get by or hold a difficult position.

“The Terracotta Warriors are an army of statues that guard the mausoleum of the emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, the unifier and founder of the Chinese empire. The mission of these sculpted troops was to protect the Emperor and his grand empire in the afterlife. Emperor Qin fought for the ideal of an all-encompassing China, “All under Heaven”. This same ideal is now incarnated in and defended by the Zúyong Invincibles. Spread throughout Yu Jing territory, they have become the nucleus of the State Empire Army as the largest Heavy Infantry corps in the Human Sphere. No military force can equip as many soldiers with servo-powered armour. Other regiments, other armies, can claim to have the most advanced technology, but the Zúyong have what they need to see their duty through, and everything else they make up for in skill and determination. Not in vain are they considered to be one of the better trained regiments in the Sphere: few can even imagine how rigorous and unforgiving a Yu Jing military academy can be. Perseverance, a radical sense of discipline, an absolute disregard for suffering, a lack of hesitation when asked to make superhuman efforts, and an excellent tactical preparation help explain the nature of the invincibility of these soldiers. To them, there is no honour or duty beyond defending the lands and the perfect cause of the State Empire, so when duty calls the Zúyong waste no time in answering. The commitment of these men and women is boundless. For the Terracotta Warriors there is always an injustice to remedy, an evil to eradicate. Forged as anonymous heroes, each one of them represents every Yu Jing citizen. And, when the fateful time comes, they will be standing firm, undaunted by the challenge; unflinching like the terracotta armies of the emperor’s tomb, but utterly prepared to carry the State Empire to glory with endless courage and an iron will.”

“Examples of the State Empire”, an official program of the Ministry of Information of Yu Jing.”

Tiger Soldier Hacker

A great medium infantry option with Parachutist to come in where you need them when you need them. Only drawback is it cant deploy in the enemy’s deployment zone. But she can run?

“Tiger Soldiers are the elite airborne unit of the State Empire, which means they are accustomed to being tossed into the worst of any battle. They are known for their audacious, breakneck attacks, the ferocity of which has earned them their name. In the Chinese tradition, the tiger is the most powerful animal, second only to the Dragon, a symbol of the Emperor. The Tiger Soldiers honour their totemic icon with striped patterns on their armours. The official record sheet of this unit is not quite as impressive as the real, unexpunged one, since they are often used for black ops and secret rescue missions in enemy territory. For obvious security reasons, none of these operations have been publicized or even acknowledged by High Command.

The quintessential Tiger Soldier mission is the Direct Action. More specifically, these commandos are the first airborne attack and invasion unit of the State Empire Army. Their operational tasks include enemy approach and hostile contact, ambush, reconnaissance, aerial and airborne assaults, capture and control of emplacements and mounting hurried defences. As a Special and Covert Operations force, their training is among the toughest in the army, and takes place in one of the several secret mobile camps inside the Yu Jing system.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Yu Jing Booster Pack BetaYu Jing Booster Pack Beta

Yu Jing Booster Pack Alpha

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Great little addition t give you perhaps one of the best heavy infantry in the game and a couple of good hacker options.

  • 1X Hsien
  • 1X Zhànying Hacker
  • 1X Hac Tao Hacker


I have lots of success with this model. Aggressive movement heavy infantry that’s ok a close combat and finding targets and makes it easier to shoot them. not too many skills in Code One to complicate things  and good enough options to make it flexible enough to include in any list.

“Hsien (or Immortals) are the personal guard of the Emperor, and a prestigious elite unit formed by decorated officers of the Imperial Service. All members of this corps consider being entrusted with the personal safety of their Emperor as the highest honour a member of the military can receive, guaranteeing unswerving loyalty and determination in combat. Hsien are the most self-sacrificing among the chosen, the best among the excellent, and they dedicate their life to the Emperor without a thought for themselves or anyone else. They are a defensive/offensive bubble around the person of the Emperor. As members of a special security force, their job is to provide armed escort and act as an armoured protective force. This unit also specializes in intense combat actions and use of firepower to repel assaults, close combat operations and counterattacks. Hsien are the highest ranking Imperial Agents, and are posted at the Tiān Di Jing Imperial Palace, but they travel with the Emperor and follow his wishes wherever these may take them. When the Emperor wants a representative in an important location or situation, he sends these Agents as a personification of his will. As such, they are as feared and respected as the Emperor himself, and have full powers and authorization to make decisions, enforce them bluntly, and then leave the scene completely unchallenged”

Zhànying Hacker

Solid light infantry hacker. Nothing overly special apart from it can deal with most basic units in close combat.

“Imperial Agents are direct representatives of the Emperor, an elite caste Within the Imperial Service. In this caste, there are ranks, structured according to their proximity to the Dragon. Zhànying Agents, the fighting eagles, are one of the lowest rungs of that ladder. Without contacts or influence, these agents have clawed their way into the Imperial Service on their own merits, but now have very little chance of breaking through the glass ceiling into higher ranks. This, however, is not a measure of their effectiveness. As representatives of the law and the Emperor, they have ample powers and the best equipment. These Imperial Agents are given wide leeway, and they use it all in the performance of their duties. Wherever they go, the law is obeyed. Despised by the liberal press for their violent, expeditious methods, and accused of being an instrument of repression, the Zhànying know better. in their job, they are surrounded by the scum of society; they know criminals have immense power over law-abiding citizens. If they do not protect the oppressed, who will? Zhànying Agents will get their hands dirty if that is what it takes to keep Yu Jing clean. It is just the burden they bear, and they expect no acknowledgement for it. Simply put, to do their job they must walk into morally grey areas, and to keep doing it, they can leave no compromising evidence behind, so they must clean up. They rationalize it as the reward for a job well done. A cursory Cube scan will reveal that Zhànying Agents are ruthless people with a very dark sense of humour but, along with alcohol, that is all that keeps them from going insane.”

Hac Tao Hacker

A Heavy infantry hacker that’s hard to spot see and hit. When it decides to strike it has the Nanopulser which can be an excellent option for tough targets as it attacks their BTS instead of their armour which is a great way to take out other heavy infantry.

“The name of the Hac Tao Special Intervention Unit can be translated as “Black Magic”, and refers to the camouflage and thermal emission dampener technologies of their armours. Brave, lethal and trustworthy, Hac Tao are known to tread very lightly and hit very hard. The function of this well-trained unit is usually enemy interdiction, with a focus on dealing the maximum amount of damage with their actions. Hac Tao are specifically equipped to carry out Harassment and Elimination missions, but can also provide support in broad-scope special operations, and collateral activities that include Direct Action, internal defence, and combat Search and Rescue operations. The leitmotif of the Hac Tao Special Unit, their fighting philosophy, is extracted from Sun Tze’s The Art of War:

Be subtle to the point of formlessness.

Be mysterious to the point of soundlessness.

Thereby you will be master of your opponent’s fate.”

Yu Jing Booster Pack AlphaYu Jing Booster Pack Alpha

Blue Wolf Mongol Cavalry (TAG)

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Loved the look of this guy. I didn’t think much before I painted it but when I got it in my hands I fell in love. Fetch my a wolf howling at the moon t-shirt!

  • 1x Blue Wolf

Blue Wolf Mongol Cavalry

Each faction has a Tag these are heavily armoured, large amount of structure targets so they are hard to kill this ones is great at medium – close range Want to clear out a quarter of the table. If your enemy doesn’t deal with it then this is your tool. It can also be great as a bullet magnet. I have won games based on this just causing so much fear that a full 2 turns were spent on killing it. It killed and done nothing yet won me the game.

“The Blue Wolf Regiment is a nomadic unit, always changing its location, always on the move, so as not to be an easy target. And this is only possible thanks to their lightweight TAGs, which allow for greater mobility and require less equipment and support personnel than a conventional mechanized regiment.

Huge, fast, lethal and tough war machines at your disposal. Ready to be the spearhead of your army. The great agility of the Blue Wolf will allow it to avoid enemy fire and approach to the optimal distance to annihilate its enemies with its AP Spitfire and Heavy Flamethrower.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Blue Wolf Mongol Cavalry (TAG)Blue Wolf Mongol Cavalry (TAG)

Yaokong Remotes Pack

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Like these little guys another option I probably wouldn’t have picked up and just used a proxy for in N4 but the code one method made me pick em up.

  • 2x Yáokòng Remotes

Yáokòng Remotes

These come in 4 flavours, Button pusher, Can see everything with a HMG version, missile launcher and cheer leader (only used for an order that you wont use on this model). You can see what I think I will use from the Weapons but all options are viable depending on the rest of your list.

“Yáokòngs are semi-autonomous robotic units employed by the Yu Jing military as infantry support. The key to the dazzling versatility of Yáokòngs lies in their modular design, allowing any model to be adapted to the specific needs of the tactical scenario with ease and speed. “

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Yaokong Remotes PackYaokong Remotes Pack

Yu Jing Support Pack

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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These are great models and super useful. You always need a medic or engineer and the bots are cute. This is the kind of thing I never bought when playing N4 and always used a proxy.

  • 1x Mech-engineer
  • 1x Zhanshi Yīshēng
  • 2x Yáozăo


Push buttons, fix Tags what’s not to like?

“The Mech-Engineers (Gongchéngs) provide technical assistance to the Mechanized Infantry sections of the Yu Jing Army. They have all passed through the Banner Troops, receiving combat training as well as preparation as infantry sappers. The central body of their training is composed of instruction in military engineering and electronics, with specialized preparation in recomposition, repair and maintenance of armour plating and servo-powered systems. The Mech-Engineers function is to look after the machines, armour, arms and high-tech equipment which is in daily use by the Yu Jing armed forces. As they are usually required to carry out their work under battle conditions, amidst the smoke and, at times, in the dark of night, their holographic/optical visors incorporate an improved filter which intensifies the available ambient light, enabling them to work in conditions of low visibility. Additionally, the visor connects – via comlog – to their instruments and tools, giving them the maximum precision available outside of their specialized workshops. Whilst their services rank high within the Yu Jing Army, the Mech-Engineers frequently complain that their comrades in arms only remember them when something breaks down.”

Zhanshi Yīshēng

Heal people as your a doctor try not to kill them but what have you got to lose?

“The Yishengs (Doctors) of the Yu Jing Army receive military training just like any other Zhanshi. The High Command of the Yu Jing armed forces requires specialists who are able to perform on the frontline, even in advanced positions. In this way, they can avoid having to move the injured to the rear lines to be looked after, thus optimising the rate of their recovery. The philosophy behind the training of the Yishengs is that because their work is carried out at the frontline, under heavy fire, they need to be as cool-headed as possible. In combat situations, the Yisheng are the lifesavers of their unit as they are always on hand and fully prepared for any eventuality.”


These little guys can be deployed with your Mechanic and Doctor to extend their range and keep them out of danger while these little guys take the risk and they are cheap and harder to hit as well!

“In the test centre, the first experimental models of humanoid Remotes surprised the technicians and specialists with their capacities. The agility and speed they demonstrated, plus their facility to overcome any obstacle and their small size, earned them the affectionate nickname Zao (Flea). The working through of initial difficulties in integrating a humanoid shape with the existing mobility programs finally resulted in overall higher performance and a better environmental adaptation capacity. The problem of the height gain meant the issues of a humanoid shape, which increases its silhouette at the same time that its survivability decreases, was solved with an exact miniaturizing process, reducing the size and final weight of the Remote. […] However, the most influential factor in choosing a humanoid shape was the psychological one. It is always more comforting to a wounded soldier to see a human shape rather than an arachnid one. Likewise, is less shocking to see humanoid arms operating on you as opposed to insectoid manipulators. […] The battlefield effectiveness of the Yáozao is easily measurable with numbers and data, but the moral support that they provide to the soldiers in combat is something only noticeable in the tender treatment that these tiny Remotes receive every day.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Yu Jing Support PackYu Jing Support Pack

Liang Kai (character model) and Kunai Solutions Ninja

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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These are a solo blister models you can get.

Liang Kai

Another martial arts expert. Can deploy 4″ into the battle, dodge forward, is hard to hit and can jump high. when he gets into things his high level martial arts makes it easier for you to hit, harder to get hit back and when you do hit the pain is deal and take more damage.

Another one with a large back story you can read in full here.


Liang KaiLiang Kai

Kunai Solutions Ninja

Great up close and far away but all told it’s a good skirmish sniper, you can get them to move forward at the start with a slightly worse weapon but it’s cheaper. very hard to hit with good mobility.

“Security resources is what Kunai Solutions offers. And for this, the cover company of the Takemura ninja clan, that means espionage, thievery, assassination and many other illegal activities for money. After all, they are one of the honorless clans who betrayed the Japanese Emperor to keep working for Yu Jing, and also for PanOceania if it pays well. So, what can you expect from them?”

If I’m honest I prefer the Multi Sniper version I don’t have so may pack this up.

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Kunai Solutions NinjaKunai Solutions Ninja

Dire Foes

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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The Dire foes set you get 3 models you can use two in Yu Jing.

  • 1x Adil
  • 1x Yu Jing ambassador


A Character medium infantry close combat specialist. Great at chopping up opponents dodging forward, pushing buttons. His monofilament cc weapon means you  ignore all armour and if you wound you kill.

He has a large deep background which you can read here. as well as he was one of the characters from the Betrayal comic novel.




Yu Jing ambassador

Is the HVT in the boxed set. Either you can protect him or kill him depending on the mission.  Much better than a token.

“In the Yu Jing State Empire, the figure of the ambassador transcends the diplomatic corps and is not necessarily bound to it. Even if traditionally associated with Foreign Affairs duties, in Yu Jing the role of an ambassador reaches far beyond that, as they become the representative and embodiment of the Party and of the State Empire itself. A State Empire ambassador can intervene in private business negotiations and transactions, as well as in corporate financial agreements, as well as in inter ministerial meetings, crisis cabinets, and security councils. But no matter what the scenario is, whenever a Yu Jing ambassador shows up, it will always be to ensure that the interests of the State Empire are protected and to make sure that everyone present knows the position and intentions of the Party in the matter at hand, though always through veiled insinuations and unfinished sentences. Since they get involved in all kinds of political economic and military machinations and intrigues, ambassadors usually do not reveal their names, and identify themselves only through their function. Anonymity seems to be a relevant aspect for their jobs—all of them usually have discreet subdermal implants to override facial-recognition systems—and one that facilitates plausible deniability of their intervention or involvement in any given case should it be compromised. Shrouded in mystery, the vagueness of this office is not limited to the identity of those who hold it. As representatives of Yu Jing, these senior officials’ position in the hierarchy is somewhat unclear and may differ from one ambassador to the next. However, if there is one fact that always remains the same, it’s that a Yu Jing ambassador is always the most prominent and powerful—and, therefore, the most dangerous—person in the room.”

Yu Jing ambassadorYu Jing ambassador

Beyond Kaldsrom (which is now the action pack, This combined with Kaldstrom Yu Jing)

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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This was the next logical purchase to expand on the starter though that choice has been removed if you don’t get the older sets.

  • 1x Shàng Jí Hacker
  • 1x Yě Māo
  • 1x Jing Qo

Shàng Jí Hacker

Solid hacker in heavy infantry form. Good armour and good resistance from other hackers with aggressive movement to get you in position Again Dodge +2″ to help you move even further if you decide not to shoot back and as a hacker there is a chance you wouldn’t want to do that.

“The new Shàng Jí (“Superior”) armor is quicker, lighter, and definitely better. Only the highest quality material is used for the brave defenders of the People. Because of this, the tough core unit of the StateEmpire Army, those regiments of Invincibles with the most brilliant records will receive the new Shàng Jí model.”

Yě Māo

You have a sniper in a tower. This is your solution, a medium infantry with a spitfire which is nice at close range (so the sniper is bad) a visor to help target these foes, super jump to get up to see them and ok enough armour to potentially take a hit.

“At first they were only known as Unit 365, but they showed such fierceness and rage that they ended up being called Yě Māo, ‘wildcats.’ So you’d better not get close, and leave them alone, because if you piss them off these snow cats won’t just scratch your soft little asses…”

Jing Qo

This is a close combat medium infantry specialist who is also a great button pusher. Hard to see and can dodge for days and get up to locations with ease. double action close combat weapon is nice in code one with not many about.

Little is known about Jing Qo yet she is a character and nicknamed “Shadow of Huangdi” Suppose it fits the shadow part.


Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Beyond KaldsromBeyond Kaldsrom

Yu Jing section of Kaldstrom

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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This is where I started Great starting place for the force.

  • 3x Zhanshi
  • 1x Hùndùn
  • 1x Jujak
  • 1x Dàofěi
  • 1x Gŭiláng

Although this is only enough for smaller games it’s a great starting point making your way up to a Code One force.


Basic troopers, nothing special apart from that they come with the most options including lieutenant which can be good for hiding the model in some missions. All in the box are armed with Combi Rifles however you can proxy them to any flavour of Zhanshi you wish.

“The Yu Jing Ministry of State Defence has eight separate armies spread across the land, each identified by their distinctive banner. For this reason, they are collectively known as the Zhànshì Qízhì, Troops of the Banner. The Mandarin zhànshì (combatant), also used for individual Banner soldiers, can be traced back to the times of the People’s Liberation Army, and has become more widespread than the traditional bīng (soldier). The Zhanshi are the core of the army, the most important general purpose light infantry corps, and they take part as regular troops in most joint operations and offensive deployments. They also form the defence garrisons of border cities and settlements. One of the features of the training these soldiers receive is the cardinal importance given to close quarters combat, something uncommon in other regular armies. The Zhanshi are the anonymous heroes of Yu Jing: disciplined troops, comfortable under enemy fire because they know it is their duty to bear the brunt of all military operations.”


Good medium infantry sniper choice for closing off lanes of advance not horrible in close quarters but if your at that point something gone wrong. You want to be at long range with nothing moving for long.

“After seeing them in action and witnessing the havoc they wreaked, popping up from nowhere to break the enemy offensive with their deadeye shots, the intelligence service began to call them Hùndùn, the faceless, evil creature from Chinese mythology who embodies chaos and confusion.”


Good at being in your face these heavy infantry should be the ones pushing forward. They have loads of options but you can only have 2 in Code One. Having Dodge +1″ you can even move forward more when getting shot.

“We’re not the best. The Jujak are in fact the worst. The worst adversaries anyone can face. Those are our credentials, and they’d be corroborated by our enemies if they weren’t all dead.”


A Sneaky Heavy Infantry model that starts anywhere on your half of the board  not a close combat specialist here, but doesn’t mind being in your face or close enough to see you sweat.

“Dàofěi are Heavy Infantry specializing in Infiltration and Hostile Environment Survival. The Tactical Section of the Invincible Army combines training in infiltration techniques with the standard Heavy Infantry program. Dàofěi units receive their name, meaning ‘Bandits’, from the final test they must pass to graduate the State School for Scouts. For the test, they are abandoned in the inhospitable region of Dailing without food or weapons, and expected to survive two months surrounded by poachers, highwaymen, outlaws and the police forces of the area, who consider prospective Dàofěi the worst of all criminals. In order to survive in these lands, they must resort to banditry and pillaging, attracting the attention of the Law as well as the local criminal element, who are unwilling to share their territory with these outsiders. From that point on, the graduation test gets messy and people start to die. The survivors, callous but excellent infiltrators, are welcomed into the Dàofěi Section, where they are entrusted with missions that reproduce the conditions of their graduation, only with better weapons and support.”


Solid Skirmish model if you use this in conjunction with Dàofěi it’s harder for your opponent to find out which is which also you can set out an anti personnel mine which makes this even more difficult as well as defending a stairway or path your opponent may wish to use.

“Gŭiláng (Ghost Wolf) Skirmishers are the special arctic branch of the Yu Jing State Army. They receive their training alongside Zhànshì Qízhì (Troops of the Banner), but must finish an additional eight-month program in a remote location in the Huangdi Peninsula (or, as PanOceanians call it, Niflheim), where climate conditions are extreme. Their comprehensive training is adjusted to the operational profile of the corps, that is, infiltration and camouflage techniques. The Gŭiláng can carry out missions that include waterborne and/or airborne operations, infiltration, mimetization, artillery spotting, relocation through mountainous and snowy terrain, etc. Their usual routine takes place inside the infamous Fimbul storms that sweep Svalarheima with winds capable of tearing meat from bone. These troops are used to being parachuted onto a hunk of ice, or deployed via submarine, and then marching twenty miles through no man’s land or, even worse, through enemy territory, hauling a rucksack full of materiel, weapons and explosives. Honestly, no one but the Gŭiláng can call that hell just another day’s work.”


Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Yu Jing section of KaldstromYu Jing section of Kaldstrom

Painting Yu Jing (cont)

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Leather details

Sometimes you can use this paint style with the blacks but I like to break it up with some hard leather. but I think you should use the same paint style.

I paint a base of dark rust and a patchy layer highlight of flat earth and highlight with dark sand and and put scratches in all over with this as well. After this is done use glazes of smokey ink to darken everything down if you want to take this further also use glazes of purple or violet ink in the corners or folds.

Leather detail paintsLeather detail paints

Lights, lenses and OSL

You can use the turquoise like in some models just add black and white.

However most new Yu Jing have this done in a neon green and I can see this being the case going forward for now.

I love this and have done it a number of ways. my most recent is painting the object or lens in white and do a couple of coats of Green fluorescent use glazes of the dark green in the corners or around the base of the object you can add black to make the dark green even darker.  After this is done I use an airbrush and just  Green fluorescent around the area for the glow. Add white the the Green fluorescent for the highlights and a drop of white only on the object and not the surroundings.

Lights, lenses and OSL paintsLights, lenses and OSL paints

Finishing up

You have painted your socks off by this point it takes me between 2 – 5 hours to paint a Yu Jing model at the moment. Want to keep it that way?

I use varnish so that I can handle the models without fear. I start by using gloss varnish this is the main hard coat. This is great however you will probably see that it looks horrible now due to the glare of lights on it.

To remove that glare after it’s dry I use ultra matte varnish. This evens out the different finishes of all the paints inks and glazes I have used and I like the look. Again if you do this another way that’s ok too.

Mediums and varnishes are not required however they are there to make your life easier. glaze is used to thin the paint but keep it strong and not separate. Retarder medium is used to give you another couple of minutes working time and it’s easier to remove mistakes. Varnishes are used to protect your models to remove the fear of people touching them or you using them to play games.


Finishing up and mediumsFinishing up and mediums

I have picked up most of my colours from Angel’s books which I can highly recommend. I have not directly referenced his work for some time but no doubt it’s still close as the end results still look similar. You can layer techniques on top of this by adding chipping, battle damage, rust, dust, snow, ice, etc onto it. I would only leave your OSL stuff to the end to light these effects properly. You could also chose to paint them blurple but I would say from experience it’s much easier to resell an army painted in close to the studio scheme unless you have a full force.

There are loads of YouTube tutorials, free painting guides, introduction booklets and even one in the paint set which contains most of these colours along with a Zahnshi forward observer that you cant use as that in Code One but you could use it as a medic or hacker.

Whatever you do, remember to have fun then it’s always worth it.

Painting Yu Jing

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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All infinity models have the ability to change the colour of their armour at a whim. Though the propaganda you see at half time on Aristeia! and on the biased news outlets and independent reporters like Xiu Chen seem to only show parade ground colours.

You can paint any army any colour you want, they are your models. The above fluff reason is great as it gives you a great excuse to do what you want and it’s all in theme. You can even go crazy and not have a uniform colour scheme. Perhaps the lieutenant is a child of the 2160’s? Who knows or cares? Well you… that’s the point.

For a lot of my Infinity factions I go with the studio scheme. and this is how to paint them…

Primer and Zenith

After cleaning up the parts with files and sand paper and gluing them with superglue and activator I get to painting.

I start by Priming the models in black. In my experience using rattle cans on infinity models will obscure detail unless done is extremely light coats. You are better doing this stage by brush if you don’t have an airbrush.

All over in black. Why Black? I want contrast I also don’t want to have to waste time painting the very underside of parts I cant see. If I get a good primer coat any missed parts are just in shadow.

But your models are mostly yellow on parts at the end isn’t black a bad starting point?

Yes this is where the Zenith in white is done. On most models I do a 45 degree spray of white ink. However as Yu Jing are yellow and orange I like to do a 90 degree and up light coat of white another coat at 45 degrees and a top coat at 0 degrees. This builds up section of pure white on the top of the model but you can still see black sections if you look from the underside.

If the model your painting is mostly dark or non yellow you could just do 45 degrees or miss this step off completely.

This is just what I do though you can easily get good results doing it your own way.

Black Primer and White InkBlack Primer and White Ink


This is the most Iconic part of (the studio) Yu Jing The orange/yellow armour. They used to mostly green back in my day before Angel for a hold of them.

The main colours are the same no matter what style you want

The studio way is to use Orange brown as your base airbrushed followed by a Scrofulous brown 1st highlight and add white for the last highlight. After this is done use glazes of cavalry brown by brush and that’s you.

I think you need a darker level I use hull red for the real nooks and crannies  or mix black into cavalry red and do a second pass of a glaze.

If you want it darker start at Calvary down as your base if you want it lighter use Scrofulous brown as your base this is more like late N2 style.

If you didn’t have an airbrush you could dry brush these on or layer them up adding a little bit of the next colour until you cant tell the difference between what’s on your pallet and the bottle before adding the next. I tend to do this is the model is mostly not the Yu Jing yellow colour.

Armour coloursArmour colours
Model with just the airbrush and first glaze step.Model with just the airbrush and first glaze step.

Airbrushing is magic? Yes and no. They can be I don’t use them to their full potential I don’t think the miniature hobby ever could. I use the airbrush to get volumes and make this easier. You can see the above step and a finished model they don’t look the same. Hopefully they have more contrast.

You need to create points of light. These tend to the closest or the highest points on that section to the direction of the imaginary light. this involves going in with the brushes again and taking your lightest mixture and adding even more white to them.

Here is where you can use retarder medium to keep the paint wet on your brush when doing so. When building these up you can also use glaze medium to help keep your paint more translucent to reduce your layer lines when moving up  adding more white each time.

When your at your lightest colour you can then use this to edge highlight everything using the side of your brush tip where possible.

After this is all done I tend to go in a basecoat everything again in black this is when the model starts to pop. I go back to the above steps when fixing areas and to fix highlights that no longer look right as I paint more of the model.

After some brush paintingAfter some brush painting

Yu Jing green

Some other main clothing elements are this green colour. This is achieved by adding in a dark turquoise colour in with green and highlighting with flesh tone.

Too much blue and it looks blue to much green and it looks green. You decide how much. When done add sunny skin tone in and it changes this into a very interesting colour. Don’t be tempted to add white it desaturates this to much unless you have went for a very white looking yellow this probably wont work.

Yu Jing green coloursYu Jing green colours

Metal or gloss black details

This is the most of the rest of the majority of Yu Jing models.

You start with black and highlight like a normal surface with a mixture of black and dark grey with a final highlight of dark grey. This sets your volumes.

Then you mix in white and highlight only the tips of points or the edges of objects adding white to the mixture.

After this is done you can use glazes of blue and turquoise to add interest and stop it from looking as stark. If it looks too light you can also use glazes of blank to darken areas down.

Metal colours and glazesMetal colours and glazes

Yu Jing Background and getting started.

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Yu Jing is the Second most influential nation within the Human Sphere. Their belief in their nations leads them to think they should be the most influential and powerful faction within the sphere. They are astute not only in the art of war but in subterfuge and politics. The factions goal is the become the most influential and powerful force in the human sphere. This comes across not only in the deep lore of infinity but in the models and rules of the game.

In my opinion they are very well balanced in the game and can turn their lists in N4 to any playstyle without much of a problem.

I started with Yu Jing for my own force by collecting Code One which is a way I would recommend, without getting lost in the hundreds of options and additional rules you get with Infinity N4. Simply buy the action pack (of your choice) and then the boosters for the Code One faction. Or see if you can find the buy all options they had at holiday time 2022 everything fits and it’s easy and simple for Panoceana or Yu Jing. If your light on cash, get a friend and proxy all the models. Rr use tokens on the right base size and the free rules to get started.

If you wish to go direct to N4 you have a few options. Vanilla Yu Jing, Imperial Service, Invincible and white Banner. Additionally if you just wanted a few Yu Jing models these can be found in a number of nonaligned army’s. The Code one forces are pretty much the White Banner force but contain elements that can be used in the others as well.

  • Vanilla Yu Jing are generic and have a wide range of options Nothing that specialised but a solid option as it’s the balanced option. Only drawback is that unlike sectorials, currently you cant have fireteams which are squad like arrangements of troops that can add power and flexibility depending on how they are composed.
  • Imperial Service a high tech option if you like gadgets they have them all available to achieve their objectives. They act as the Police force and intelligence services and are a good hacking option for Yu Jing. They have good enough fireteam options and means you can have a tool for everything that needs fixed on their road to victory.
  • Invincible Army,  the Yu Jing armoured fist. If the emperor wishes to punch something he uses the Invincible Army as his fist. They can use fireteams which become walking tanks to get the job done with high tech equipment and weapons to fend off almost any obstacle on the way to their objectives. This one is an aggressive option which do not have great reaction options.
  • White Banner are a force that pushes the frontiers of Yu Jing and are used to working in the Cold due to this they are hardened and patient. They have loads of stealth and surprise attacks which makes them an interesting option. They do have fireteams but these options are quite limited.

Again Sectorial come with some additional rules you need to learn so if I was recommending to a new player I would say Code One Or a Vanilla force is the way to start. Just because it sounds dull does not make these options non competitive. Will you come first at  the Interplanitario Tournament with them… No. Could you place in a local tournament. Yes.

Talking of new players if You wish to get into infinity here are some links:

Code one Rules (full free rules)

Code One Infinity Army (full free army builder)

N4 Rules (full free rules)

N4 Infinity Army (full free army builder)

If you want more Lore and additional free things like tokens, quick start guides, FAQ’s you can go to

In the army builder app you can also click on each skill that will open up perhaps the best feature which is the WIKI  This prevents you having to look up the rulebook for any less used skills during play and really speeds things up and takes you right to what you need.

There are multiple Facebook groups for Infinity as well as some of us here on OTT. My Experience of both of these things is hugely positive and the community as a whole is very supportive and helpful. There is also the Corvus Belli Community Forum this can be slightly more salty in here but I have not seen that directed at players more to CB themselves on occasion.


Full units broken down into products Note the Kaldstrom and Beyond set can be obtained as an Action pack now.Full units broken down into products Note the Kaldstrom and Beyond set can be obtained as an Action pack now.

I started collecting the above a bit at a time and painting each section. I have only played about 6 games to date.  Mixes of losses and wins as always so I am no Yu Jing Code One expert, so I wont share my lists just yet. The range of models gives a good selection to chose from, though you do have the wider N4 options if you want to go wysiwyg mad with most of the weapon options and space for duplicates if you wish.

They are fun easy to paint in the studio schemes