I Swear I had something for this; The Others 7 Sins
Recommendations: 48
About the Project
I'm an on and off again painter. Recently getting back on again by painting board pieces for a game from CoolMiniorNot called The Others; 7 Sins. I swear I had a project up here for this exact game but I can't find it. Will start with my latest paintings, then maybe upload the older ones.
Related Game: The Others: 7 Sins
Related Company: CMON
Related Genre: Horror
This Project is Active
The Last Abominations
The last four Abominations in the box. May take a break from this game to work on something completely different. Not a LONG break, mind you, don’t want to come back to this project and find it mysteriously gone. Again.
Corrupted Bag Lady
Sheesh, I take a few days off and suddenly I’m down to the third page of project lists. Anyway, here is the second Corrupted homeless lady, I was painting her along with my niece.
Now that she’s done, I’ll probably finish the other four Abominations, and then work on something else, like sticking old Brettonian Knights on some Cold One mounts. Just because.
Not dead yet
Fell behind on my painting to focus on my writing… Which I’ve also fallen behind on… Anyway, scratch Sloth and one Abomination (only four more to go!).
So, my nieces came over...
Slight delay in content as we had a long weekend here in Alberta, Canada, and my nieces came over to visit. I have two; one who’s eleven years old and the other one is… Is… Oh dear, where does the time go?
Anyway, when my nieces visit I like to do some painting with my youngest one. But since this visit was a surprise I didn’t buy something for her to paint, so I let her paint one of the Corrupted minions, a bag lady.
There were two bag ladies in the box set and I was painting the second one, but she finished hers way faster so I only have a photo of the one.
Second Abomination and Sloth
Mostly did the same thing for Sloth and the second Abomination that I did for the first. Only difference is I tried drybrushing highlights before washing with Agrax Earthshaded. Result was… Disappointing, slightly. But I’d say they’re my best work so far.
I think I actually did it.
I remember feeling pretty proud of the paint jobs of my heroes, before actually looking at them recently.
THIS, however, this is a job I am actually, honestly proud of. I used AK Nato Green for the body, Rakarth flesh for the underbelly, Morghast bone for the teeth and claws, and AK Wine Red for the tongue, tumors, and eyes.
Then I did something crazy by dry brushing airbrush white over the tongue and tumors, then washed them with red acrylic ink. It… Was fine, it turned out a lot brighter than I hoped, but it’s fine.
To highlight the green, I mixed more Nato green with the Rakarth flesh and dry brushed that. Then I dry brushed the underbelly and claws, teeth, et al, with the airbrush white I used on the red, and washed everything but the red in Agrax Earthshade.
Then I did one last dry brush of Nato Green on the body and Morghast Bone on the teeth, claws, etc.
Stripped for the Last Time (At least until the next time)
So I liked the Wine red on the guys, but the other colors I painted on them were not working too well, so I stripped them. In fact, I’ve stripped them so many times gaps are forming, so hopefully, this last job will do the trick. I paid too much for these pieces to fall apart.
The Hellfire Club
Sloth and the Abominations are still coming along so I’m posting some more oldies. These are the Hellfire Club, the sort of main antagonists for the game. At least I think they’re the main antagonists, I’ve never actually played this game.
One more thing, these models were painted around the time as the player characters, then stripped and painted again, And some of them (the two women in particular) were damaged. Excuses, I know, but it did happen.
Also, I can not remember any of their names, so I’m lumping them into one big gallery.
Airbrush blues, also I'm still working on this, please don't close!
So… My airbrush nozzle needed replacing… And now it needs replacing again, since my replacement nozzle broke off during my attempt to screw it on (and I need to find a way to pull out the part that screwed in). ALL I WANTED was a way to prime models without paint leaking all over my bloody hand, but NOOO…
Anyways, here are some Abominations and the Sin of Sloth. The red parts were painted with Wine Red from a brand called AK. It’s an airbrush color but I had to apply it with a paintbrush… Because paintbrushes don’t FALL APART as soon as I LOOK AT THEM, IWATA NEO…
Rose, a... Something?
Funny story, this model is depicted on her character card as having caucasian skin tones and a French maid outfit.
But, I started painting without actually looking at the cards, so I completely missed that. Looking at her, I thought she was dressed like a 1950s poodle girl. so that’s how I painted her outfit.
Now, I have no idea why a… Person like her would walk around 21st century England (where I think the game is set) dressed as a poodle girl, but why would she be dressed like a French maid, either?
Some folk with guns.
Unlike the other four Player characters, these are just, afaik, people with guns and no special powers.
Unless, you count being able to accurately use a bloody sniper rifle with only one eye, a superpower.
Karl, a Werewolf
At this point, I’m going to show the pieces I’ve already painted some time ago.
A long time ago, in most cases. Please don’t tell me if these older jobs are better than the newer ones. I’m worried enough as is.
Corrupted Clergy
So as I said, I’m starting with the minis I most recently completed.