Robin paints Genestealer Cults
Recommendations: 1101
About the Project
As a break from other armies I decided to start painting Genestealer Cults. As a bit of background I’m new ish to the hobby. I played when it was fifth (my first army was Tau) and had a break for 15 years. During lockdown I started to paint again; as I’ve progressed over the last two years I finally feel I’m able to show some of my projects that I’ve been working on. I’ll include images of my progress and try and include detail of what I’ve done!
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2023
This Project is Active
Keep rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
This week I’ve been working on my Jackal Alphus with the new Codex and the free character slots I now have 4 HQ to use in my cult.
I’m enjoying not only painting these guys but also learning the rules in how to play them with another game booked in my LGS to play against Witchhunters in the next while!
As has become habit now;
- I included Polyfiller in the base and added terrain bits
- I also tried out a few different colours as I wanted this stealthy biker to stand out (er but not too much) hence the white rifle and top clothing.
- I’m not overly happy with her face; it’s not my best I think the awkward angle lead to difficulty; next time I think I’ll paint a hard to reach head separately and then paint!
Now I wait for the newest additions for my army to arrive; I don’t think they will be painted in time for the game! But in the process of enjoying the game and learning the rules I don’t think Shay will mind too much!
In other news my Wednesday night group; Dans finished his first squad of Necrons and John is working well on his Orks! I’m looking forward to the boys learning how to play and having some skirmishes once they’re abit more painted up!
? I’ve also a secret project arriving in the post from an eBay auction today; when somethings the right price it’s abit too tempting…
What comes Nexos
Small update; finished the Nexos and I’m so happy with the end result;
I used a green stuff stump filed down to place his hologram projector on along with some wires gleaming information from a Tau Crisis suit and a Space Marine head.
I also changed out the head on the Nexos;
Im excited about the possibility of 50pts for a crossfire marker placed once per turn without any hits necessary.
The part I enjoyed the most of this project was the hologram which was achieved with a dark blue/ heavy wash of light blue and then dry brushing white.
Next up the Jackal, troops and some melee units!
It’s the bare necessities…
Following up from my previous game I’ve put together a list on my head of where to go next.
I really want to get the crossfire rules down and want to use some funky stratagems with the Cult.
I’ve purchased the data cards to help with this!!
I’ve also ordered some goodies to make this push towards Ascension more attainable! First up a Jackal Alphus and a Nexos.
The Jackal Alpha as I wanted a hard hitting sniper in my list; along with the Sanctus! Plus I’ve always loved this model.
Next the Nexos for a measly 50pts I can take advantage of crossfire in my Command phase!
To match my swampy theme the Jackal was built and put on a base with polyfiller along with a few heads matching my other jackals.
For the Nexos I placed a green stuff stump and did a bit of kitbashing with some heads to make it look like his computer was reading data out of them. I like how his computer is resting on the stump solidifying my theme!
I’ve two boxes of Acolyte Hybrids on the way and I want to make use of the Bladed Cog’s extra 3” to ranged weapons on their hand flamers to hopefully begin using crossfire more effectively.
Next up after these builds I’ll be focusing more on the melee aspect of the army!
Enjoy the pictures below showing the primed minis ready to go!
I come from a land down under
Well; it happened! My first battle with the Genestealer Cults and vs the Adeptus Custodes.
Obviously this is my second battle since 5th edition (so don’t judge me too harshly on not getting rules right).
I’ve learned loads from my first battle with GSC. I was a bit apprehensive due to the long list of rules for Genestealer Cults. We agreed to the primary (4 objectives on the board) and secondary objectives as;
For Shay: Assassinate, Attrition and Purge the Enemy
For me: Broodswarm, Engage on all fronts and Domination
I started with 2 Cp with points taken for Broodcoven, Open the Vault for an extra relic, I lost two more due to not having enough troops (1 per slot missing)
On a Forgeworld near Terra our battle began; Many of the Genestealer cult buried deep underground ready to strike from different areas of the field.
We rolled off; I won the roll off but chose to go second.
As with the Bladed Cog my single minded obsession was placed on the spilt up squad of terminators to be deepstriked; we agreed that just the sgt would have this disadvantage.
The Primus received the Mark of the Clawed Omnissiah.
The Magus had Oppressor’s Bane.
We set up deployment with Shay fielding everything but a 3 man squad of terminators to be deepstriked, I wanted some shenanigans so I set up my Jackals, Neophytes, Reductus Saboteur and Kelermorph all went underground.
Turn 1:
Not much happened this turn; a lot of movement for Adeptus and not much to shoot at for Shay with so much underground. One Sister of Silence dispatched. 1 vp for me 0 for Shay. Psychic powers didn’t happen due to me being silly and not having a line of sight.
Turn 2:
A lot of melee; the Ridgerunners were charged by a squad of Custodes Guard and Shay’s Warlord, Trajann Valoris. Genestealers had came up from Underground and secured the enemies back objective. Psychic powers were able to be used but didn’t hit much. The Saboteur did a lot of damage but I did not conceal her in cover ( BIG OOPS). The Ridgerunners were decimated in close combat however using 1 CP I was able to rig the Ridgerunner to explode (a very handy stratagem). The now split up unit of deepstriked terminators appeared in my back field along with the underground Jackals. The score became 20vp to me vs 12 vp for Shay.
Turn 3:
The Patriarch was charged by deepstriked Terminators and lost in sooting then combat; scoring Shay a butt load of points. The Sisters were dispatched by the Primus with some help with the remaining Jackals after fleeing the terminator. The Saboteur, Magus and a hella lot of Neophytes went down! Thank the Star Gods for summoning the cult and bringing back Neophytes. I used Reckless Demolitions (what a fun stratagem). The Neophytes to my shock held on. By this 52VP Shay and 26VP for me
Turn 4:
I was tabled: the Custodian Guard Squadand Blade Champion easily dispatched the Neophytes and the Primus went down to the terminators on the other side of the board. unfortunately but I had fun!
I’ve learned from reading up after;
- I shouldn’t have lost a CP for taking a relic pg 72
- ITS A 6+ NOT 5+ invulnerable save for Bladed Cog (sorry Shay) pg 58
- Keep those Ridgerunners back and away from melee
- Line of sight needed for Psychic powers (big oops)
- Make sure the Saboteur is hidden!
- The Primus can really throw a punch and that Bladed Cog aura is *good soup*
- Make sure the Magus is protected
- Not to stress to much about stratagems/ try to shoot with my current line up and keep distance.
- A lot of shots happened but they just couldn’t crack that Custodes armour! VS another army I’m sure this would be different!
- I need to think of crossfire rules and how I place models
- Surprisingly did alright with leadership rolls during morale phrase
- I’m excited to apply what I’ve learnt to the next game sometime in Feb
Ascension day is nearly upon us!
First match with Genestealer Cult tomorrow;
Playing “Shadow Throne” with a few other models for 1000 points!
Wish me luck; I’m still trying to get to grips with Ambush, Underground, Crossfire and Summoning the Cult! I think they’ll become clearer when actually playing!
We’ve agreed I’ll lose 2 CP due to not having enough troop options;
– [ ] Cult of Bladed Cog
– [ ] Magus (oppressors bane) and familiar 90pt
– [ ] Primus 80pt
– [ ] Patriarch and familiar 150pt
– [ ] Mind control and psionic blast for both
– [ ] Aura of Broodvolt surge and Single minded obsession
– [ ] 20 Neophytes (two flamers, two grenades, 2 seismic, 2 mining, cult icon, power pick, web pistol) 225pts total
– [ ] Kelermorph 80pts
– [ ] Reductive Saboteur 80pts
– [ ] Ridgerunner mining lasers and flares x3 240pts
– [ ] Atalan jackals x4 48pts +power weapon 3pts
– [ ] Wolfquad and mining laser 39pts
– [ ] Perfect ambush 15pts
I’m looking forward to see how they do; let me know what you think of the list…
I’ll bring along the camera too to take some action shots during the battle!
Let’s get ready to rumble!
Finally finished the last 10 Neophytes; this means I have no models left in my pile of shame; a very odd feeling!
Now to get ready for the Shadow Throne game on Saturday with this new Codex!
I’ll be putting up my Battle Scribe list; unfortunately I don’t have enough troops but we’ve agreed that I’ll be docked command points but not lose cult rules!
I’ll be uploading a battle report and some photos as well!
Three is a magic number!
Small update this week;
So another hobby hangout with my mates Dan and John who are currently working through Necrons and Orks respectively! I spent the time working on my final of the three ridgerunners.
These three will be in my 1000 point game this coming this weekend Vs Shay and his Custodes!
I also managed to score a Genestealer Cult badge over the weekend while visiting the GW Belfast store from a really helpful clerk.
The base and ridgerunner where completed in the same way as the last ridgerunners but this time with Tau bits and a Kromtech Ork Mohawk head (one of my favourite bits of the whole model).
I’ve also set myself the task of completing the final 10 Neophytes of the 20 man squad I plan on fielding; wish me luck!!
Anyway here’s some pictures!
I’m seeing double!
Just a short update tonight;
I’ve finished two of my Ridgerunners.
I loved applying the Grimey aspect to these vehicles as well as using a sponge first with black, then brown, then metallic, then silver to create weathering as well as several washes of agrax Earth shade and nuln oil to create the effect!!
They’ve hit my concept of the noise of swamp/ jungle genestealers and look great next to the rest!
The Day of Ascension is upon us
So I popped into my local game store today and picked up my pre-ordered goodies.
Firstly the artwork is sensational;
Secondly I rolled my dice ? I think I’m using up the ones.
I’m excited about the options the new Codex brings; I’m sure others have talked about it but the free character slot for each HQ character (Gene Sect) ; that brood-coven from Shadow Throne pays off! Looks like I’m going to be fielding a lot more characters and hopefully getting the Icon buff!
I’m also happy about the Crossfire rule; but I’ll have to work out the kinks to make sure I can use it to its full effect in battle.
The apparent Neophyte typo made me abit worried but I’m sure the data sheets are correct ?
I’m also abit let down by the 25% broodbrothers limit in relation to limiting the crossfire rule. Mostly for the want to put heavy weapons in a squad! (I really wanted some cult Russ’ in there)
I’ve also organised my first game with the cult of 1000 points vs Shay with his Custodes half of the Shadow Throne box. We’ve bulked out the lists alittle to accommodate a more interesting battle! I’ll be including some characters as well as my Ridgerunners! (I hope to have it all painted by then!) I’ll include the Battle Report on this blog so keep an eye out around the 29th when we have our game!
A milestone in this project has been reached!
Today I finished the Shadow Throne box! I decided to break out the proper camera and try putting a background on to take proper photos. After hours of work here they are…
ps I collect my Codex, Dice and third Ridgerunner tomorrow!
Needlegun in a haystack
The penultimate character in my Shadow Throne box was completed during a hobby hangout tonight; I had a great time and as we all worked on our individual projects and chatted this normally quite individual hobby became a social activity!
Stay tuned for this reoccurring feature!
Also enjoy the pictures of some nearly painted Necrons, some assembled Orks and a finished PRIMUS
I have the POWER!
Landmark post today; Magus finished and I’ve only two characters left of the Shadow Throne box.
I’m happy with the blending on the cloak and the attention to detail on the face as well as the use of fluorescents on this model!
Filla time!
Small updates this time!
Firstly I’m super excited for my pre-order of the Codex, dice and a new ridgerunner.
Secondly inspired by Eons of Battle I used spackle (in the UK polyfilla I think) to help make the bases of the Ridgerunners. Below I’ll show how I did it!
Let’s get building!
Had great fun building with my partner’s brother.
Whilst he started on his first army with some Necron Triarch Praetorians I built my two ridgerunners.
So apart from wanting another to build the another in the squad to make it a three. I’ve also been eyeing up the new codex as well as the dice that come with it ?.
Another friend has also bought his first box of Orks and I’m very excited for a “club” happening with some friends. We’ve already organised a painting hang out so keep your eyes peeled for updates! Genestealer Cults, Necrons and Orks what could go wrong!
Double trouble
Finally finished my Neophyte Hybrid Squad! After applying highlights of white scar to the armour and leather brown to the armour I applied the usual treatment of mixed herbs, brown pigment and mud medium to the base. Once dried; matt varnish then uv resin and leaves!
Here’s the results!
Finally as a side note; my partners brother came with me to the game store; and used a voucher he got for Christmas to get some Necron Triarch Praetorians and another friend has ordered some Ork boys ? looks like I’ve accidentally started a group. We’re planning on having a building hang out over the next few days! I’ll maybe post some updates as well as trying to polyfill the bases to my ridgerunners to create some interesting effects!
Finer things club
I applied more fine details to my Neophytes today. I’ve the list of paints above in the image and will refer to them just as a base tone i.e pink or red.
The eyes;
- white eye
- yellow pupil
- black iris
- white highlights
The goggles;
- base green
- leave the bottom green but paint alittle black on the top
- highlight white
The facial skin;
- pink very thin on raised parts
- white on spots
- leadbelcher on metal
- yellow on casing
- red lines
- nuln oil on metal
Muzzle burn;
- base leadbelcher
- Drybrush the tip bronze heavily ?
- Drybrush the tip purple (less heavily)
- drybrush the end of the tip ? black
Cables and grenades;
- blue and green on grenades
- yellow in canles
- a few touch ups with brown
- Earth shade on recesses
- dry brush highlight on cloth with fire orange and then Earth shade
Blue pipes and Webber;
- blue base
- Drybrush white
I think that’s everything; just abit if highlighting next and the lamps then finally the basing!
Check out my newest toy too “what a waste of money” according to my partner ?
New Year New Resolutions!
I hate batch painting; I’ve mentioned it previously before but as a New Years resolution I’ve decided to dive headfirst into the challenge.
Included are a few images showing the process of firstly painting the clothes of my Neophytes from the ShadowThrone box and then the skin.
Although not photographed the effect on the armour was created with Wraithbone then dry brushed white scar white and finally a wash of Agrax Earthshade.
End of the year Familiar plans
Short update today; finished off the two familiars from the Shadow Throne box.
I feel like I’m finally getting in the swing of creating the Jungle theme!
I tried something new on the familiars back! Firstly dry brushing brown, then putting dots of white scar, wraith bone, corax white, mournfang brown, black, then a thinner dry brush of black near the centre of their back and then finally a highlight with Wraithbone!
It created what I think is a natural insect- like pattern!
Inspiration from seeing a post today I think their inspiration was “Catgut”.
Now I’m away to drink some whiskey and ring in the New Year with my partner! Have a good one folks!
Because you know I’m all about that Bass that Bass
I spent the day creating bases for the rest of my Shadow Throne box.
This process as usual involved using Green stuff, real twigs, cork, aquarium plants and gravel to achieve the desired effect.
I then primed black and highlighted white.
I often take pictures during the process of glueing the bases to make sure I’ve got enough space to complete my plan and that each model fits perfectly.
With all the models now glued I’m excited to start painting and use one of my stocking presents
Unfortunately you’ll not get to see my beer magnet model holder anymore! ?
Are you afraid of the dark?
Well he’s finally finished!
My Patriarch and the first model painted from the Shadow Throne box.
Using Uv Resin and white Fluorescent paint had to be the most challenging part of this model!
I created a wash with the fluorescent paint on his brain to get into the nooks and crannies and dry brushed the fluorescent paint on his talons and eyes.
UV resin was applied to the tongue in layers and the brain; I didn’t want it to look matte and wanted the effect to feel like an aura.
Even though I’m sure I could’ve achieved better work using both I’m very happy with the end result and love the ethereal nature of this model. I love how it tells a story; a Patriarch kept underground it’s body drained from sunlight and becoming void of colour, adapting to the dark and even showing signs of a creature that can function in extreme conditions; finally emerging onto the jungle floor.