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Global Gunslinger League : Tesla’s Warmachine

Global Gunslinger League : Tesla’s Warmachine

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Project Blog by tchuck

Recommendations: 12

About the Project

I've always admired Tesla's work and to be able to play him in an alt universe is fun. I got the legendary Tesla a year ago when I first got interested in WWX, from a store that had old stock of WWX.

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Leg Day Sunday

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Worked on Tesla again tonight while watching shows and a review of the V3 rulebook by TheHobbyLodge. It’s a good way to go over some of the rules, if you are new to Wild West Exodus.

Finished applying the base color to the left leg and put a layer of shade (GW Nuln Oil). Once it had dried, I started highlighting the blue armor plate. I like to dilute the paint when highlighting; This lets me have better control, not putting too much pigment at a time. I don’t use just water as this make the paint runny, so I use acrylic medium.

Acrylic Liquid to Dilute Paint Without Making It RunnyAcrylic Liquid to Dilute Paint Without Making It Runny

When highlighting, I normally use the base color with some medium and slowly build up the color. I’ll add a lighter color such as white or in this case a light blue. The paint is Space Wolf Grey, but it’s not the current color that you can buy, it’s less grey and more light blue. It’s a GW paint I have since the mid ’90. Surprisingly, unlike countless newer paint pots, it hasn’t dried up. Sad will be the day when I empty that pot.

I haven’t finished working on the leg, but here the progress so far:

Assembly, Base Coat and Test Colors

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Worked on it a little more tonight. Had some minimal greenstuff from a bubble on Tesla’s chest. then I assembled the model and installed him on the base it came with; I only used a small amount of glue so I can change him on the bigger base once I get it. However, for now, having him on a base will make it easier to work with. I also decided not to glue the front grate in order to paint Tesla’s face with more detail and to paint dials in his cockpit.

Assembly, Base Coat and Test Colors

I’m not sure about the coil on top of the mech, but I think it does add to the klunkiness of the model. This doesn’t look like a nimble machine.

Next step was a basecoat and since I wanted to go for bare metal prototype mech, I went for black as it’s the best for metallic colors.

Assembly, Base Coat and Test Colors

I started working on the steel of the right leg (Army Painter’s Plate Mail Metal). I, however, didn’t like that most of the leg was steel. So I did a little test on the left leg by painting the armor plates blue (Army Painter’s Ultramarine Blue) and added a little bronze (P3 Molten Bronze).

Test color scheme : bare metal or blueTest color scheme : bare metal or blue

I like the armor plate blue as it’s going to be more fun to paint and as more contrast to the model.

That’s it for tonight, have a good weekend!

First steps: cleaning and washing

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
1 Comment
Components for the Legendary TeslaComponents for the Legendary Tesla

Decided to work on Legendary Tesla tonight. I got this model at the start of the pandemic from the stock of a friend who’s store closed down some years ago. He had brought WWX in his store, but I never got into the game while the store was open. Only played one V2 game so far, but I’m looking forward to more with the new rules.

While cleaning the model and looking online for which thighs and legs where left and right, I realized that the new model was a different sculpt. The old one is probably a prototype that got destroyed and he build himself a new and improved mech. The base in the old one is also size 3 instead of 4, so I’ll need a new base.

Next time assembly and basecoat… and I’ll need to figure a paint scheme; Since it’s a prototype I might go more bare metal than the painted/lacquered look.