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Sporadic Fantasy Upcycling

Sporadic Fantasy Upcycling

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Project Blog by Stompie51

Recommendations: 365

About the Project

Mashing together bringing my 7th edition WFH armies into current use for miniatures agnostic games like Saga Age of Magic and Dragon Rampant with any 3D printing or indie goodness like Oathmark updates… long list to get through: orcs, goblins, empire…no real direction. Just a lot of kitbashing and occasional painting really.

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Kitbashed GW orc with Spellcrow head

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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This might not look like much but I was so excited to piece together random bits lying about the garage into something potentially useful. It was like a puzzle taking decades old bits of GW plastic, fixing missing bits with newer GW bits and green stuff and giving an old school feel, almost Oldhammer, with a Spellcrow head. I was inspired to do this by OnTableTop’s various exhortations to do some spring cleaning, mostly Gerry and Warren.

Kit-bashing Oathmark, Wargames Atlantic and Games Workshop Skeletons for Soulblight Gravelords

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Proxying a Mantic PVC Giant as a Mega-Gargant in Age of Sigmar

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Kit-bashing Oathmark, Wargames Atlantic and Games Workshop Skeletons for Soulblight Gravelords

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Who doesn’t love kit bashing? And I realised you can super spruce up the plainish Mantic zombies in particular with Oathmark and GW heads which have loads of extra. I’d try out Fireforge zombies but I now have like 80 already.

Duncan Shadow Ogres

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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I thought I’d dive into painting some 3D printed miniatures. With miniatures agnostic rules you can have three ogre wizards as part of your orcs and goblins. These are Duncan Shadow miniatures which ooze a fresh take on Oldhammer.

Duncan Shadow Ogres
Duncan Shadow Ogres

Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I realised it was tragic leaving my 7th edition orcs and goblins in storage, as they were largely painted albeit not as well as I could do today. They never used to win. I always got wiped by some kid with, well anything – undead, daemons, dark elves…

I thought the heads hadn’t aged well. So ripped them off and put some Spellcrow ones on.

The video shows things more clearly.

Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs
Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs
Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs
Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs
Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs
Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs
Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs
Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs
Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs
Goblin wolf riders, orc boar boyz and black orcs

Sporadic fantasy up-cycling: giant spider

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I played a game of Dragon Rampant and got  owned by my opponent’s spider because of its “poisonous” upgrade, and allowing it to charge my chariots.

So I fished out my old GW scuttleboss and repaired it and touched up the paint job. It had been in a box for a decade and moved house twice.

Of course I had to stick a few random heads on spikes to show what Mr Scuttleboss is made of…

I did a little video on it.

Sporadic fantasy up-cycling: giant spider
Sporadic fantasy up-cycling: giant spider
Sporadic fantasy up-cycling: giant spider

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