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Saga Undead Vikings

Saga Undead Vikings

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Project Blog by dugthefug1644 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 302

About the Project

With the fulfillment of the Ragnarok White Metal minis Kickstarter I got some cool draugr undead Vikings. The Ragnarok 2 Kickstarter tempted me into getting a 4 point force of undead for Saga. Rather than just playing Age of Magic I am going to try and use the Viking battle board for Age of Vikings and tweak it to try and make it a bit more supernatural. I am conscious to try and find balance, but I have plenty of time as I wait on the Kickstarter to end and the majority of my force to arrive once cast and shipped to me. In the mean time I am having fun with a paint scheme for my army.

This Project is Active

Archer progress

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
1 Comment
I am happy with the variety I managed to work in. The same 4 sculpts would eventually be tricky to look like individuals, but with just 8 for now it has gone OK.I am happy with the variety I managed to work in. The same 4 sculpts would eventually be tricky to look like individuals, but with just 8 for now it has gone OK.
I tried to add cuffs and edges of another colour to show that not everyone just had a single colour tunic etc.I tried to add cuffs and edges of another colour to show that not everyone just had a single colour tunic etc.
I know that reds and blues etc. were expensive colours in the dark age, but this is a fantasy undead faction that I will take more licence with.I know that reds and blues etc. were expensive colours in the dark age, but this is a fantasy undead faction that I will take more licence with.
I like some drab and dark options to make the other brighter paint jobs stand out.I like some drab and dark options to make the other brighter paint jobs stand out.

Archer plans

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
1 Comment
With all four of the poses painted I have an idea how to make the 2nd four different and ideas for how to emulate the design in my last four kitbashes to make it a full levy unit of 12.With all four of the poses painted I have an idea how to make the 2nd four different and ideas for how to emulate the design in my last four kitbashes to make it a full levy unit of 12.
Archer plans

Some additions

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Wanted some slingers, bows or javelins for my Viking draugr. Was contemplating an ally like goblins or evil dwarves, but good old Colin made some archers in the same style as the rest of the range.Wanted some slingers, bows or javelins for my Viking draugr. Was contemplating an ally like goblins or evil dwarves, but good old Colin made some archers in the same style as the rest of the range.
I bought 8 but there are only 4 poses currently. I will kitbash the last 4 and try to make them fit in.I bought 8 but there are only 4 poses currently. I will kitbash the last 4 and try to make them fit in.

It’s a pleasant scheme to paint. Primed black. Slight zenith of Halfords Red. Pick out some base clothing colours and don’t do full coverage in the recesses. Play with weathering and blood, pick out a few metal bits. Gore over any mistakes. Highlight a few bits but not uniformly to try and keep the rotten look going. Use a beige or green tinted light colour for the last of the fleshy bit and pick out the eyes in a pure white, maybe some teeth too. Use washes over anything too poppy. Nice no pressure paint scheme.

Some additions
Looks even better with garment tag thin clear bowstrings.Looks even better with garment tag thin clear bowstrings.

Kitbashing solution. - Point of warriors

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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The original Ragnarok Miniatures Kickstarter selection of draugr were a mix of chainmail and standard dress 4 and 4. So for Saga I wanted to make another 4 unarmoured Draugr to make a full point of warriors. They have come up a bit shorter than the lovely metals but they do the job.The original Ragnarok Miniatures Kickstarter selection of draugr were a mix of chainmail and standard dress 4 and 4. So for Saga I wanted to make another 4 unarmoured Draugr to make a full point of warriors. They have come up a bit shorter than the lovely metals but they do the job.
They mix well with the metals.They mix well with the metals.

The kitbashed Draugr are made from 3 Wargames Factory bodies and a Gripping Beast Dark Age Warrior Body. They have Gripping Beast Viking heads. The arms for the Wargames Factory bodies are a bit true scale compared to the metal Draugr so I went for a slightly more heroic Wargames Atlantic Dark Age Irish spear arm instead and used the smaller left arms to hold the shield. For most of the shields I used the metal shields from the Kickstarter to help make them blend with the metals I already painted. I used some Gamers Grass meadow / marsh land set because it has a mix of black based and brighter grass tufts.

Yay! Now the work really starts....

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Yay! Now the work really starts....

So glad that my 4 points of Saga Draugr have arrived from the Ragnarok 2 Kickstarter.

The warlord leader miniature looks really nice and detailed. As I try to figure out how to chalk up the last point of miniatures for this army I have to think about the rules and battleboard I will use.

There was a Version 1 Saga undead army called Revenants, but it didn’t catch on strongly and hasn’t had a Version 2 update as yet. The appearance of Age of Magic gives you fantasy army ways to play, but I didn’t want to add sorcerers and wizards. Gerry and others have helped me think about my options.

Golden button!

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Undead Vikings get a pat on the backUndead Vikings get a pat on the back

Chuffed with my mention on the community spotlight to get a lovely golden button.

I really enjoy painting and photographing my efforts.

At times the golden buttons I have received have really helped me at a low ebb. This time I was excited about backing Ragnarok 2, was really enjoying the project and I imagine this came across in my work.

Looking forward

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9
1 Comment
The hearthguard in the front and the warriors in the back look greatThe hearthguard in the front and the warriors in the back look great
The undead berserkers look really cool and there seems to be plenty of variety in warriors in the background.The undead berserkers look really cool and there seems to be plenty of variety in warriors in the background.
The warlord looks a bit underwhelming, but will come up with something interesting for the base or nice shield / shield design.The warlord looks a bit underwhelming, but will come up with something interesting for the base or nice shield / shield design.

The Kickstarter 2

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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The Kickstarter 2

So I backed the 2nd Kickstarter to get a 4 point Saga bundle to bring the project to fruition.

The campaign was doing so well that they are considering offering the Goblin / Dark Norse elves in an early option on this Kickstarter.

I have spoken with Colin, the sculptor of the range, and he might be able to do me a 12 goblin blister (Saga levy size) addition to my pledge rather than committing to a horde of 80 currently on offer.

Failing that I might be able to use some of my evil dwarves as levy.

I think getting to 6 points will be easy one way or another.

While I wait for the Ragnarok 2 campaign to finish and ship in a few months I can look at adapting the battle board to fit my undead vikings.

Happy accident

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Happy accident

I dropped a mini. Already painted. The shield popped off and the spear bent and popped off. I glued the spear back into his hand and it looked like he was holding the spear and a huge clod of earth. So I went with it, rather than strip the spear and hand back to metal and try again. I added some grass and some Typhus Corrosion to the area and an extra dab at the end as though he has fetched his spear from some mud.

This gave me the idea of adding grass to a shield and I am happy with the results.

Happy accident

Unarmoured Draugr

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The shield with the tuft growing on it was cool.The shield with the tuft growing on it was cool.
I liked choosing colours for variety, but the basing etc. unites them well.I liked choosing colours for variety, but the basing etc. unites them well.

These were a lot of fun to paint. The zenith did a lot of the work to getting them grimdark and grotty looking. The dry brush of Zandri Dust across all 4 minis allowed me apply Aggros Dune Contrast on one and and Reikland Fleshshade with a minimum of highlighting after. The other ones got a Deathguard Green coat and a Steel Legion Drab coat.

The basing

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The basing
The basing

I started with some Army Painter Black Battleground flock and some brown Woodland floor flock (can’t remember the seller.). Black flock at the back half and brown at the front.

I used some green sponge pieces as shrubs and dotted on pink and white paint as flowers.

I bought some rubbish tufts ages ago. I cut them up because they were too big. The tufts were an ugly unnatural looking bottle green, but I added a Deathguard Green highlight to the top of the grass blades to improve the look. Then I painted the grass tuft at the rear of the base in black.

This was meant to represent the poisonous, life draining effect that reanimated corpses had on plants as they shambled through the countryside.

The only problem is a lack of contrast on the black grass and it gets lost in the shadows. I think I will highlight the tips of grass with silver paint. I think it will look more other worldly, perhaps frosty, like in horror movies where the warmth is sucked from a room in the presence of evil.



Cryptek Armourshade FTW

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Before the ArmourshadeBefore the Armourshade
After ArmourshadeAfter Armourshade
After Armourshade and metal / rust highlightsAfter Armourshade and metal / rust highlights

On the four of my minis with mail the Citadel wash Cryptek Armourshade has been a God send. The fact that whatever colour paint you put it over gives it a rusty / brassy tint was great. I didn’t need to do a metallic dry brush first. I just put it right over my Zandri Dust dry brush and then follow up with a metallic dry brush of a mix of Runelord Brass and Stormhost Silver. I picked out a few links with Jokaero Orange to push the rust effect and dabbed Typhus Corrosion and Blood for the Blood God technical paints wherever I felt the mail was too bright.

The Kickstarter

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The Kickstarter

I got a small pledge with dwarves and draugr and it fulfilled well before the expected date.

I primed the draugr in black with a zenith of Army Painter Leather Brown. I just figured that would be a strong starting point. Then I dry brushed the 8 minis in Zandri Dust and decided on the next step.

My core Berserker Blitzkrieg pledgeMy core Berserker Blitzkrieg pledge
The undead warriors blister boosterThe undead warriors blister booster
The hero pack The hero pack "The Bristlings"

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