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WWX Showdown at Retribution Brawn vs Brain

WWX Showdown at Retribution Brawn vs Brain

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Project Blog by meszko23

Recommendations: 25

About the Project

Wild West Exodus new edition 2 player starter box!!!!!

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This town is not big enough...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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We are ready. Time to move out.

For the Union!

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Alana loved her job. Being one of the Union Belle’s was all she could have ever wanted. And she didnt mean soft side of this job. Sure it was nice to be considered a symbol and inspire lifes. But….It was the fighting she loved. Using her skills and training to pommel opponents to a bloody pulp was something she lived for. There was nothing more glorious then standing on top of your defeted opponent, looking in to its eyes with a smile saying – thats right you have been beaten by a woman – she lived for that. Carl said she need to control her rage. That she was too violent. Too reckless. And maybe he was right. But how could she when there weas so many degerates in this word waiting for justice. Even thinking about it made her restles. She needed to punch someone. Hopefully Tesla will give orders to move out soon….

Old friends.

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Nikolai was torn. He new very well when he took this mission that it will not be easy. But now after weeks of searching when they finally found their target he wasnt sure if he was the man for this task. Mission was simple. Locate and eliminate Enlightened presence in this area. He done it so many times….except this time he would need to face Gustav Eifle. His  friend from old times. Can he go against a man he shared ideas and visons with? Gustav was as brilliant and clever as he was. And for some time they tought they can change the word together. But not any more. Enlightened vision was not the same for Nikolai any more. However he still consider Gustav his friend. Which have made this mission difficoult. Nikolai wondered if he can force himself to do what is nessesary when time will come……which wont be long from now….. and could he live with himself afterwards…..


Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Yep. Retribution suddenly become less quiet. Everybody has been on edge recently. Some wild stories about some spider like creatures that appears after dark has been what everybody was talking about. Even barkeep who is the most levelheaded man in town have been spinning some crazy talle about hulking two headed giant he saw outside his house two nights ago. People are scared. If not for a new arrival of Union troops in town with non other then Tesla himself townsfolk of Retribution would propably just pack and run. Yep everybody was scared. Old Rupert knew that something big was going to happen and it aint going to be pretty……
