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Republic and Separatists for Star Wars Legion

Republic and Separatists for Star Wars Legion

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Project Blog by seldon9 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 248

About the Project

Legion has grown in popularity in my local meta and I've been a bit late jumping on the bandwagon. But now I'm here and kept myself to just the two factions! This project details those factions and a table build.

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A Bit of Detailing on the Wreckage

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I’ve block coloured a bit of detail and protected the paint work on the wreckage pieces. The detailing wasn’t substantial and just added a little colour to break up the grey. The colours were fairly muted.

The protection let me reassemble it to take a look. Some panels don’t match well so I’ll need to even them out a bit with the airbrush. Slightly annoying ‘cos it doesn’t fit easily in my extractor’s environs.

I’d planned a layer of colours to show through under a light black where reflections hit the exhaust. Unfortunately they ran when I added protection. I’ ve near covered it with black since.

@avernos and @sundancer kindly looked at this project in their weekly stream. @sundancer didn’t like the layer lines. On the top of the structure there is very obvious stepping on the shallow incline. I think it would have looked better if I printed it on it’s side with a brim. However I don’t mind stepping on slopes as if they’re too smooth I find models topple easily. Particularly Infinity / metal models. All that said I find I can look past it on terrain

I’d hoped to use this for a couple of different tables: forest and desert. But I’m warming to the idea of weathering it for the forest. There’s an earthy slope on one collapsed side that needs covering. I’ll have to pick some kind of basing for it. I also like the idea of attaching some kind of vines to act as ladders on the piece with two levels. I’ve seen a similar idea used at a tournament. I’m thinking of using some leaf scatter on the roof.

The underpainting ran when I added protection. The underpainting ran when I added protection.

Starship Wreckage Painting Method

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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I went with a classic airbrush technique for the overall painting of the wreckage.

1, prime in grey. I used TTCombat’s Sprue Grey primer.

2, go over all indents between panels and where else I see fit with a dark colour. I used Golden’s Payne’s Grey.

3, give a light, semi transparent coat of white to all surfaces. I used white by Golden for this. Also used the white to add highlights for extra bits of detailing.

Terrain: Starship Wreckage

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 7
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When I start a new game I like to get a table ready for it as well. It’s never just painting one or two armies. I also chuck it in with the project blog. Not sure if that was BoW’s intention but it’s what I do.

I have some woodland terrain for a fantasy and thought it could be good for Legion, and Infinity, if I just add some sci fi bits. I could then do a desert table as well 🙂

I backed the KS by Saucerman Studios for their Starship Wreckage campaign:

There’re some pieces for assembling wrecks in different configurations along with some general scatter. I’ve gone for a big piece of fuselage.

I also backed a kickstarter for some tree trunks. I could scale them for some Endor sized trunks.

I’ll include images of my prints.

Just Buying Dreams

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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I found the core box a mixed blessing. It’s a nice set but I didn’t enjoy assembling some parts of it. Still, it’s done and I asked the local experts what I should get next.


Another core box. Bah, so I have another to paint. Well I’m not buying three and satisfied myself by buying a whole pile of stuff for both sides. Too much really. I wonder if I’m just buying dreams sometimes.

But that will not be the next part of the project for me.


Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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My favourite Jedi and I get to paint him first. I really liked the sculpt with a minor frustration of never quite getting the lightsaber to stay straight. I don’t care anymore. I’ve got Obi-Wan.

The BARC Speeder

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The passenger Clone with a weapon comes with three options. Like a fool I just glued on the one my son chose. Oh well, who needs options.

The Republic Arrives

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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As awkward as the droids were to build the Clones were easy. Very different. My son really enjoyed assembling them. I think that’s his faction sorted 🙂

Once again I used Sorastro’s painting guide. Here’re the Clones.


Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Here’s dessert after all those droid carbs. Grievous has three forms but unless you’ve got a game plan, or you’ve already built him, you’ll be making the 4 lightsaber version.

Looking at him a few months after his completion I rather wish I’d painted one lightsaber red. It’s not a biggie though and I rather like him. My son thinks I should’ve reversed the position of the green and blue lightsabers. I don’t know why.


Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Wow I hated building these. I’m also annoyed with myself I didn’t do something a little more dynamic with their rolling forms. Never mind. They’re done.

The Core Box Separatists

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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My original, ignorant plan was to have my son build the droids and use Sorastro’s guide to painting them. It’s pretty straightforward and my son likes contrast paint. Also I didn’t see many locals using the droids and I like to go with factions getting the least attention.

This idea fell apart quickly. The droids were very fiddly and annoying sculpts to assemble. The heads were in two parts! The Droidekas were particularly annoying. So I ended up building them.

My son didn’t want to paint them either. But he was happy to advice me. Grrr. Well at least there’s some interest.

I’m churning these out. Here’re the basic, B1 droids.

Well I Finally Got Here

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 8
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Ok it’s confression time. I completed the core box for the Clones and Separatists at the end of last year. But I haven’t pushed on with it as I’d hoped I would have. I’ve picked up on this again and will moving forward Legion for the final quarter of the year.

Originally this looked like a game that would finally interest my son. He likes building models and Lego but the plastic crack bug hadn’t really hit. My daughter is younger but enjoys painting. We’ve watched a lot of Star Wars together so maybe this will spark their interest. Nothing else has so far.

As to the figures, I was unimpressed with the early releases but FFG upped their level quickly and the arrival of the second core box coincided with us watching Clone Wars.

Since then the local scene has really picked up and I recently got a demo. I really enjoyed the game and dove in quickly. My local shop made it’s bonus that day.

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