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Starwars Legion

Starwars Legion

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Project Blog by spea6712 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 588

About the Project

Finally finishing the core set rebels and then maybe more if am tempted by new shinnies

This Project is Active

Han and Lando finished

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Han and Lando finished

Han and Lando progress

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Making a start on Lando and Han

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 4
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Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Imperial Specialists Personnel Expansion

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Imperial Specialists Personnel Expansion

Leia Organa

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Leia has had a nose accident.Leia has had a nose accident.

R2 - D2 and C-3PO

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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R2 - D2 and C-3PO
shopping centre sprayed upshopping centre sprayed up

Gerry on a stardestroyer

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Gerry on a stardestroyer

tonight's work on chewie and some more spraying on terrain

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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tonight's work on chewie and some more spraying on terrain
tonight's work on chewie and some more spraying on terrain

More terrain building and spraying

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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priming walkways and bunkerpriming walkways and bunker
shopping centreshopping centre

Rebel commander box done

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Rebel commander box done
Walkways to add to the coversWalkways to add to the covers

Commander based and droid's started

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Commander based and droid's started
Commander based and droid's started
Commander based and droid's started

Game no.2

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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The Rebels are attacking a outpost (A few more rules have been added with special weapons and force powers)The Rebels are attacking a outpost (A few more rules have been added with special weapons and force powers)

The  rebels began by scouting the surrounding’s of the out post. The troopers spotted the speeder bikes and took a few pot shots at them from afar. Darth Vader on hearing the shots slowly marched up the field.

The AT-RT pilot charge around the power generator and opened up on the speeder bikes with its rotary blaster. Blowing one out of the sky.

The stormtroopers around the watch tower moved forward and were gunned down by the rebels thinning their numbers.

Darth Vader ignored Luke and threw his lightsabre at the rebel troopers and cut their number in half.  The final speeder  bike shot up the rebels as he flew on by. The stormtroopers near the watch tower charged in to hand to hand combat leaving only the leader standing. The leader of the rebel troops then retreated in to the tower.

Luke charges in to Vader  and start wounding the Sith lord. Vader strikes back but only can manage a flesh wound and then is knocked to the floor by Luke. The stormtroopers in the middle take control of the imperial forces just to be mowed down by the rebels. Another rebel victory.

Rebel commander set started

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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both just has nuln wash both just has nuln wash

fleet troopers part2

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Nuln oil on clothes then dry brushed with bonewhite on the leader and then wolf grey dry brushed on  the rest. Then half the models got  dark fleshtone on skin and the other half got rakarth flesh. Followed by reikland flesh on all.Nuln oil on clothes then dry brushed with bonewhite on the leader and then wolf grey dry brushed on the rest. Then half the models got dark fleshtone on skin and the other half got rakarth flesh. Followed by reikland flesh on all.
refence for pips on the leader refence for pips on the leader
All finished. Gone for a colonelAll finished. Gone for a colonel
glossed visor glossed visor

Fleet troopers

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Leader was painted with khaki, desert yellow, beasty brown, leather brown and necromancer cloak. The troopers are painted with electric blue, wolf grey and necromancer cloak.

The battle of barricade town

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So it begins . The imperials have caught up with the rebel scum on the outskirts of barricade town.  So it begins . The imperials have caught up with the rebel scum on the outskirts of barricade town.

Luke, on seeing his father charged straight at him firing from the hip, with little effect. The stormtroopers advanced, thinning out the rebels on the right. The rebels answered back killing many stormtroopers wiping out the left flank. Luke  and Darth met in the middle slogging it out, lightsabres fizzing as they smashed at each other. The speeder bikes flashed across the field blasting at the AT-RT as  they went. Only to be shot out of the sky by the rebel ground troops. Luke was knocked down by the power of the dark side and was almost silenced for ever but for the AT-RT pilot seeing the danger and blasting Vader in the back. Forcing him to retreat with the rest of the imperials. A costly win for the rebels but the imperium will be back and in greater numbers.

First run through of the rules. Must have missed some bits but it was fun to play. Millie very happy at winning; wiping me off the board. She got the hang of the movement quickly using the special widgets. Also the dice worked nicely with the colour and shape changes easy to explain. Time to reread the rules and get ready for the next game.

Back from hols new mat has arrived and setting up.

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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New mat on table. Plus set up for first run through with Millie.New mat on table. Plus set up for first run through with Millie.
Not many model shops in the Penzance area of Cornwall (2 that I could find) there is one that has legion stuff over priced at 15 pound but could not resist chewie. The other model shop was all trains and tanks.Not many model shops in the Penzance area of Cornwall (2 that I could find) there is one that has legion stuff over priced at 15 pound but could not resist chewie. The other model shop was all trains and tanks.

AT-RT finished and found some old Empire art work in the attic.

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
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AT-RT finished and found some old Empire art work in the attic.
Empire concept artwork. Empire concept artwork.
The rest below have all been blue tacked /tapes and glued to the walls over 10 years then put in the attic for 20 waiting for their moment again.The rest below have all been blue tacked /tapes and glued to the walls over 10 years then put in the attic for 20 waiting for their moment again.

Table almost ready and generous brother-in-law birthday gifts

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments
Table almost ready and generous  brother-in-law birthday gifts
last bits glued togetherlast bits glued together
Still needs a splash of colour but ready to battle acrossStill needs a splash of colour but ready to battle across
Just got to keep Millie's attention for long enough to teach her the rules.Just got to keep Millie's attention for long enough to teach her the rules.
When ask what I wanted for my birthday I said a unit from star wars legion and the brother-in-law bought me all this!When ask what I wanted for my birthday I said a unit from star wars legion and the brother-in-law bought me all this!
I now have a second core set so better get started on some more stormtroopers.I now have a second core set so better get started on some more stormtroopers.

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