Gorka paints 40k
Recommendations: 1769
About the Project
For all my warhammer 40k commissions.
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Blood angels
Work on a larger blood angels project and dark angels. So more red and green marines to come.
A few characters
A few characters I finished up over the holiday weekend.
War dogs part 2
Another group of war dogs to go with the knight. I believe my client has 1 more group of war dogs and another knight for me to paint.
Pumpkin knight
Another knight for the pumpkin knight army. This one was magnetized to swap out the weapons.
The Yncarne
The Yncarne. Only the second time I have painted one of these. The first was years ago but I remembered what a nightmare it was if you dont sub assemble lol.
Big stompy
The last big guy for the first round. Round 2 coming soon
War dogs
Couple of war dogs. They both are fully magnetized. Had fun with a bunch of contrast (not the gw paint) styles.
A couple of terminator squads. Next up some devs and sternguard.
Crimson fists eliminators
Some eliminators. I am currently working on a big crimson fists job. So a good amount of marines to come.
Competition piece
I painted this guy up for a local competition. Both the chapter and tac symbols are freehand. I need to get a bit better at that.
Crimson fists intercessors
One of my long running clients is back with more crimson fists. This project has a lot of rescued models. The amount of glue that was chipped of these was crazy.
Some 1k sons tzaangors
Some more for the 1ksons project. I should have 6 disks finished up soon as well.
Novitiates and Missionary
A Missionary and squad of novitiates
Marshal and Emperor's champion
And this completes the black templar project. I have some thousand sons, sisters of battle and space wolves to work on next
The dreadnought’s weapons are magnetized
Crusade squad
This crusade squad is for a small project I worked on this weekend. The project is the contents of the limited black templar starter box.