Necrothrall does Cursed City
Recommendations: 531
About the Project
I got this through the door a few weeks ago and I figured I should paint it. The first few posts are what I've done over the past couple of weeks before starting this project log. Thus far this set has been an absolute joy to paint. The bases will be finished when I finish painting them all, I think I'm going to do them all in one go.
Related Game: Warhammer Quest: Cursed City
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
Bat Swarms
So I’ve had a busy day of painting. I started with the bat swarms. Much like their rat counterparts I knocked these out quick and dirty. I started with black then dry brushed them a dark brown, then a lighter brown, and finally a flesh tone on the faces.
The Vargskyr
This beastie was fun to paint. I did the bulk of it in my usual vampire skin tone (pale with a purple hue). I decided a good contrast to this would be to do the fur in a dark brown. This is also the second mini in the box that I used a contrast paint on. This time on its eyes.
Glaurio Ven Alten III
Okay guys I think I’ve peaked, I’m really pleased with how he came out. I honestly didn’t think I’d enjoy painting him, but once I started everything just seemed to flow and about 4 hours later he was done.
Watch Captain Halgrim
Halgrim is a beefy boy for a skeleton. I painted him in the same manner as his Ulfenwatch.
The Ulfenwatch
There was one thing I found odd about the ‘eavy metal Ulfenwatch, they were too clean. Skeletons aren’t going to care about keeping their gear clean. They will be prowling the streets in all weather’s, as a result they’re going to be dirty, with heavily oxidised armour. Or at least the will be in my mind. I also went with really dark green cloth because red has been done to death.
Hanging Skeletons
I decided to do some of the objective markers and went with the hanging skeletons. I tried to make them look mouldering by hitting the entirety of the miniature with athonian camoshade. Its a nasty greeny-brown wash and really makes them look like they’ve been out in the elements for a while.
Qulathis the Exile
For Qulathis I decided to go traditional wood elf, lots of greens and natural browns. I also decided against using any iron, I wanted to portray that traditional fey aspect of the elves. So I went with bronze instead.
Corpse Rats part 1
These little bastards did a number on my eyes. Just doing all those ears and tails. I knocked these out quick and dirty… well as quick and dirty as I could doing all those tails. I basically drybrushed up from black to a light brown, the painted the tails, ears and some of the legs with a flesh colour.
Cleona Zeitengale
Cleona was a very different beast from Brutogg. He was lots of gribbly details, whereas she’s mostly flat panels. I wanted her to be quite striking, so I went with a deep red and white, accented with gold. I did the jewel in her staff by painting over silver with a turquoise contrast paint (I forget which one).
Deadwalker zombies part 4
I think these are my favourites our the bunch. Not just for the crow eating an eyeball, but because the zombies are sporting fabulous moustaches.
Deadwalker zombie part 1
Okay since I can’t upload more than a few pictures at a time I’m going to have to upload the minions in batches.
These were really fun to paint, with loads of details. I love that some thought has been put into their design. It makes sense that the dead in a vampire infested city would be staked into their graves. Some of them even have little bells on to give you some early warning that the occupants might be moving in their graves.