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Star Wars – Renegades

Star Wars – Renegades

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Project Blog by grimwolfuk Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 59

About the Project

Embark on a dangerous journey through the shadows of the galaxy with my upcoming campaign set in the tumultuous period between the end of A New Hope (0 ABY) and the end of Empire Strikes Back (4 ABY). In this narrative, players will delve deep into the underworld of corruption, navigating treacherous alliances and deadly adversaries. Operating within the gritty expanse of the Corrax Sector (Fictional Creation), the players face not only the looming presence of the Empire but also contend with the menacing forces of The Hutts, Pykes, and the enigmatic Crimson Dawn. Amidst this volatile landscape, survival demands cunning, resourcefulness, and nerves of durasteel. Drawing inspiration from the New Star Wars Game: Outlaws (released in Aug of 2024), This project aims to capture the essence of that gritty underworld experience. I will be leveraging Midjourney’s image tools, to create imagery that harkens back to the iconic style of the old WEG game books, that will match the style I'm looking for. This campaign/sourcebook is being crafted into a PDF format using Adobe InDesign, ensuring that my players will receive all the information they need about the sector and the threats they will face. Get ready to immerse yourself within the underworld of the Sector where every decision carries weight and every ally could be a potential enemy. Welcome to the underworld of the Corrax Sector, where fortunes are made and lost amidst the stars.

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The Empire - Moff Natassia Veshenn

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Moff Natassia Veshenn commander of the SSD BastionMoff Natassia Veshenn commander of the SSD Bastion

Natassia Veshenn is a character defined by her remarkable traits and compelling experiences. Born into a wealthy family with a strong military background, she displayed exceptional intelligence, craftiness, and unyielding determination from an early age. Her journey is one marked by ambition, brilliance, and a ruthless drive for power. Her early years were characterized by a rigorous education and military training, instilling in her a sense of discipline and a strategic mind.

The Veshenn family’s legacy in the military was well-known, and Natassia was determined to surpass the achievements of her forebears. Her rise through the ranks was meteoric, driven by a combination of innate talent and a willingness to do whatever it took to succeed.

During the Empire’s initial campaigns, Natassia’s leadership abilities quickly came to the fore. Her strategic acumen and ability to inspire her troops were evident in every engagement. The Siege of Lasan was a pivotal moment in her career.

With her commanding officer dead and the fleet in disarray, Natassia took control with an iron fist. Her decisive actions and innovative tactics turned the tide of battle, securing a vital victory for the Empire. This victory not only cemented her reputation as a brilliant tactician but also marked the beginning of her rise to prominence within the Imperial hierarchy.

As her career progressed, Natassia’s methods became increasingly controversial. While her effectiveness on the battlefield was undeniable, rumours began to circulate about the lengths she would go to maintain her position and advance her career. Accusations of blackmail, bribery, and even assassination dogged her steps. In response, Natassia adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards dissent and insubordination. Her ruthless approach to quelling rumours and eliminating rivals only added to her fearsome reputation.

One such incident involved an officer and a spacesuit was perhaps the most infamous example of her brutality. By making an example of those who dared to speak against her, Natassia sent a clear message to her subordinates: loyalty and obedience were paramount.

The officer’s gruesome death served as a chilling reminder of the consequences of crossing Moff Veshenn. Despite the controversy, her tactics were undeniably effective. She maintained tight control over her forces and ensured that discipline was upheld at all times.

Natassia’s tenure on the Death Star was brief but significant. Her expertise in security operations made her an invaluable asset in reviewing and enhancing the station’s defenses. However, her time on the Death Star was cut short by a Rebel attack that left her severely injured. The brain injury she sustained was life-threatening, but Imperial medical personnel managed to save her through advanced surgical techniques. Her recovery was a testament to her
resilience and determination. Refusing to be sidelined by her injuries, Natassia returned to active duty as soon as she was able.

Her promotion to Moff and the assignment to govern the Corrax sector were a recognition of her capabilities and dedication. The Super Star Destroyer SSD Bastion, her flagship, symbolized the Emperor’s confidence in her abilities. Under her command, the Corrax sector became one of the most secure regions in the Empire. The Vanguard Taskgroup she leads is known for its swift and decisive actions, ensuring that any threat to the Empire’s stability was quickly neutralized.

Natassia’s leadership style, characterized by a combination of strategic brilliance and ruthless efficiency, made her a formidable figure within the Imperial command structure.

Moff Veshenn’s story is a complex tapestry of ambition, power, and ruthlessness. Her remarkable journey from a privileged upbringing to a position of immense power within the Empire is a testament to her intelligence and determination. However, her methods and the controversies surrounding her actions highlight the darker aspects of her character. Natassia Veshenn is a figure who commands both admiration and fear, embodying the relentless drive for power that defines the upper echelons of the Galactic Empire.

Star Wars Outlaws Trailer Music

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Galaxy Guide Designs

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 6
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Here is the Galaxy Guide cover and the inside cover for the book. Both of these where designed in Photoshop, the image for the cover is from the concept art book for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Welcome to the Corrax Sector

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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The Corrax Sector, nestled within the expansive Outer Rim Territories, holds a pivotal position as a vital hyperspace trade route. This region, spanning over 75,000 light-years, facilitates the movement of goods and commerce among various star systems and planets, notably Tatooine. Dubbed the “Hutt Pathway” due to its proximity to Hutt Space, the sector is a crucial component of the notorious Spice Triangle, a network notorious for illegal trade in substances like spice. Image designed in Photoshop.

Welcome to the Corrax Sector

As you can see all the planets have names, I have marked the key planets with a symbol of influence on that planet. 

There are no values between each planet to note the travel time in hours via hyperspace, In the original WEG RPG the links between planets had a hyperspace modifier that helped calculate the travel time.

I decided to remove them and come up with some homebrew rules, these are based on the type of hyperspace lane as shown on the map key, so, travel times for the ships between each planet are based on the hyperdrive and the hyperlane they are travelling on.

Example of AI Art Generation

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 6
1 Comment

Before we get into the information in the book, I’d like to show some of the artwork that I generated using Midjourney to look like the old WEG game books. Below is the prompt that I used which was shared on one of the Facebook communities I’m part of.

Black and White illustration from a Star Wars The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games, 1992, <DESCRIPTION TEXT GOES HERE>, monochrome, high contrast, shadows are solid black, halftone dot shading, black ink on white paper, black keylines, dynamic camera angle, vintage Star Wars –style raw –stylize 300

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