Opening the hobby horror closet
Recommendations: 448
About the Project
I opened the doors to my closet... there in sleeps the pile of opportunity... let's see what fell out. [Picture of closet is not my closet. Mine is too scary]
Related Genre: General
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Active
I forgot the tent!
With the tied up dwarf there came a tent. And I forgot to put it in here. And only yesterday it got it’s last coat of varnish.
Enough talk, more pictures!
Varnished and sealed
That’s it for the Orc Boar Riders… now I can think about what to do next. Enjoy the pictures.
And almost finished...
Couldn’t stop myself… now the glue needs to dry.
And almost finished...
Ok, I went a bit overboard… again… I hope the glue dries until tomorrow.
Bases step two
Sand and glue are dry, now for some Goblin Green.
Depending on how fast it dries I might get the Sunburst Yellow drybrush on it today as well… stay tuned!
Watching the XLBS...
…and dry brushing boars, adding glue and sand to the base. And we wait again.
Discord Hangout Town Hall Chat progress
People talked. I made puns.
I painted!
Painting with a headache...
…is a literal pain in the neck. But I want the chariots and riders finished. So on goes a lot of Boltgun Metal (Citadel)
Spring is over, summer almost gone...
…but suddenly there is paint on the pants!
Red pants go fasta!
Slow progress is slow...
…but it’s progress!
But boy oh boy am I rusted in… that what you see there is 3 hours of slapping on Bone White (VGC), Snakebite Leather (VGC) and Oak Brown (AP)
Everything Orc is ready to paint
Soo….. should I prime them and go… oooooor, and hear me out, should I also build the rest of the 6th edition box? The empire and stuff…. I can’t decide…
No pirate radio...
…but a nice chat with the lads. Got some boys done.
YouTube is a harsh mistress
So since I was building new old minis I thought to myself: might as well try to produce a YouTube video. So I did. But beware: many technical flaws present. Need input on how to improve. Also, the narration is in German
Stay focused!
So I really tried to stay focused… but then the next issue of Warhammer 40k conquest dropped…
But back to the task at hand I build all orcs boys that where not part of the box and also the command sprue. And then I also rebuild some stripped ones because… reasons!
Still in need of two boars.
And now I just need to stay focused and not get distracted ag…
CoG Radio build time
While I was listening to some good music on CoG Radio (and some weird folk babbeling around) I started building the “surplus” orcs I had in the box. So the remaining 11 orc bodies and 10 heads (oh oh) where clipped out, cleaned and the put in line with the ones that the previous owner already had build. I do that to make sure I have different heads on the bodies. It’s not much in the way of variety but it’s all you can do with them. I also re-based most of the already built orcs because they didn’t sit right on the bases.
After I sorted all that I pulled out my box of 40k orcs. Luckily the fantasy and 40k orcs are so similar in design that a 40k head doesn’t look wrong. Unless you use one of the ones with a cybernetic eye or something…
But then it went horribly wrong. In this box are sprues and parts from 40k editions 2nd – 5th. Loose parts, partial and complete sprues… all over the place!
So obviously I needed to sort that mess first and then I cut out a head… and I’m thinking of “de-sprueing” all partial sprues… put the sorted parts in little bags… HELP!
But I managed to ignore most of the urge to sort (for now) and have finished my little ones. Don’t they look neat?
Next up:
- Break the musician apart to straighten his back. He’s leaning so far forward it’s ridiculous. Even by orc standards.
- Break the arms of the chariot rider. That spear is hanging so low I can’t fit that guy into the chariot!
- Finish stripping paint from a banner, two boars, the musician, the chariot rider and a boar rider.
After that: repair and assembly.
Monk would be proud
I just couldn’t leave the already build and clipped orcs without bases… also one of the boars had a terrible gap in the neck. Pried the head off and put it back on with a little bit of greenstuff. Also fixed one of the wheel centres while I was at it.
I can't help it!
I needed to spread out the content of the Warhammer Fantasy box and count stuff. And of course, things are missing. I’m guessing I used one of the boars for my Snakebite Boarboys and some other bits. So I need:
- 15 25mm square bases
- 2 25×50 cavalry bases
- 2 boars
- 1 set of drums for an orc musician
If I can get a hold of those things I have enough minis for
- two chariots
- three mounted orcs (one champion)
- two musicians
- 30 boys with melee weapons
- 31 orc archers
- two to three standard bearers (depending on what’s left on the sprues)
So if you have a link to a shop where I can acquire said items (ebay Germany is a joke) I’d be happy. Don’t need to be GW originals (especially the bases) I’d be happy with “look the same”.
Also, there was this chunk of metal… that’s an ogre am I right? Would he be more likely be seen with an human imperial army or an orc horde?
So now what?
Where to start with the cleaning? Stripping the GW BB? Building the WHFB Box? Completing the 40k choppa?
And yes, there is more in the closet… don’t make me open it again… I’m scared!
Things that fell out #6
Well, this technically didn’t fall out but it sits in the back of my mind… ever since I’ve got it.