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On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

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Project Blog by henrileite Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 1151

About the Project

During the 2020 Spring Clean Challenge I converted and finished the Sally 4th "Tramp Steamer". In 2021 I plan to build a 3x3 Waterfront Pulp gaming board. With a 1x3 water area or dock for the Tramp Steamer and 2x3 of land for offloading cranes, sheds, trains, trams, buildings etc. I plan to use what I have, a lot of unfinished or unopened SP kits that I have collected in the past 6 years.

This Project is Completed

Rail Yard

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 11
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Rail Yard

I started collecting Sarissa rail cars and engines a few years ago with the idea of building, converting and painting them to put on a shelf and stare lovingly at. Well like many other ideas that never happened. This gaming board gave me the perfect reason to commit to finish all those rail kits.

I assembly lined the processes. First I spay painted the sprue then built the kits. After assembly I noticed a Primary color theme happening. I didn’t like it. I got out my Air brush and sprayed two Good Wagons with Duck Egg. The airbrush started to spit out paint after a few uses. I like the effect. It gives it depth and texture. I may continue to add splatter to other pieces from this line. I also darkened the red Goods Wagon.


Rail Yard

Finished the Trains (Block line of sight-Hard Cover)

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 10
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Finished the Trains (Block line of sight-Hard Cover)

At this point I have realized something. I have a lot of Sarissa Trains! This is just one. I have other non-started and unfinished kits. So many that I should start it’s own Project log. Hmm

Any way, each train was dry brushed with Acrylic house paint. The same group I used for the board. The same brush too.


Window Treatment

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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Edward Hopper - Early Sunday MorningEdward Hopper - Early Sunday Morning

Windows: Inspired by Edward Hoppers’ Early Sunday Morning painting I added glazing to the windows and folder card for window blinds. I also added curtains on two windows. I didn’t want to go overboard with details.

Roof: I used laser cut shingles to add detail to the roof. I added rows of different shape shingles to add a bit of character to the roof. After gluing all the rows I trimmed the edges with an x-acto blade.


Window Treatment

A Poster and Asphalt Shingles

Tutoring 10
Skill 9
Idea 9
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A Poster and Asphalt Shingles

Low Relief City Block

The left side wall seemed a bit dull so I choose a poster to add to it. First I sponged light grey then white onto of it to create the look of worn, peeling paint. While the paint dried I sanded the back of the poster until I could see the image. I then glued it with watered down PVA.

A Poster and Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt Shingles 

For the roofs I first painted them flat black. Then using the same grey from the concrete I dry brushed them up and down and at a 45 angle to. I then dry brushed light grey over the detail shingles to pop.

Then I got out the washes and added vertical streaks randomly.


Harbor Crane - Fin

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Harbor Crane - Fin

Harbor Crane Base

I started by priming the base with rattle can Grey. I then dry brushed with the same light grey that I have used all over the board.

Then Washes for weathering.

Harbor Crane - Fin

Harbor Crane Cab

Started with rattle can Blue primer. Then dry brush with light blue and green-blue. Then washes for weathering.

I made a roof out of thin card board. I added a chimney just in case the crane operator wants to make a cup of tea.I made a roof out of thin card board. I added a chimney just in case the crane operator wants to make a cup of tea.
Harbor Crane - Fin

Harbor Crane Cab Glazing and Chain

I added plastic to all the windows and then black paper.

This kit comes with a real chain. I didn’t like the thickness of it. I found some grey wool that looked more like wire cable to me. After instilling it, I added watered down PVA to the vertical lines of the wool. As it drys it will harden and look “realistic”.


Barber Shop - Nondescript Shop

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Barber Shop - Nondescript  Shop

Barber Shop 

I started by priming the frame and front door with rattle can White. I cut the frame bars from the window. I then clear plastic glazed the window. I added a blind to the door. I added boxing posters to the main window. This is going to be a hangout for organized crime. Bookie Barber.

 Nondescript Shop

Started with rattle can Green primer. Then dry brush with light green and tan. I glazed the window and painted lines into it to resemble type.

I want this to be nondescript so it can be named in game scenarios.


Low Relief Block is Game ready. I know there is more detail I could add to the street. Low Relief Block is Game ready. I know there is more detail I could add to the street.

Holy Shingles!

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Holy Shingles!

I’m going with wooden shingles to tie the two warehouses together.

I added plastic brick foundation to each building. I then used Plastic card to add post and lintel to each opening. I cut strips of card for shingles and one by one glued them in place.


Holy Shingles!

Warehouse - Build

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Warehouse - Build

Double Your Pleasure

I’m turning this kit into a warehouses after the train tracks.  I’m going to leave the doors open. Just open gaming space to put crates for blocking etc.

One of the cool things with MDF kits is that the pieces can be templates to. I made  a copy of this building in 2mm card. Then cut them out. I rattle can primed all the interior walls and the floors. I built the MDF version as normal. The card building was reenforced at the corners with 3/8 balsa.


So there you are. I now have two warehouses. There is the little problem of what to do with the outside of them?


Warehouse - Build

Warehouse - Paint

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Warehouse - Paint

After rattle can white primer of both warehouses, I had no idea what color to do them in. I decided to consult a Color wheel. I think there great, but not in this case. Purple is what the color wheel said. So, I went along with it. Purple base color, followed by highlight then a greenish color because…never mind.

I really didn’t like how it turned out. 3 hours lost. Lessen learned.

The next day I got out the Brown rattle can and started over.

Warehouse - Paint

I then got out the air brush and went to light brown. After that to the brush with white. I used a dry rub method to create layers until I was happy with the result. I added a Western Union sign to use as a plot point or deploy zone etc.

Roof and Warehouse Sides

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Roof and Warehouse Sides

For the roof I simply Mod Podged black craft paper on to it. Then cut and glued on thin strips to simulate battening.

I then rattle can sprayed on Chalkboard black paint. A dry brush and rub of dark grey. Then the same with a mix of dark grey and a bit of light grey. Without cleaning the brush, I dabbed into burnt umber and drew vertical streaks onto the roof to simulate wear and rust. With an old toothbrush into white paint and water, I slicked from above paint down onto the roofs to look like seagull poop.

For the outer sides of the buildings I mixed white gesso with tan paint and sand. I then painted that onto the surface. Some washes for grime and a little high light (not shown in photo)


Multi Game System Use

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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02 Hundred Hours02 Hundred Hours
Pulp Alley - Lobster Johnson AdventuresPulp Alley - Lobster Johnson Adventures
What else do I need to say.What else do I need to say.

Project Complete

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
1 Comment
Everything you see was done for this ChallengeEverything you see was done for this Challenge

Today I call this Challenge complete. I’m out of time too. I will be out of town for a week and then the SCC ends. I started this project on April 5th. I decided early on to put every other hobby to-do’s aside. This for me was a hobby emersion exercise. I loved the focus, the turnout of finished work, the speed. And I also am a bit burnt out from it. I don’t hobby at this speed and I don’t just work on one thing. I’m looking forward to slowing my pace down again.

A massive thanks to everyone who mashed a button, read my rambles and left a comment.


Project Complete
With highly converted Sally 4th Tramp SteamerWith highly converted Sally 4th Tramp Steamer
Project Complete
2 x 3 waterfront with 1 x 3 water2 x 3 waterfront with 1 x 3 water
Project Complete

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