Easter Alien Eggstravaganza
Recommendations: 87
About the Project
Decorating an egg for a competition in work!
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Completed
They mostly come at night. Mostly
So work are having an Easter egg decorating competition and it gave me some inspiration for new wee project! Initially I thought I’d do some sort of fantasy characters but then realised my freehand sucks! Looking on the interwebs for inspiration I then though maybe some sort of dragon eggs – should be simple enough to do. But then it hit – what could be worse than a global pandemic – that’s right an Alien infestation!
I decided to wrap the eggs in DAS clay to give them some texture and then add some green stuff for the details
I thought this looked *all right* but could do better – also wanted one where the egg was starting to open. I wasn’t happy with the way the green stuff worked out so for the next attempts I would use all clay.
At this stage I’m starting to get the feel for working the clay and actually really enjoying it – so I boiled up another 3 eggs and set to work.
Very happy with the results. Now to let them dry overnight and get ready for painting!
Any suggestions from you or Mother?
When I showed my brother my WiP he had one comment. “Needs moar tentacles!”
When he’s right he’s right so with one of the opening eggs I attempted to sculpt a tentacle curling out. Again from DAS.
Game over man. Game over!
I wanted to get these painted up quick but wasnt sure how I was going to do them so started with the one I was least happy with the sculpting to do a test piece.
If you look up images on Xeno eggs you get all sorts of different colours. I think the original was actually browns and fleshy tones but you often see them as almost black or translucent greens. Presumably because of the lighting used on set.
I decided to try the fleshy look so started with a base spray of AP Leather Brown and then dusted it in blotches with Fur Brown. Then I got some Barbarian flesh through the airbrush to the highlights and some random patches.
It wasnt quite pinky enough so I added some red to the flesh mix already in the brush and went again.
I also gave it a dusting of grey Dirty Down just to darken it a little and because I’ve been dying to use it.
Finally I gave the whole thing some AP strong dip to add shading and give it a glossy slimy look
At this point I think its *ok*. I think the base techniques were fine but for the rest of them I might try adding some more colours in the airbrush. Maybe some of those blacks and greens
Get away from her you bitch!
So attempt number 2.
- Started with the same base of Leather and Fur brown rattle cans
- Airbrush some pure black at a distance to darken it down
- Used VMA Grey Blue to add some veins and splotches
- Mixed VMA Olive Green to the little grey blue left in the cup and went over it again
- For some highlights watered down AP Elf skin tone with airbrush thinner and flow aid and added it around the ridges at the top
- Mixed VMA red and black 50/50 to do the spot at the top of the egg
- Gave a very light spray of same mix from a distance just to add more colour
- Finally added a little AP red ink to the top and around the ridges
Much happier with this result. Might call these two here and finish the rest
They're coming outta the goddam walls!
Last 3 eggs painted up. Pretty much same technique as before just a few refinements as I go along – a bit more red/black mix, a little dark tone here and there. Just going with what feels right
It’s getting late and the “competition” deadline is tomorrow so might just call it there on the eggs. Pretty happy with them.
The box on the other hand …. hmmm maybe I could do something with that ???
Nuke them from orbit. Its the only way to be sure!
So what the hell – I painted up the egg boxes. Been loving doing this and would love to play about a bit more but it’s late – I’ve work tomorrow and then after that will be judgement!
So I’ll leave you with this …
This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.
So competition over and despite some fierce competition I managed to win. Indeed the two small children who came in 2nd have a lot to think about! Haha! – Honestly their eggs were amazing and I feel really bad taking the win but that’s how it goes I guess!
Happy Easter folks. Have some great Hobby.
This is Marcus, last survivor of the Datactics Easter Egg Challenge, signing off!|