Spring Clean Project 2021 – Vlads Army
Recommendations: 38
About the Project
Vlad’s Army brings Vampire casts to your games of 7ombieTV! The rules are for Vampires and their various minions, Military casts and the doddering Home Guard volunteers left to defend war-ravaged Britain during the vampire invasion of Walsingham-on-Sea. C
Related Game: 7TV
Related Company: Crooked Dice Game Design Studio
Related Genre: Horror
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Active
Home Guard & Nazis - Finished & Campaign Thoughts
I’ve now finished all the Home Guard and nazis painting wise – just need basing.
I have enjoyed painting these as they are very characterful models which seem to have taken the contrast paints well.
In the Vlads Army book there is a section dedicated to a campaign which specifically focuses on the Homeguard fighting against the vampires.
The first scenario is sees the Homeguard investigating reports of something coming down out by Charters Cottage – with two civilians (Dotty & Titty) in the cottage, the Home Guard rush off to find out what’s happening.
Crooked Dice have kindly put a cross section map / layout that should be used for this scenario – personally I love the art style they have used for this – really sets the book off.
Now, I do have pretty much all of the components to bring this table to life.
All of my hobby stuff is currently in storage but I plan to head down to pic some of the elements up so that I can pull a table together for some pictures.
Next 2 sets of 3- Clergy alert and Mainwaring takes the stage
Thursday nights lately have become a painting session with the lads with us chatting rubbish over discord. Over the 3 hours of so managed to get another 2 sets of 3 models done.
Must say I’m having a blast painting these models.
Next Set of 3 - They don't like it up em!!
So next 3 saw Corporal Jones take on a pretty evil looking masked Nazi along with a well dressed lady nazis 🙂
Next Set of 3 - 2 Nazis v Hodges
Next up were good old Hodges v a Nazis Officer and scary looking Helga 🙂
Hodges had been primed in grey so in order to get the best out of the contrast I went over his skin with palid witch from GW so that when I applied Guillimans Flesh contrast it would pop.
Getting some paint down
Well, finally had some time to get the brushes and paints out. Now I don’t get too much time during a normal week to paint and also being of a certain age, even with glasses, I struggle to see the finer details of models. That’s why I have now pretty much moved across to contrast paints.
I used to sit there for hours over a single model, painting, shading, highlighting, rinse and repeat and then get to the end and think I don’t really like the model. Now that has passed and although I am disappointed that I’m never going to win a Golden Demon, I am at least at peace with it lol 🙂
Contrasts for me work really well, I like the overall finish, models take less than 2 days to paint and using the 3ft rule – do look pretty good on the table top – win win win.
So with all this in mind, I’ve started painting. I have 3 holders so plan to do 2 germans and 1 Dads Army model at each session – I like to mix things up and not batch paint if I can avoid it.
The pics below are the greatest quality as it’s a really sunny day but hope you enjoy the progress.
PS – I think I might have to rename the project as I’ve now had a good look at all the German models and although very pulpy – there aren’t many zombies.
Onto the next set of 3 🙂
Kick off
Well, this really is dusting down some oldies for me.
I think I purchased the original Vlads Amry rulebook at Salute probably 4 to 5 years ago. The rulest for me dings all of my dongs – massive fan of Dads Army and zombie nazis are also up there for me as a genre.
I also picked up the Warlord Dads Army set which came with both uniformed and civilian models for all the cast. I’ve already painted the uniformed models as they are being used in my Bolt Action Home Guard Army.
For the Nazis, I picked up a bunch of great looking pulp nazis from a buddy at our local club exactly with Vlads Army in minds – this was a couple of years ago as well.