WIP it
Recommendations: 372
About the Project
I really need to start finishing stuff, my Work in Progress table isn't full, and I never want it to be full. In fact I want to empty it. On it at the moment is; 40k, the Repulsor, might never get get used, it's stupidly expensive, but I want it painted. Also the Ravenwing Command figures, and a couple of Watchers for my Deathwing. Victory at Sea, I have more Destroyers, some Submarines, and MTBs. Blood Red Skies, I have three Bombers, so I'll finally be able to do scenarios other than dog fighting. Infinity, and even Dust Warfare,
Related Genre: General
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Completed
RavenWing Command Based
Finally finishing the Repulsor!
The mid tone and Highlight colours finally arrived, so work could progress on the Repulsor.
I then started the other colours, of course starting with a base colour, the red/brown for the red, and a brown for the bronze, and gold. A missed photo showing the gloss black for the silver details.
Red is finished, metallics are finished including unveiling the metallics on the hover details, also white details done. Gloss varnish added to start decals.
Decals added
Final gloss varnish.