Recommendations: 1837
About the Project
Since the beginning of all things. The Emperor of Mankind has stood as the light in the darkness. We sisters, ordained and consecrated in battle, defend that beacon against all who come against it – Traitors, Heretics, Xenos – we defy them all. And when the time for vengeance comes: We shall bring the Emperor’s Mercy! (The mantra of the Sisters of the Emperor’s Mercy)
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
So, I have finished my first Exorcist.
It was somewhat difficult, mostly because of all the purity seals. There is a metric ton of them on this model.
The main thing that put me off on painting this model was the fact that it was difficult to put together. Anyone has ever built the old school model will know how difficult it is with the metal organ pipes. I filed these down and slathered on massive amounts of superglue. What ever formula of superglue they used back in 2003, that shit is solid. I was afraid it would far apart while I was trying to paint it. That did not happen. That superglue they used back in the day – rock solid!
Two more to go!
So, now that I have one done, I think I will try to bust out the other two together.
That might make it go faster. My goal will be to have all my Exorcists done by the end of the year.
Well, didn’t get these done by the end of the year, but some progress was made…
The Last of the Troops
What's Next?
More things!
More Seraphim, because you cannot have enough!
Nope, just because I have them…
Got the main colors blocked out.
These have primarily power weapons, which separates them from the Seraphim.
I did the exhaust wings white to further distinguish them from the Seraphim, whose exhaust wings were done in brass.
Adepta Sororitas Knight
So, I have seen several of these on the interwebs. Most of them are just Knights with Adepta Sororitas transfers or icons.
My plan is to do a heavily converted Adepta Sororitas Knight.
Why? Well, I have a Knight laying about the place with no plan for it. And Adepta Sororitas has been my focus for the last year or two.
Therefore, an Adepta Sororitas Knight may well be appearing here at some point in the near future…
A rocket organ on top! Seems a good place to start…
Modeling the unfortunate Chaos Dread that got Spartan-kicked by the Sisters Knight. Bass guitar string is great for cables.
Finished the sculpting on the chaos dread. I couldn’t find the shoulder of his close combat arm. I generally keep my shiznit fairly organized, as you can see, but I just could not find it anywhere. So I cobbled together an arm from a plastic dread and the old-school chaos close combat arm.
With the addition of more bass guitar string cabling, I think it all came together pretty well.
So what Traitor Legion should I paint this dread up as? No red because I want it to contrast with my sisters. Alpha Legion I am thinking, no wait, yellow! Who is yellow? Nobody, but maybe Deathguard… Bile green might be a good contrast…
So, this was supposed to be a Spring Cleaning Challenge. Lost the bits for it. Finally found them like four weeks later. Not going to make it as part of the challenge, but I can now proceed with getting this project done.
In case anyone was thinking I was getting close to being done with this…
I am perhaps half way done.
Well, it’s been a while…
Finished the Castigator as a paint scheme test. I figured its more complicated than a Rhino or an Immolator, but not nearly as bad as an Exorcist – and I have three of those old-school things to paint!
I am actually liking it.
Morvenn Vahl
Well, trying to make these warsuits more dynamic. Just a bit…
Still more to do with this one, but you get where I’m going.
Paragon Warsuits
Working on some Paragon Warsuits. Hated the static posses. Tried to make them a bit more dynamic…
Finishing these up.
Heavy Weapons Complete
It’s been a while.
I completed all my heavy weapons, so I consider that progress.
I also built a gaming table, which I will show more of soon.
Heavy Weapons
I’ve got a load of heavy weapon to do:
5 Multimeltas
4 Heavy Flamers
3 Heavy Bolters
Well, updating the heavy weapons teams. Laying down some white as a base for the Red Gore that I use as the base of the cloaks and what-not.
In addition, I have prepped the legs of the Paragon Warsuits to be cut up into something more dynamic. Pics coming soon.
Fortunately the GW store is right across the street from the wine store, which is not far from the cat food store, and a Starbucks….
These Mortifiers don’t have all the purity seals that the penitent engine had, but they do have a bunch of filigree, which I am thinking I need to trim in brass. So, apparently GW decided that Brazen Brass should no longer exist. This is a trim color that I have used in three of my armies! The so-called replacement is not even close. Nor is the supposed equivalent with any of the other manufacturers. I am now trying to mix something that is somehow close…
I am using equal parts GW Runelord Brass, Brass Scorpion, and Sycorax Bronze. It comes close…
Penitent Engine Completed
This was a pretty enjoyable mini to do. I know some people hate this model, but I liked it. The only pain is all of the purity seals. For the final weathering I really wanted to grime it up, so I used some Secret Weapon Sewer Water and Algae to give it that final bit of grunge.
Next I think I will move on to the other two walkers – Mortifiers I guess they’re called. Should be easy enough using the same techniques.
Penitent Engine
Next up is an old school penitent engine. I want to make this grimy and rusty as befits an instrument of torture.
Completed Another Basic Squad
This is a mix of old metal and new plastic. I particularly like the metal Imagifier. I think that was a model released with a previous edition, but not one of the original metal models.
Painting Update
Gerry hooked me up with some conversion charts for old GW paint matching!