Adventures in the Frozen City
Recommendations: 2233
About the Project
Just before Christmas I bought the Frostgrave book after hearing great things. I then watched the OTT Frostgrave week and my mind was set to start my adventures in the Frozen City!
Related Game: Frostgrave
Related Company: Osprey Games
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
: Hey - check this out! I found the ass end!
I needed some worms. These are from Heresy
This little piggy
Yet another random ebay buy. A very mean looking wild boar.
Clint Eastwood
This was advertised as a Yeti but I thought it would make a fine white gorilla.
The "Bear" necessities
I forgot to take the photo at primed stage and just threw the black paint on. Planning on painting it like a black bear.
Hungry like the ?
Another eBay buy. Going to be grey.
Hard Days Knight
I bought this on Etsy or Ebay some time ago. It is an animated suit or armour. My thoughts are that it will be a large construct. Probably going to paint it brazzy.
Rattus rattus
I brought these on Etsy a while ago. Detail not great but hopefully with a quick paint job they will look fine.
You will be visited by three spirits
I’m trying a couple of different schemes with these to see what I like. I undercoated in Grey Seer. Would have preferred white but Grey Seer is all I have. To whiten it up a bit I mixed a little white paint with lahmian medium. It worked quite well.
This one I painted with nihilakh oxide. I then used coelia greenshade in the recesses. I then highlighted with light grey and then a little white. Then finished with a very watered down coelia greenshade all over.
This one was straight coelia greenshade over the greenshade.
These are the two examples next to each other. I do like both but think the coelia greenshade straight over the grey looks effective and is quick and I do want to try and play Frostgrave this Christmas.
Don't look Marion. Keep your eyes shut!
Next up are some Wraiths. I bought some GW floaty things off Ebay. Going to have a bit of an experiment with washes to get quick results.