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Miniature World of Ice and Fire

Miniature World of Ice and Fire

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Project Blog by ogreblood Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 76

About the Project

Westeros, Essos, Sothoryos and beyond. Miniatures, terrain and conversions for mass battle/RPG/Crawlers.

This Project is Active

Sentinels, Wardens and Stags - Oh my!

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Sentinels, Wardens and Stags - Oh my!

I have made a start on my Baratheon Sentinels. The addition of the cloaks threw my timing off some what, as I got bogged down with blending cloaks – even aiming for a table top level this was such a time sink.

I decided to prep the remaining Stag Knights and Wardens and separate the Sentinels into batches of 4, before I lose the will. The Stags and Wardens should paint up quickly being mostly armour with a bit of green. So the aim is to smash out the Wardens, then 4 Sentinels, then Stag Knights, then 4 Sentinels… laid plans and all that!!



The Warlock and the Privateer

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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I’m enjoying my first day of annual leave with lots of painting, so I have managed to finish a Warlock of Qarth. I also have a privateer character I finished weeks ago that I will use for this project. Not sure where the conquistador fellow is from in the world, I’ll think on that. Both miniatures are from the Conan board game that I picked up for the miniatures for £30 (French version).

I messed up the Conquistadors face so many times I decided he was just going to be wearing a metal mask……what is hiding beneath?

Notice the mould line I forgot to remove?


Warden Unit Complete

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
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I have a lot to work through, so I’ve smashed out this unit with a fairly simple scheme. Feels great to get a whole unit done. I think for future Baratheon units I’ll go with a green scheme. I do prefer the yellow but for the sake of speed, I feel the green is the way to go. Next I aim to paint a miniature from the Conan board game and use it for a Warlock of Qarth.

Warden Unit Complete

Our Journey Starts in the Stormlands

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 7
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Supplies for the task at hand Supplies for the task at hand

As in the description, I’m building The World of Ice and Fire. The plan is to mainly use the CMON miniatures, but I’m going to use other companies for aspects of the world which may not get minis. IE Sothoryos.


I begin in the Stormlands with some Baratheon Wardens.

Our Journey Starts in the Stormlands

PS. I am looking for a rule set for solo dungeon crawling in this setting. Something that can be re-skinned to suit. My initial thought was “Song of Gold and Darkness”. If anyone has some suggestions for a relatively simple rules set that will fit, I’m all ears. Thanks!

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