Mac vs Dungeon Saga
Recommendations: 649
About the Project
Hello everyone! I will use this project to showcase the progress done painting Dungeon Saga miniatures.
Related Game: Dungeon Saga
Related Company: Mantic Games
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
Niola Malone, the Half Elf Thief
Other than some of the boxed sets, I also have a few of the metal miniatures for Dungeon Saga, like this one. Not the greatest casts… very ‘soft’ details and porous metal at places.
I do like the pose a lot on this one, though.
Zombie troll
Not totally happy with this one, but I’ll leave it as it is, for now.
The set comes with two of these Zombie Trolls, and I have at least one more from one of the expansions. Probably will paint those with different colours.
Elshara, the Banshee
This is a tricky one. I like the model, specially the pose, but the hair feels a bit weird. Maybe its the thickness or something.
Again, trying the glow effect thing but its not quite there yet. The robes on this model are not as dark as the shades, so its not working as well I think.
Glowing Shades
For the Shades I wanted to try somethin a bit different. They are called Shades, so I guess they are supposed to look dark, but painting them just black would make them look a bit like fabric I though, and I think of these more ethereal and ghost like. So I thought of make them glow from the inside near the ground.
I made one glow a redish purple with the cloth highlighted with greens.
I considered doing the same effect on the rest of the, errm, inside parts (inside of the hood, for instance) but I kind of like the way it looks this way, just pitch black.
The set comes with two models so, to make them different, I paint the second one with the same colours but the other one the other way around: green glow and purple(ish) highlights.
The Doors
The doors are one of the cool things of the set. Its one of those things that makes a dungeon look really nice, instead of using tokens or just card ones.
I completed one of the large ones, and this is the sort of look I want all the others to have. Some of them I want to look like magic ones, maybe with runes or glyphs, or even glow effects. Not sure yet.
Also managed to do half of the smaller ones, just need to detail the stone parts a bit more, I think.
The ground bit on all of these will change once I figure out what I want to do with it.
More skeletons
Again with this one, I kept the blue and black theme I used in the Zombie warrior, the idea being that they were all part of the same army and were brought back by necromantic shenanigans.
Though thing on this one was to get him to stand straight… and keep that way.
Skeleton warriors
Nothing fancy, just some walking bones with a nasty looking weapon.
I’ll rust the scythe a bit, adding some orange and browns that will make it stand a bit more.
The rest in the set will be painted the same way. Again, some piles of bones, skulls or arrows will do the job to make them look different.
Armoured Zombies
This one is a cool sculpt, really like the wacky pose.
Went for a blue and black theme, that I’m using in other places in the set.
There’s two in the box and the second one will be painted the same way. The base will probably have some bones, skulls or even an arrows to make them somewhat different.
Of books and potions
Also had a go with the furniture and extra bits.
These are straight forward to paint, really. The mold lines are a thing though, at least in my set, and sometimes tricky to get rid of.
The interesting stuff on this first shelf was to make some bits look like glass.
In the book shelf, I tried to give a random look to the books, so that they don’t all look the same. I will also try to add some sort of titles e details like that.
One thing I’d love to have in these furniture things is cobwebs, but I’m not sure how it could be done.
The tables were pretty straight forward. The book on the stand not so much. Tried to do some writing and glyphs on it but that thing is tiny!
Need to get some stuff to place on the tables, maybe… and chairs or benches.
Grund, the undead Dwarf King (whats left of him)
This one is a tough one. The hammer has ideas of its own and, no matter how many times and how much you heat it up, it keeps going all bendy.
Went for a regal blue and black for the colours, that will tie in with the rest of the bad guys. Orange beards always go great with blue and dwarves, even the dead ones.
Still think its lacking something, glowy magic eyes and maybe some sort of trim in the cloak, perhaps.
Mortibris, the Necromancer
Another sculpt I like, but not the easiest to clean.
Again, went for a slight deviation from the boxart.
Still missing the eyes, and the back of the cloak needs some work. But its turning out good, I think.
I was also toyng with the idea of adding some OSL green or purple magic effect on the ground, where the skelleton is coming out. Not sure.
Danor, the Wizard
Another favorite from the box set. Quite like this sculpt.
Went for a variation on the boxart. Really happy with how its turning out. Still missing the eyes.
Rordin, the Dwarf Fighter
This one gave me some troubles and I’m still not happy with it. Its not as dark as it looks in the picture, but it ended up darker than I intended.
Definitely one to come back in the future.
Madriga, the Elf Ranger
This is one is probably my favorite one in the set. Very simple, just an archer with pointy ears. Nothing fancy but, at the same time, quite characterful.
Went for the compulsory greens and browns usually associated with forest elves. The one thing I’m not too keen is the cloak and I might get back to it at some point. Otherwise, really happy with how it turned out.
… still think elves smell weird, though.
Orlaf, the Barbarian
Hey everyone!
I got the Dungeon Saga base set quite a long time, and actually played it a few times wich is quite unusual. I mostly just paint stuff.
But, last Christmas, I managed to go through a lot of my base set. While the minis are tiny, maybe not the most detailled and sometimes tricky to clean, I really like them. The heroes are characterful and I must say, I was having a blast painting these.
This project will be both a gallery for the the minis I already finished, and also a blog for the work in progress and incentive to actually finish the rest. I actually bought a few other heroes and the legendary versions the other day.
Orlaf, the Barbarian
This is one that I really like. It reminds me of all those awesome, but long gone, days playing through Diablo and Diablo II again and again and again doing the whirlwind thing. My favorite class, for sure.
The one thing I don’t like in all of these minis is the base and I’ll be changing all with something else… eventually.