Mac vs Andrea Miniatures
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About the Project
A gallery for my Warlord Saga miniature projects and other large scale models from Andrea Miniatures.
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
Nearing the aniversary of Leonard Nimoy passing, here’s my latest project and small homage to one of the most iconic actors and voices of all time.
Here is Spock as depicted in Star Trek II – The Wrath of Khan.
Its a 54mm metal model from Andrea Miniatures called Space Officer, avalilable from their General Series.
Drünegar, Runekeeper
One more of the 32mm miniatures from the Andrea Battle Series, also by Joaquim Palacios, I believe.
Horthak, Black Crow
Another super dinamic posed metal mini by Joaquin Palacios.
The 32mm version of Horthak
Beelphegor, the Soul Reaper
Another 32mm metal miniature, by super star sculpter Joaquin Palacios, for the Warlord Saga Battle Series. Really love this one, but the 54mm version is something else!
I think the cloak is missing something. I’ll add a trim of some sort… eventually.
Horthak, Black Crow
One of the earlier ones in the range, Horthak, Black Crow is a 54mm metal miniature by Joaquin Palacios.
Bonus round - The Cimmerian King
Another fantastic fantasy miniature from their 54mm Series General, representing a completely anonymous and very forgettable barbarian.
… totally not Conan.
Volgor, the Skull Hunter - Battle Series
For a while, and this was maybe about 12 to 15 years ago, Andrea also made little metal versions of the 54mm characters, wich they called Battle Series. Didn’t get past just half a dozen minis, but they were pretty nice, I think.
This is the 32mm version of the big orc, Volgor, Skull Hunter.
Brogan, Bone Crusher
Another 54mm metal miniatures from Andrea’s fantastic Warlord Saga range.
Brogan, Bone Crusher
Urmuth, Scars of War
Urmuth, Scars of War.
Some sort of 54mm metal barbarian guy.
Bonus round - Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
Another 1/10 bust from Andrea, representing Rick, from old classic movie, Casablanca. Had a go with a black and white mini.
While I have lots more figures from Andrea at home, this one will be the last I have photos in my PC. No more uploads until I go back, maybe for Easter but most likey summer holiday.
I do have a few other brands though, so I might star different projects soon. Anyone up for some 180º scale change? Dungeon Saga, anyone? 😀
Bonus round - Balian of Ibelin
Not from the Warlord series, but also from Andrea Miniatures and, I believe, Joaquin Palacios. Its the very first 54mm miniature I ever tried.
Luriel, Sacred Fist
This one is also a 54mm metal miniature, representing some sort of Paladin. It reminds me some of the Empire stuff. Not sure who the sculptor this time.
I remember the red cloak being quite a challenge, but I quite like the way it turned out. I’d like to add to it, maybe a trim of some sort. One day.
Bonus round - Jack Sparrow
Not really from the Warlord Saga range, but also a 54mm metal miniature from Andrea and, I believe, also from master Palacios.
I think it might have been the very first 54mm and the first non-GW mini I purchased.
Volgor, Skull Hunter
This one is a 54mm metal miniature, also sculpted by Joaquin Palacios. Well, it would be 54mm if it was a human, but its actually a pretty massive Orc.
Very, very heavy. If you want to give your biceps a good workout, this is the mini for you!
Ithandir, Blade of Eternity Bust
This is a 1/10 scale resin miniature, sculpted by all time favorite, master Joaquin Palacios.
I absolutelly love this sculpt. It was one of the first non GW miniatures I ever painted, and I think the first bust. Of two. Well, three, but we don’t count that one, ehe.
I painted it many years ago, but been working on it since, painting and repainting it several times. Such a large scale is definetely a challenge when you are used to tiny LOTR miniatures!
Warlord Saga
Since the begining of this pandemic, its been tough for me hobbywise.
I live in one place, where all my hobby materials are, but I work pretty much on the other side of the country, where both my available time and space are very limited. For the time being there’s no painting at all being done, and my hobby is reduced to hoarding endless amounts of miniatures.
There isn’t, and there won’t be any new stuff from me anytime soon and, to be honest, its starting to itch.
I was going though some old folders in a hard drive to free up some space, and found some pictures I don’t think I ever shared here and thought maybe I could start a gallery. Some of these are several years old.
So I will use this place to showcase some of the Warlord Saga miniatures I’ve been collecting over the years. These are fantasy miniatures, in metal, produced by Andrea Miniatures. Most will be 54mm, but they also produce some in 32mm and even a bust 1/10 scale.
The miniatures will be in different stages of completion, some of wich I have not worked in a long, long, long, long time.
Hope you guys like it.