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You Know the Drill, Asses and Elbows! Come here…………!

You Know the Drill, Asses and Elbows! Come here…………!

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Project Blog by bobcockayne Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 74

About the Project

I brought GF9's Aliens game, a game I have wanted for years, so how could I not paint the models!

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Game Over Man!! Game Over!

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7
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Really need @warzan for the screaming of above.

Well hit the final bit of this project and the last add on, though I had already done Queen as seen in previous update.

So now it was the Alt Ripley with feral child ( Gerry’s name has stuck) Bishop and squished Bishop. All done as described in previous updates, only thing is I dirtied up Ripley’s trousers a bit for the wading in Alien goo.

Squished Bishop I gloss Varnished the bits that the Queen should have used to beat Ripley over the head with!

Game Over Man!! Game Over!
Game Over Man!! Game Over!

Then their was rhe Walker ( re watching the move you do wonder why their wasn’t an armed Avatar type version)

I did consider painting it pre build   then went into auto mode and built it completely.  Wasn’t a problem as the squishy bit was easy to get at (Alien Queens please note) Most of it was given a coat of GW Contrast Iranian Yellow  as there is enough detail for it to work and not enough flat open bits to matter. I did do a light dry brush post to brighten up the edges.

Before Gerry asks I did consider doing the stained trousers on the Waker Ripley, but decided to leave them pristine  as it was a continuity error in the movie.

Game Over Man!! Game Over!
Game Over Man!! Game Over!
Game Over Man!! Game Over!
Game Over Man!! Game Over!

To end here for Warren is a pivotal scene of movie with a script rewrite had it been written by some!

Screeeeeheeeeeee!!!!! ( Alien for ‘Get a way from her you Bitch….

‘No do you know how much feral children are worth in certain parts of the Galaxy! Ripley replies.

I’ll get my coat! ( bare in mind this was a movie where the corporate guy thought nothing wrong in arranging for said child and Ripley being impregnated to get a sample through quarantine!

Game Over Man!! Game Over!

Aliens Mr.Gorman, Thousands of Em!

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7
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Ok a quote from a different movie but appt!

Now we have the @Warzans favourites the Aliens…….

Now I had thought about spraying them GW Grey Seer, etc… which would have used the last of my can, yhen most of my pot of GW Black Templar Contrast……

The models are black Glossy plastic…so I thought…..Black Glossy…thought  Black Glossy.

So I basically just dry brushed a couple of lighter shades of , dropping the intensity till with some trepidation Corax White.

Thats it job done  ( Justin supply sounds effects now!)

Aliens Mr.Gorman, Thousands of Em!
Aliens Mr.Gorman, Thousands of Em!
Aliens Mr.Gorman, Thousands of Em!
Aliens Mr.Gorman, Thousands of Em!
Aliens Mr.Gorman, Thousands of Em!

Not Bad! For a Human

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 10
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This project ended up arse about , plan was build and paint Aliens 1st and then do the fiddly squishy bits. Didnt work that way as fingers and thumbs not aided by my RSI in  hands meant that I found the Aliens hard to build  and built the base game Humans in the time I did one Alien.

Its funny how the human minatures look thin and Spindly, they are not they are just anatomically correct. I remember Gerry telling someone at a Bootcamp that PSC redid some of their 15mm range as people complained that they looked funny as they were as above, its strange what we get used to.

Anyway I base coated the figures in two groups military and civilian , the former in GW Zandri Dust  the later in Corax White.

This is because I have an old trick for the military figures, ages ago I found you got a nice khaki effect if you GW sepia wash over it, and depending on how many coats   you can vary the shade.

Having done 1st coat , I looked at stills of Film and realised that one coat got base effect for Fatigues. Not that much of this shows when armour added.

Not Bad!    For a Human

As you can see in above the armour is much darker, as was Lt. Germans fatigues. With Covid restrictions I couldn’t go out and hunt for correct shades so experimented.  I only had Ork Flesh in any of the Greens  in Contrast, but found that over the Khaki base it gave a nice Olive Green effect.

Wanting to keep the shading on the Fatigues I already had I went for Gryh Charger Grey  hoping it would go green over the khaki  although not quite right it did do a nice cammo effect  and there wasn’t a lot showing  under  the armour.

Now when looking at the stiils the cammo on the armour was fairly subdued, so just went for dabs of sand and GW Cygor Brown Contrast for Cammo.

All but Frost and later A-one had faces / arms block painted corax white for a later Gulliman Flesh Contrast coat, thinned out in places. I still added it to the two above to get darker skin tone.

This pretty much did faces.

Wpns were done in GW ….. and Templar Black .

All got a coat of thinned down GW Agrax Earthshade.



Not Bad!    For a Human
Not Bad!    For a Human

Ripley based on Movie stills was Apothocary Grey on the legs of fatigues and shoes. Her jacket was then done in Basilicum Grey slightly thinned down .

Newt took a bit of squinting at images to get an idea. It looked like she was wearing grubby dark blue overalls with a very grubby green pullover  so dirty it looked like the Marines Cammo Armour so thats what I went for, giving her the traditional Agrax Earthshade to give her the dirty look.

Not Bad!    For a Human
Not Bad!    For a Human

As I did the Civilians I opened the 1st of the add on boxes  ‘Ultimate Badasses and did Burke. As with the other civilians base of Corax White, then Black Templar for Trousers And boots, Skeleton horde for his body warmer ( stills showed it as a light tanned Leather, funny how I always remember it as orange). He wore a checked lumber jacket type shirt, so I carefully did a blue and red check pattern.  When done it looked a bit bright so did the shirt all over in very thinned down Apothecary White.

The new Grunts were done as above.

All the bases were done Grey Knights Steel. Eashrd in Nuln oil  then dry brushed Grey zknighrs steel again. Finally they were given oilly smears of Agrax Earthshade,  the names were picked out in white by lightly dry brushing over raised area.

There isn’t a lot of detail on the faces which to my eye looked generic so I really couldn’t (with my skills) make the Marines look like their characters (other than Frost for some reason) Though do wonder if some of the master Painters on here could.

I think I’ve managed to get the civvies figures to look a bit like their characters.

Not Bad!    For a Human
Not Bad!    For a Human
Not Bad!    For a Human

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