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What have you done!?!?? Uruk hai….

What have you done!?!?? Uruk hai….

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Project Blog by jmsstockwell Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 13

About the Project

I want a warhammer uber battle! With all my minis that I love. Trouble is I don’t have enough and they are all for different genres. So start collecting and start building Boy! First up is orcs and goblins, I don’t like the old GW orcs or Mantic orcs in anything other than a “oh that’s fun” way. But GW’s lord of the rings stuff. Ahhh me knees are wobbly. So I will use the Hai and Moria for my Orcs and Goblins army! Suitable for 6th and 3rd edition Warhammer, being the ones I want to try. But, oh dear. I need to Sin against the creator himself! And put them on SQUARE BASES!!!!!!

This Project is Completed

Let’s start with the troops!

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 5
No Comments

Well I’ve proven to myself that I love this idea!

I think they look great all ranked up, I am chomping at the bit to get on with more!

Those square bases still play perfectly well for skirmish and double up for rank and flank perfectly!

Next up, some missile troops!



Ohhhhh Shhh#%#$$€tt! Scope creep alarm!

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
No Comments

Well, being a builder I am more than familiar with scope creep. You start with a squeaky door then there is a hole in the house and a bath being delivered.

Miniatures are worse than this.

I love the look of what I’m doing, the Uruk are turning out better than I hoped. So I’ve bought more. And more. And some Elves. Actually quite a few Elves……

More Elves in another project!

And the expansions to the Uruks will be in a project expansion.

So here is the core army complete!

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