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Wolfs Wabble of Wowdy Webels

Wolfs Wabble of Wowdy Webels

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Project Blog by nosbigdamus Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 27

About the Project

Entre the Galaxy far far way.

This Project is Completed

The Dark Side Rising...

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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As told by Commander Wolf of the Rebel Alliance many years after.


This is a new campaign, I’ve just called it War.

For the ground battles we are using Star Wars Legion rules and what I call the Republic starting box, with a few more extras. While playing with my friend, Me, Myself and I, it accrued to me the starter box might be suited well for anyone.

(Also you might see the lack of Unit Points, not being used. As I like my forces looking good and not always so evenly matched).

So we start from once upon a time in a galaxy far far way.

Dar Dar,

Da Da Da Da, Dar, Dar

Da Da Da Da, Dar Dar

Da Da Da Da. Dar.


Our 1st encounter.

Rescue at Geonosis.

Geonosis is a barren planet, a desert planet and a bug planet. The insect species dominate the world thanks to the heat that drove all life forms underground. Living in towering hives and far below the ground, Geonosis mining continues to prosper. The ore of this planet is being used in huge production buildings for making droids and their equipment for the possibility of an on-coming war.

1st Action… “The Drop Zone, Commander”.

“Come help, we have”.

The Jedi brought with them a new army of Clones. As Obi-Wan Kanobi sent out a distress call for help. He described what was happening here on Geonosis and told them, all enemy commanders were present and their plans. The commanders where building an army and to top it all off, the ex-Jedi Count Dooku was also here.


Use 1 Jedi (I used Obi-Wan Kanobi) and 2 full units of Phase 1 Clones, in units of 6 men, these are placed in the Drop Zone area, center point of the 2’x2′ arena.


4 units of 8, B1 Battle Droid Troopers, are used against them. One of these units sgt, becomes their commander in charge. Each unit of 8 Droids would come in on a different tables edge. (In the box you only have two droid units, then once a unit is destroyed another unit would come on to the battle area from another tables edge).

Objective and Terrain…

The Drop Zone is an open area, so no cover is used in this arena.

Place 1 objective counter in the center of the area, this will now become the Drop Zone.


“This action only lasts 4 turns”.

  • You gain 1 point per unit you destroy.
  • Who ever holds the center objective, will gain 1 point at the end of the 4th turn.
  • Count up the points you collect as they will be used in the 3rd action.


2nd Action… A war has started.

Obi-Wan Kanobi leads some Clone units into the huge cave system pursuing the commanders, only to be stopped at the doors of the production buildings by the defending droids.


Use Obi-Wan Kanobi and 4 units of Phase 1 Clones (in units of 5 men).

If only using the box set, the 3rd and 4th unit of Clones will enter from their own starting tables edge when the next full unit comes available.


General Grievous and his 1 unit of 2 Droidekas and 2 units of 8, B1 Battle Droid Troopers.

Objective and Terrain…

The area is under ground in a huge cave. 4 rocky areas are used as heavy cover, two buildings are placed along the droid tables edge but are lock and nobody is able to enter. While 3 objective markers are placed about this area. Objectives 1 and 2 are placed 4″ away from the doors of the Droid Buildings and objective 3 is placed 6″ from the Clones base edge.


This encounter lasts 5 turns. “Tick, Tock”.

  • Gain 1pt after destroying an enemy unit.
  • Who ever holds any of the 3 available objectives by the end of the 5th turn will gain 1 point per objective held.
  • Count up the points you collect as they will be used in the 3rd action.


3rd Action…All out war on Geonosis.

“Stop them, we must” “Get away, we can not allow”.

In the distance there are 6 Star Ships waiting to leave the planet. The droids are fighting defensively as the main force withdraws to the Star Ships for their escape.


Use a Jedi (Anakin Skywalker or General Kenobi), 2 units of Phase 1 Clones in units of 5 men and 1 BARC Speeder with Sidecar. With possible Clone Trooper reinforcements (see below for explanation).


Using a Force User (Count Duuko or General Grievous), 1 unit of 2 Droidekas and 2 units of 8, B1 Battle Droid Troopers. With possible Droid Trooper reinforcements, (see below for explanation).

Objective and Terrain…

Place down terrain as you wish, although this is fought over an open space and a few rocks could be placed here and there allowing for hard cover.

3 objectives, the 1st is placed in the center of the Droids base edge. The 2nd is placed in the center of the fighting area and the 3rd is placed in the center of the Clones base edge.

Time and Space…

This part of the battle lasts for 6 turns.

Reinforcements arrive when a Trooper Unit is destroyed and a new Trooper Unit is placed on their base edge. You can replace 1 unit for each point you have gained from the actions in battles 1 and 2.

Victory points (VP)…

  • Gain 1 VP for each unit you have destroyed during this action (3rd Battle).
  • Gain 1 VP for each objective under your command at the end of the 6th turns.
  • If the Droids win then all Star Ships take off into space. The remaining droids on the Battle field are shut down “Roger, Roger” and these are not added to your score.
  • For every 2VP’s the Clones have over the Droids -1 Star Ship can leave, as its blown out of the sky during take off. Remaining droids on the field of battle are shut down “Roger, Roger” and these are not added to your score.

Every Star Ships that take to the sky, is equal to how many more battles are left to play during the main campaign WAR..

(A quick one here, as no Commanders were killed during these encounters so if a Character is killed, no just escapes wounded).

From Wolfs Wabble of Wowdy Webels

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Dark Side Rising

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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In a Galaxy far far away,

Star Wars

Comes the Clone Wars.

As told by Commander Wolf of the Rebel Alliance.


Dark Side Rising

The Dark Side Rising...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Number 2

War has come.

The Clones wars have begun.

From Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

With the recent event at Geonosis, the Republic is now at war.

The Clone armies are now dispatched under the leadership of the Jedi and sped out, throughout the Galaxy.

All Jedi are given the task to deal with this threat of the Separatist Armies.


Dar, Dar,

Da Da Da, Dar Dar,

Da Da Da, Dar Dar,

Da Da Da, Dar.

This is the second part of our on going Campaign, we’ve just called WAR.


Battle on Vulpter.

The planet is covered in red rocks and red dust, which was the aftermath of the strip miming for ore above and below ground that the Republic needed for the production of ships. Now only controlled by the Separatist and its Mining Clan.

The base which is need to be taken is the main weapons and maintenance building under ground, so the landing zone was well back out of sight from prying eyes of any droid and anti-air gunner. But to get up to their objectives they had to go up the valleys, which in time the Clones would call it Death Valley, as many Clones would loose their lives getting there.


1st Action. Surprise, M–F’s.

A small outpost is just off the open ground from where the Clones had landed. Which is  at the beginning of Death Valley and this would be their first contact upon Vulpter.


Jedi, and two x 6 man Phase 1 Clone trooper units.

OBI-WAN KENOBI with (Jedi Mind Trick, Force  Guidance, Commanding Presence, Tenacity).

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus a DC-15 Phase 1 Trooper, an extra Phase 1 Clone Trooper, all with Impact Grenades and Recon Intel.

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus a Z-6 Phase 1 Trooper, an extra Phase 1 Clone Trooper, all with Impact Grenades and Recon Intel.


Two x 6 B1 Battle Droid trooper units. (1 unit being their command unit).

2 units of B1 Battle Droids  plus an extra E-5C B1 Battle Droid, and an extra B1 Battle Droid.

Terrain and Objectives.

This is fought over a 2’x3′ area. The longer edges are the valley walls and the shorter is where the Droid and Clone setup areas are sights.

The Outpost building is placed in the center of the droid base edge and six barricades set down in 2’s, are placed along the droid starting area.

Along the center line and over to one side is a smaller building, with what could be called a satellite on top. Over on the other side, is a rocky outcrop.

All these are hard cover.

There is only 1 objective, this is placed outside the doors of the droid outpost building.



This action lasts for 6 turns.

  • Whoever holds the objective at the end of turn 6, gains 1 point.
  • For every unit you destroy you gain, 1 point.

These points are kept for the 3rd Action. So keep a track on your points.


2nd Action, Main Entry Point.

The entrance to the underground production zone is flanked by two huge buildings which control the huge shield blast doors, which at the moment stand open.


Jedi, two x 6 man Phase 1 Clone trooper units, one BARC Speeder with Sidecar.

OBI-WAN KENOBI with (Jedi Mind Trick, Force  Guidance, Commanding Presence, Tenacity).

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus an extra DC-15 Phase 1 Trooper, and extra Phase 1 Clone Trooper, all with Impact Grenades and Recon Intel.

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus an Z-6 Phase 1 Trooper, and extra Phase 1 Clone Trooper, all with Impact Grenades and Recon Intel.

1 BARC speeder with sidecar using BARC RPS-6 Gunner, with Recon Intel.


Two x 6 B1 Battle Droid trooper units. (1 unit being their command unit) and one unit of 2 Droidekas.

2 units of B1 Battle Droids  plus a E-5C B1 Trooper, and a extra B1 Battle Droid with HQ Uplink.

1 unit of Droidekas with HQ Uplink.


Terrain and Objectives.

This is fought over a 2’x3′ area. The longer edges are the Droid and Clone setup ends.

The two huge buildings are placed at either end and inside the droids setup area. Unfortunately for the Clones the area up to these buildings is all open ground.

3 objectives are placed equally apart along the droid starting zone.



This action lasts for 6 turns.

  • Gain 1 point for any objective held on either side.
  • Gain 3 points for the objective at the center point.
  • Gain 1 point per enemy unit you destroyed.

These points are kept for the 3rd Action. So keep a check on your points.


3rd Action. The main Assault.

Within this huge cavern three buildings stand brightly lit. Not one but three production areas, a Droid Barracks, a Droid production facility and a Droid Vehicle production building.


Jedi, two x 6 men Phase 1 Clone trooper units, one BARC Speeder with Sidecar. Plus you can add one unit for every point you’ve gained during Actions 1 and 2.

OBI-WAN KENOBI with (Jedi Mind Trick, Force  Guidance, Commanding Presence, Tenacity).

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus a DC-15 Phase 1 Trooper, and an extra Phase 1 Clone Trooper, all with Impact Grenades and Recon Intel.

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus a Z-6 Phase 1 Trooper, and a extra Phase 1 Clone Trooper, all with Impact Grenades and Recon Intel.

1 BARC speeder with sidecar using BARC RPS-6 Gunner, with Recon Intel.


Commander, two x 8 B1 Battle Droid trooper units and one unit of 2 Droidekas. Plus you can add one unit for every point you’ve gained during Actions 1 and 2.

General Grievous using Aggressive Tactics, Strict Orders, Hunter and a DT-57 Annihilator.

2 units of B1 Battle Droids  plus a E-5C B1 Trooper, and a extra B1 Battle Droid with HQ Uplink.

1 unit of Droidekas with HQ Uplink.

Terrain and Objectives.

This are is 2’x3′ area, the longest sides are the Droid and Clone setups ends.

3 buildings are place, 1 in each center of the three edges which are not used by the Clones.

4 objectives are used, three are placed in front of the buildings front doors and 1 is placed in the center of the Clone base edge.



This action lasts 6 turns.

  • Droids gains 1 Victory Point for an objective still within this area at the end of turn 6.
  • Clones gain 1 Victory Point for every objective point destroyed and to destroy an objective your unit must be there for one full turn, with no movement that turn allowed, but can still fire.
  • Reinforcements arrive, each one of your units that is destroyed will return during this time as Clones arrive or Droids are built.
  • Clone units arrive from clone own objective point, so don’t destroy that one.
  • Droid units arrive from different buildings, Vehicles arrive from the Vehicle production building. Droid troopers either arrive from Barracks and come on in 8’s or the Droid production facility and come on in 6’s with out any extras. So you must point out to the enemy which building is which.

If both sides are even after turn 6, then game on until the next point is won.

So ends the first Battle of Vulpter, go on to the next battle, or not as the case maybe.

The Dark Side Rising...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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The Separatists already have many of the planets in the Outer Rim on their side as the Republic fights for support inside and out. Many of the planets in the Outer Rim are just to far to get too as the Separatists hold most of the Hyper space lanes. The Separatists drum up support for the Coalition by attacking those planets which still hold out support for the Republic system.

The Trade Federation attacks Kamino to put an end to any reinforcements that may come to help the Jedi.

Da Da ,

Da Da Da Dar, DAR,

Da Da Da Dar, Dar

Da Da Da, Dar.


The 1st Battle of Kamino.

Held by the Republic forces, home of the Clones. The Trade Federation forces swat away the patrolling ships and sends down their assault force to the planets stilt cities. To take hold or To destroy the cloning baths. But the Clones having outposts on near planets know the droids are coming.


1st Action Hold the Line.

The Clones know that if the Droids get inside, then their life, their brother, this place will fall. So all for one and one for all.

Calling out “No Retreat and No Surrender”.



Jedi, Two, x 4 man Phase 1 Clone Trooper units plus reinforcements.

OBI-WAN KENOBI with (Jedi Mind Trick, Force  Guidance, Commanding Presence, Tenacity).

2 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers with Targeting Scopes and Impact Grenades.


A Droid Commander is one unit of the B1 Battle Droids, Two, x 6 droid, B1 Battle Droid Units. One Droidekas Unit, plus reinforcements.

2 units of B1 Battle Droids with HQ Uplink. (one unit as The Command Unit).

1 unit of Droidekas with HQ Uplink.

Terrain and Objectives

The Landing Zone is fought on a 2’x2′ open area apart from three sets of 2 barricades placed along the Clones deployment zone (placed at least range one apart from each other) Barricades are clast as Hard Cover.

Two Objectives, 1 placed in the Center point of each sides base edge.

Your reinforcements will arrive from these objective points, once a unit has been destroyed replace it with another Trooper Unit.


Battle on the Landing Zone Lasts 6 turn.

  • To capture and destroy enemy objective, must be in base contact for one full turn without moving.
  • If your own objective is taken out, no more reinforcements can you have.

At the end of the 6th turn count up  how many units you have destroyed.

If the Clones win the Droids are thrown back and must give up the attack.

If the Droids win then move on to 2nd Action.


2nd Action. Hold the Gates.

The Droids are more powerful then you know, But let them come and find out how Clones fight to the end, quick barricades placed they dig in.

Calling out “No Retreat and No Surrender”.



Jedi, Two, x 5 man Phase 1 Clone Trooper units, BRAC Speeder and Sidecar plus reinforcements.

OBI-WAN KENOBI with (Jedi Mind Trick, Force  Guidance, Commanding Presence, Tenacity).

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus a DC-15 Phase 1 Trooper all with Targeting Scopes and Impact Grenades.

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus a Z-6 Phase 1 Trooper, all with  Targeting Scopes and Impact Grenades.

1 BARC speeder with sidecar using BARC RPS-6 Gunner, with Targeting Scopes.


Commander, two x 7 B1 Battle Droid units and one unit of 2 Droidekas. Plus you can add one unit for every point you’ve gained during Actions 1 and 2.

General Grievous using Aggressive Tactics, Strict Orders, Hunter and a DT-57 Annihilator.

2 units of B1 Battle Droids  plus a E-5C B1 Trooper, with HQ Uplink.

1 unit of Droidekas with HQ Uplink.


Terrain and Objectives

This Zone is fought on a 2’x2′ open area apart from four sets of 2 barricades placed along Clones deployment zone (at the range one, apart from each other) Barricades are clast as Hard Cover.

The main blast doors into the Clone complex are just behind, or can be placed leaving a range two sized opening For the Blast Doors.

Two Objectives, 1 placed in the Center point of each forces base edge.

Your reinforcements will arrive from these objective points once a unit has been destroyed replace it with another Trooper Unit. But numbers are low only use as many reinforcements as you gained points last Action.



Battle of the Gates lasts 6 turns.

  • To capture and destroy enemy objective, must be in base contact for one full turn without moving.
  • If your own objective is taken out, no more reinforcements can you have.

At the end of the 6th turn count up  how many units you have destroyed.

If the Clones win the Droids are thrown back, and must game the Landing Zone again.

If the Droids win then move on to 3rd Action.


3rd Action;  “No Retreat and No Surrender”.

Clones last stand now there inside and already destroying the complex.



Jedi, Two, x 6 man Phase 1 Clone Trooper units plus reinforcements.

OBI-WAN KENOBI with (Jedi Mind Trick, Force  Guidance, Commanding Presence, Tenacity).

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus a DC-15 Phase 1 Trooper, and an extra Phase 1 Clone Trooper, all with Targeting Scopes and Impact Grenades.

1 unit of Phase 1 Clone Troopers plus a Z-6 Phase 1 Trooper, and a extra Phase 1 Clone Trooper, all with Targeting Scopes and Impact Grenades.

1 BARC speeder with sidecar using BARC RPS-6 Gunner, with Targeting Scopes.


(General Grievous) and Two, x 8 droid  B1 Battle Droid Units. One Droidekas Unit, plus his reinforcements, you can add one unit for every point you’ve gained during Actions 1 and 2.

General Grievous using Aggressive Tactics, Strict Orders, Hunter and a DT-57 Annihilator.

2 units of B1 Battle Droids  plus a E-5C B1 Trooper, and a extra B1 Battle Droid with HQ Uplink.

1 unit of Droidekas with HQ Uplink.

Terrain and Objectives

This Zone is fought on a 2’x3′ open area with four sets of 2 barricades, two sets placed 1 either side at Range one up from Clone Base edge and the second two placed either side at Range Two up from the Clones base edge. These Barricades are clast as Hard Cover.

Only one more sets of blast doors into the Main Clone Complex are just behind and can be placed leaving a range two sized opening For the Blast Doors.

Two Objectives, 1 placed in the Center point of each forces base edge.

Your reinforcements will arrive from these objective points once a unit has been destroyed replace it with another Trooper Unit. But numbers are low only use as many reinforcements as you gained points from the, Action 2.



Battle lasts 6 turns.

  • To capture and destroy enemy objective, must be in base contact for one full turn without moving.
  • If your own objective is taken out, no more reinforcements can you have.

At the end of the 6th turn count up  how many units you have destroyed.

If the Clones win the Droids are thrown back, to the First Gate Zone again.

If the droid win, you win the 1st Battle of Kamino, if you loose You Will Return With Better Forces.

So ends the first Battle of Kamino, go on to the next battle, or not as the case maybe.

The Dark Side Rising...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
No Comments

Speeder and sidecar finished.

Both units and speeder team painted.

Yet still have more to paint for this force.




He’s the commander. Droid points to friendly Droid

“Bang splat”

Guess I’m the commander now. Droids head slowly drops to face downward.

“Bang Splat”

More droids on there way.

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