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Project Greater Daemon

Project Greater Daemon

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Project Blog by ProbablyPlayingToySoldiers

Recommendations: 88

About the Project

I decided to take on the challenge of painting all 4 Greater Daemons during the October and November. Rather than buy new and start from a shiny new plastic model, I decided to trawl Facebook marketplace and eBay to pick up "rescue" projects. Models that were part done, or done very badly (I'm looking at you Keeper of Secrets!) so that I could test both my remedial skills and painting skills. The aim being that when I can finally return to playing at my local club I can field all 4 in the same army.

This Project is Completed

All 4 now complete and ready for the battlefield!

Tutoring 5
Skill 10
Idea 9

Keeper of Secrets

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7
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The Keeper was by far the most difficult rescue. Bought from eBay for £60, it arrived constructed but oddly mainly unglued! The parts that were glued had a ton of super glue used and were hideous. It literally fell apart as I took it from the box. The paint job was absolutely awful. It was so bad that I complained to the seller and he gave me a full refund and said I could keep the model!

I went about a complete rebuild, which was very difficult, chiseling off the old glue, cleaning and re constructing. I then re painted in full over the old paint job. The detail retained is, I think, pretty good. As with each of the 4 I have gone with a very traditional set of colours for Slaanesh. The cloak was a real challenge as none of the glue points were in the right place so I had to construct “ropes” to make a reliable join.

Overall I’m really happy with the result, especially bearing in mind where I started!!

Lord of Change

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Next up was the Lord of Change. Purchased from Facebook the base colours were down with some detail. However I needed to attach an arm and do plenty of gap filling before repainting the filled areas, completing all the feather detailing, repainting all the gold and building a suitable base. Unlike the Keeper where I used a resin base, with this guy I used some slate from my garden and painted it slate colour (?!), my wife thought I was bonkers at this stage! Again, I stuck to traditional Tzeentch colours and I’m happy with the result.

Great Unclean One

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Next up was my favourite, the Great Unclean One! Nurgle has always been my favourite Chaos God and I’ve been waiting a long time to paint this guy. So when the guy who sold me big bird said he was also selling a GUO I snapped his hand off!

In similar condition to the Lord of Change, the big green boy was base coated with some detail done, however the build was worse with some HUGE gaps that needed filling, sanding back and repainting. There is a HUGE amount of detail on this guy and it was an absolute joy to paint. I picked out every single spot and boil with a base coat of orange, an intermediate highlight of yellow, a wash of red to make it look enflamed then a top highlight of creamy white for the puss. It took about 3 weeks of working every evening on it to get it done and I’m absolutely delighted with the outcome.

I can’t want to get him on the field to get shot to pieces in probably a single turn! At least he’ll look good doing it! He’s also the only one named, my kids called him “Bin bag”

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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My final challenge was the Bloodthirster of Insensate rage.  I’m not used to painting with a red palette and this was the model I enjoyed the least, however I’m pretty happy with the end result.
I bought this one built to a pretty good standard and it only needed a bit of cleaning up before launching into the paint job. After much experimentation I went with subtle red highlights on the wings after considering doing really bright orange highlights, but I wanted a dark red finish.
Sticking with just red and gold, I wanted a clear, traditional Khorne look to it, only introducing blue for the hair as a bit of a contrast.
Finally I based the same as the others, and I’ve now nearly run out of slate pieces in my garden!