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Seasonal Anti-depression

Seasonal Anti-depression

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Project Blog by horati0nosebl0wer Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 20

About the Project

Living in the northern hemisphere the days are slowly getting shorter and the time to get sunlight and keep a balanced Circadian rhythm is soon to be pretty much shot. With Giftmas just around the corner this is a refurbished project from the way way back. I thought to post pics of completed gifts that have been prepared at the Noseblower Estate that were sent via cannonade from the deck of the fabled ship 'That Sinking Feeling' (the finest vessel of ork manufacture) but it turned out to be a bit much in the end. To all those on the receiving end of the deliveries, Merry Giftmas. To everyone else, Merry Christmas. For all, be well and find the joy of hobbying and the holiday.

This Project is Completed

A Sundancer Select

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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With analysis of the world at present the mobilization of tiny fighting men on a global scale has been deemed mandatory. From a time when the German front was thought lost as a certain “influencer” was about to pack up his brushes and call it quits the North American force was brought forth to dust off a previously canceled project. The European theater is once more open for play and the only question is scale. Modern methods of mini manufacture will make short work of setting up games. This is an all out offensive that I find offensive, an assault on human happiness that must be met with tiny toys through simulated stratgems and comical combat! Bang on to the front!

The Evilstu eye is on you

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Asia looks to be kicking off as well and therefore the Land Down Under must be attended to. I’ve played Risk. I know if you have all of Austral-Asia it’s one extra man a turn and only one door to try and walk through. With that in mind I’ll be sending atleast one more mini man to the future fray.

Mind the dropbears, remember to be alert for cane toads, and for the love of all that is good don’t rile up the emu.

Battleplans OnTabletop

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Continuing on the guerilla campaign from the continent there was the mandatory stop off in the far end of the islands to the north. Facing cold waves of an icy sea, wind that would chill to death the unfortunate who might be stuck in them and the unblinking banality of a world without fun, a contingent of the stalwart was landed in the Northwest of Europe (somewhere around “here” on any convenient map) to spread cheer among the masses impoverished of imagination and deprived thereof.

Canadian reinforcement

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Knowing that a good support structure for a campaign of outspoken mirth and glee starts closer to home, Canada got its fair share of care packages. Owing to the shorter distance from ‘Murica the parcels for the neighbors to the north were sent out far later than those for across the pond.

Support troops from all corners of the Earth

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Given that there are quite a few fellows of this hobby out in the world there needed to be more tiny fighting men sent out into the world and therefore assorted forces dispatched to face the onslaught of banality. A true holiday offensive was in order to stem the tide of depression as cries of mirth and cheer rand out with general tidings of good will.

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