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The Final Push – Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push – Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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Project Blog by lawnor Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 2724

About the Project

It's August 2020 and the end is in sight. Out of the 2200ish models I own I only currently have 63 left to paint, so why not share the final push with everyone and watch me accidentally buy and print faster than I paint instead of doing this

This Project is Active

44 MTG: Printed Platemail Wearers

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
No Comments

The numbers are moving in the right direction again!  Yay!

I’d got the challenge mini primed and ready to work but I was intimidated by the challenge so I finished off the four minis I’d already started and played more Diablo 3 rather than get started.  They’ve finished now and I finally completed the Season so I ran out of excuses.

Yanz Pratrix by Raging Heroes (Thats battle damage on his halo spike and totally not a misprint!)Yanz Pratrix by Raging Heroes (Thats battle damage on his halo spike and totally not a misprint!)
Dwarf Cleric by Titan ForgeDwarf Cleric by Titan Forge
Female Human paladin by Titan Forge (The hair misprinted towards the end but it looks ok here)Female Human paladin by Titan Forge (The hair misprinted towards the end but it looks ok here)
Human Fighter by Titan ForgeHuman Fighter by Titan Forge
Diablo 3 season, completed at last!  I'm free to focus on painting agin.... I hope?Diablo 3 season, completed at last! I'm free to focus on painting agin.... I hope?

Work has begun on the challenge mini.  I primed black and then took some pics under a lamp over his left shoulder to show me where the highlights should be.  Afetrwards, I primed a grey from the direction of the light only to get me started.  I then mixed up progressivley lighter greys and finally a white and developed the highlights further by hand.

Light provided by a IRL lamp onlyLight provided by a IRL lamp only
Highlights painted on in greyscaleHighlights painted on in greyscale
After the first day of working with just washes and inksAfter the first day of working with just washes and inks

48 MTG: Diablo 3 Ate My Homework

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

The new season of Diablo 3 has taken over my brain and most of my free time.  I’ve done little else this week.  I havent touched the game in years and I’ve never done the Seasons before but I’m really enjoying it.  I’ve already done everything I set out to.  I unlocked the extra stash space which is all I wanted.  Problem is, I’m now one achievement away from completing everything and it’s a shame to leave it that way.  I need to do a 4 minute speed run of a Torment 13 normal rift.  I can do one in about 4mins 30 seconds so I’m now levelling up Legendary gems to buff all my gear.  This could take a while and I have until December-ish I think so hopefully I’ll focus more on my painting now.  We will see.  I always feel a few hours off the next target which is a problem.

Anyway.  Hobby.

I’ve primed all the models I built last week and while I had the airbrush out I did the base coat on the four guys wearing plate.  I’ve made some progress beyond that too.

48 MTG: Diablo 3 Ate My Homework

I’ve had a new model turn up too.  The current MWF challenge mini is here and apparently I have to paint it using the Grisaille method (Do all the black and white preshading and then ink/glaize over the top).  I’ve done bits of this in the past without knowing that name.  He also wants a non-standard direction of lighting.  Should be interesting, although why he’s chosen a model with no visible light source and then asked for OSL and opted for a traditionally all black model for this I don’t know.

48 MTG: Diablo 3 Ate My Homework

I won a prize from Januinevision a while back and it finally arrived.  I’ll look in to using these basing decorations on nicer pieces than these 3d printed D&D characters.  I’ve KDM tunring up in a couple of months.  Might be an opportunity to play around.  The chocolate was very nice.  Very rich.  I don’t normally like dark chocolate or whiskey but this worked for me.  I could certainly eat more.  I’ve used those flesh tones on the people above.  Not bad.  A good mid tone flesh range for rank and file.

48 MTG: Diablo 3 Ate My Homework

47 MTG: No painting this week

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Diablo 3 totally owned me this week.  I’ve done little else.  I’m most of the way to completing the season and I hope to have my focus shift afterwards.  I also got a meatspace game in this week for the first time in 18 months.  My friends and I have been talking about learning 40k and running a Crusade fo funsies for about a year now.  With lockdowns easing we arranged for 6 of us to get together two days ago and learn the rules with a few 25pl games.  Three people actually turned up in the end and we got in two games that should have taken 45 minutes a piece but took 2-3 hours each as we didn’t know what we were doing and kept looking up rules clarifications.

Im a Warmachine player and 40k takes the abstraction far further and oversimplifies a lot, such as “19 guys hiding behind a building, but the 20th is partially visible so I can shoot and kill them all”.  Things like this feels wrong to me so its gonna take a little getting used to.  Once I’ve adjusted, I can see me having some fun with it but caring/thinking less than with Warmachine or other games.

We played with mostly just the Core Rules PDF rules only so far.  No strategems, but we did allow the reroll stratagem and looked at the terrain rules.  We wanted to keep things simple.  Next time we play we will add stratagems in and try and build up the layers.

The Daemons below are mine.

I also got a little building done.  I assembled 44 of the remaining 47 models.  The last ones are fancy bust-type models that I may want to work with in subassemblies so I’ll build them when I’m ready to paint them.  Next time I sit down for a couple of hours (Today?  Tomorrow?) I’ll get out my airbush and prime the lot.

One of my prints had a problem.  The elf bust has lots of spots over her.  I think whats happened is that I didn’t change my curing water often enough and particulate sin the water settled and cured on her.  I’ve taken some sandpaper to her but theres places that I can’t get to.  I’m hoping that once she’s primed she looks better.  I’m prepared to go back and do more cleanup on them all once the primer is dry.  Something about the resin does funny things to the light making it really had to see what you’re looking at.  Primer fixes that so I imagine I’ll find I missed some stuff during cleanup.

47 MTG: No painting this week

47 MTG Ghamak's The Keeper, Lord of Battle & KDM Terrain

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

The heat has been ridiculous this week and it’s been messing with my paints and my motivation.  I was able to finish off a Keeper of Secrets I’d started a couple of weeks ago.  I’d previously base coated and shaded her flesh and just needed to highlight it.  It didn’t go to well.  At arms length she looks fine, but in pics, or any closer, and it looks blotchy and patchy.  It was weird.  On some parts of her it felt like it was going down fine, but on others it was just messy and too thick.  I was doing it all at the same time with the same paint and the same technique.  It didn’t make any sense to me.  I knew this was a technique I needed to practise, but I’m still choosing to blame some of this on the heat and humidity messing with my paint.

The 3D print had some problems.  Firstly, I hollowed out the hair and put in a couple of drain holes where I thought they wouldn’t be seen once assembled. I was wrong and had to fill them up with green stuff which I then couldn’t get a file to, to smooth down.  There were also some bubbles on her hair.  Many thin coats of gloss varnish before painting seems to have smoothed this all out.  Her left eye didn’t fully print so that’s mostly just painted on.  One of her but cheecks had a large flat section, but a few minutes with a file made her more natural.

I’d already painted up a Slaaneshi starter set last year and I wanted to colour match everything for her.  For some reason I didn’t make any notes about anything so I had to try anf figure it all out from the same starting point and by holding up old models next to paint pots for comparrison.  I think I got it right.

Ghamak's The Keeper, Lord of Battle proxy for a Keeper of SecretsGhamak's The Keeper, Lord of Battle proxy for a Keeper of Secrets

I do not have a copy of KDM yet.  I bought it during the Black Friday sale in November and it’s been delayed until October this year.  He’s also revealed that tax has not been factored in yet which he didn’t realise might be an issue for people/foreigners.  I’ve already spent a small fortune on this and was gambling over customs charges.  Now he’s telling everyone there could be another 20ish% on top yet to come?  I’ve bought a house and been put on 6 months furlough since I ordered this.  This is not great news.

Whenever my resin was running low and I didn’t think I’d have enough to print a whole model I’d print off a little terrain for Kindom Death Monster and the resin usually went much further than I expected.  I don’t have a full set yet and I don’t plan on buying any more resin any time soon.  I tried to focus on the tiles models couldn’t stand on once I thought about it.  I’ll stick with tokens for the rest.  I don’t want models falling over.

I have a recipe for a ceramic paint scheme I was thinking of using or adapting here.  Until I saw those pillars.  Look at all that detail.  Painting this lot by hand would take weeks and would be suuuuper tedious, especially as it’s all one colour.  Also, one of those paints is almost empty.  I opted to try drybrushing them instead.  I tested out a new scheme on one of the ore tiles as I may not use them so they could look ugly if needed.  I think it’s come out quite well.  Here’s my method so I can replicate it later:

Base: P3 Trollblood Highlight

Light overbrush/heavy drybrush: GW Karak Stone

Heavy-Medium drybrush: GW Screaming Skull

Drybrush: P3 Menoth White Highlight

Finally, I took an old soft drubrush and rubbed lots of Vallejo Pigments 73111 Green Earth in to everything, tapped off the excess and then airbrush varnished everthing immediately. (I tried a different pigment first on one tile and didn’t like it.  For some reason it didn’t fade as much as the green I put over it)

The pigment is almost completely gone, but has some effect.  I really need a way to make it stay as a powder/dust when I varnish.  I’ve never quite got the hang of pigments.

3D printed KDM terrain.  This is an unofficial set that can be found on Thingiverse or MMF I think3D printed KDM terrain. This is an unofficial set that can be found on Thingiverse or MMF I think

I don’t think I’m going to get much / any painting done this week.  I’m supposed to be hosting a learn to play 40k day this weekend so I need to take the time to read the rules and then play a solo demo game to show how little I took in, and keep re-reading whole sections as I play.  I also need to tidy up 18 months of solo lockdown isolation laziness/madness, and set up three tables.

I’m also deep in a Diablo 3 addiction and the new season just started.  I’ve never done the Seasons or the ladder before and I’m looking to push through to complete this one.

The remainder of my models are still in need of assembly too, so thats got to come next, no matter what.

55 MTG W’adrhŭn Slingers

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

I finished off the MWF community challenge minis and made very good progress on my Keeper of Secrets proxy.  I also lost a lot of time to Diablo 3 again.  I feel like I’m really slowing down now.  This is fine.  Thats the goal.  Get near the end, don’t let things pile up again, and enjoy both painting and other things.  other things have been forgotten for many years.

These slingers look cool, but they are dumb.  That backpack would 100% be in the way of doing anything.  It also doubles the space the models take up in storage foam.

The challenge said not to use any out-of-the-bottle green on these models so there is no green on them.  The flesh isn’t green.  It’s thinned Vallejo Game Ink Sepia over a preshade.  Looks green to me, but I swear it’s not.

2x W’adrhŭn Slingers2x W’adrhŭn Slingers
55 MTG W’adrhŭn Slingers

57 MTG: Undead T-Rex & Gloomhaven Minis

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 7

We got our Gloomhaven group together for the first time since Covid arrived and unlocked two unpainted minis, so I’ve got them painted ready for next session, which hpopefully won’t be 18 months away again.  I also finished the Skeleton T-Rex I’d already started.

MWF’s july Community Challenge models have arrived.  Two Orc Slingers which I’m currently working on.  Whats the challenge?  We can’t use any out-of-the-bottle greens.  We can mix up and use our own, but we are being encouraged not to paint the orc flesh green.

Undead T-Rex and Rider by PrintYourMonsterUndead T-Rex and Rider by PrintYourMonster
Soothsinger for GloomhavenSoothsinger for Gloomhaven
Plagueherald for GloomhavenPlagueherald for Gloomhaven
MWF Community Challenge modelsMWF Community Challenge models

58MTG: Titan Forge Lord of Decay / Great Unclean One proxy

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

This week I finished off my Great Unclean one following the Vallejo Non-Death Chaos paint guide.  I’ve figured out that sometimes when Angel Giraldez says “wash” he means waaaay thinner than normal, but doesn’t distinguish, at least in these low word coutn guides.  As such, this scheme came out better than during my recent Putrid Humalkas model.  I’ve started using the other half of this guide on a Keeper of Secrets proxy too, and thrown myself in to working on an undead T-Rex.

I didn’t finish a second model as I played through and lost another mission on Reichbusters, and my Gloomhaven group were able to get together for the first time since Covid came along.  We spent 3 days playing and unlocked two new models I have to paint so they’ve been added to my total.

TF Lord of Decay, upscaled 10-20%, or as large as my printer would take so he would suit a 130mm base betterTF Lord of Decay, upscaled 10-20%, or as large as my printer would take so he would suit a 130mm base better

57 MTG: Skull Cannon and rebasing

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 7
No Comments

This week I finished off the Skull Cannon from the SC box, which finishes that box off.  I then started work on the Titan Forge Lord of Decay (almost done) and prepared his base and the base for the Keeper of Secrets proxy.  While I was at it I also rebased my old Bloodthirster.

He was on a round 60mm base but under current rules he should be on a 120 x 92mm oval base.  I didn’t want to remove him from the old base as that’d damage him.  I also wanted to raise him up as his whip was already touching the table top, so I glued a piece of MDF under his base and glued that to the oval base.  This gave enough clearance under the whip to allow for basing materials to be added.  I glued down another piece of MDF elsehwere to break up the shape of his old round base, and then tried to build up sloped edges with PVA.  This didn’t work too well, but did help glue everything down and fill in some gaps.  In the end I made up a mix of PVA, Sand, and water and used this paste/concrete to build up a more natural slope and add some texture to things.  Once this was dry I coated it all in PVA and dirt, and then sealed that in with more watery PVA.  It’s not done a bad job, now it’s all painted up

My errata pack for Reichbusters turned up last week so I spent 2-3 hours integrating that.  It had to be done in one go as they didn’t print version numbers on anything so getting confused or lost was a high risk if I took a break. I’ve completed two more missions since, and theres three left to go in the box, and a fourth fan one I’ll probably do, which will check off another item from my 2021 Hobby Pledges.

Reichbusters, all set up for an easy refresher missionReichbusters, all set up for an easy refresher mission

To whoever it is who clicked all the bottons before I’d finished writing this or the previous update: Thanks for the love, but don’t you want to at least wait for me to finish before thumbs-upping and moving on?  There weren’t even any pics yet this week.

58MTG: Start Collecting Daemons of Khorne

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
No Comments

I’ve made solid progress on the Daemons I picked up with my OTT voucher.  14 models are done and I’ve done a lot of the groundwork for the final piece, the Skull Cannon.

10 Bloodletters, which takes me up to a max unit of 30 in total10 Bloodletters, which takes me up to a max unit of 30 in total
3 Bloodcrushers, which takes me up to a max unit of 9 in total3 Bloodcrushers, which takes me up to a max unit of 9 in total
Herald of KhorneHerald of Khorne

With only model left to paint I thought it was time to prep more ready to paint.  I always like to have the next project ready to do before I finish the current one so there’s no lost downtime while I wait for glues or primer to dry and I don’t rush anything and botch something.  As such I’ve built and primed a handful of models ready to go.

One of my 3D prints had a catastrophic failure.  This is a bust of Avatar Korra I found on MMF.  I upscaled her quite a bit and tried to hollow her out, but I think the channel between the voids got blocked and trapped some resin and perhaps some air.  When  I put her in some warm soapy water to clean her up ready to  paint she cracked open everywhere, revealing some oddly set resin inside; kindy rubbery and kinda chalky at the same time.  I thought I’d have a go at fixing her but the gunk must have expanded and it didn;t want to come out and it quickly became apparent that I’d end up with a billion gunky shards if I tried.  As such I’m considering this a failed print.

Let this be a lesson to everyone: Ensure all your voids can drain, and if you think you have resin trapped after a print, drill a new hole to let it out before you UV cure the piece.  Remember to wear goggles as who knows how it will react to a release in trapped pressure.

73MTG: Walrus Man

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 7
No Comments

This months Monkeys With Fire community challenge was to paint a Printmyminis Walrus Man using only the provided Instar paints.  Three primary colours, black, white, and a metallic additive.  I’ve never done anything like this before.  Thankfully, Instar have some guides over here to give me a solid starting point.  The Linear Swatches are not 100% accurate, but they got me within a ballpark I could mostly tweak to what I wanted.  I spent more time procrastinating than actually painting this model.

Walrus Man by PrintmyminisWalrus Man by Printmyminis
The paints I usedThe paints I used

While avoiding actually starting him I did the building, priming and airbrush basing on the next project.  I had a £50 OTT voucher expiring soon so I spent it to buy another Daemons of Khorne Start Collecting box ready for an upcoming Crusade with my firends.  None of us know how to play 40k yet.  There’s nothing really worth showing yet. I painted up this box once before as part of the OTT 40k Hobby Weekend and I’ll be trying to match that as best as I can.

74MTG: Deryn, Dugrun, & Gold'arr

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7
No Comments

I finished the last three models for Super Fantasy Brawl this week so thats one less big project to do.  However, I had a £50 OTT voucher expiring soon from last years Spring Cleaning Challenge so I picked up the Start Collecting Daemons of Khorne box to add to my force for a Crusade my friends and I are hoping to start soon.  Thats 15 more models added to the queue.  They are bulk paintable and I know I can get them done much quicker than SFB, as I already did this before as part of the OTT 40k Hobby Weekend.

This week is the start of Monkeys With Fire’s monthly challnge for June.  We each got given a Walrusman from Atlantis Minitaures 3D printing wing, Print My Minis, and a set of Instar Paints.  We are only allowed to use Magents, Blue, Yellow, Black, White, and Metal+.  We have to mix our own colours, following Instar’s helpful (if initially confusing) mixing charts.  This scares me but it should be good for me in the long run.

Deryn, Super Fantasy BrawlDeryn, Super Fantasy Brawl
Gold'arr, Super Fantasy BrawlGold'arr, Super Fantasy Brawl
Dugrun, Super Fantasy brawlDugrun, Super Fantasy brawl
Super Fantasy Brawl KS core set all paintedSuper Fantasy Brawl KS core set all painted
MWF June Community ChallengeMWF June Community Challenge

4MTG (+57 prints) Tzu Xiao and Gwaien

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 6
No Comments

Two more models for Super Fantasy Brawl painted this week.  I didn’t think I was going to get the second done as I’ve fallen back in to Diablo 3.  I watch Critial Role while painting and I’ve hit the point where they’ve started using the music from Diablo 2 and it crept in to my brain.

I bought SFB because I thought I’d enjoy painting the models.  I didn’t really expect to play the game.  I am not enjoying the painting at all.  There’s been no consideration given to access for painting and limbs and bases etc keep making them unnecessarily hard to paint.  It’s bad design and its inconsiderate and it’s ruining it for me.  Prebuilds suggest these are aimed at people who don’t hobby yet, or at least people who want to play without having to hobbby first.  That makes them gateway pieces as non hobby people decide to try hobby with them.  These minis would give such a bad first experience because of the access issues.

Still, once the last 3 models are done, I’ll have finished SFB and only have home printed models left to paint in the house, still ignoring the Box of Undesireables.

Tzu Xiao, Super Fantasy BrawlTzu Xiao, Super Fantasy Brawl
Gwaien, Super Fantasy BrawlGwaien, Super Fantasy Brawl

I’ve finished my printing now.  I used up the last of the resin and am currently venting the house and curing all my waste out in this lovely sun, ready for disposal.  Here’s what I’ve printed in the last month or so:

Ritual Casting Engineered Curves
RC Augmented Beauty
Twin Goddess Knox the Goblin Alchemist
Raging heroes Slick Spy the Goblin Pusher
Raging heroes Yanz pratrix, Cleric
Raging heroes Maniac Khorred
Raging heroes Frenzy Khorred
Artisan Guild Xantaras The Eye Tyrant
Artisan Guild Hive Colossus
Artisan Guild Slathos the Soul Stealer
3dartdigital Amberal Thundercloud
3dartdigital Jacques Satyr
3dartdigital Al Aksar lich
Titan Forge Lord of Decay / great unclean one
TF Gorr the Barbarian
TF Bartender
TF Lords Female Bodyguard
TF Ninja 2
TF Yuko
TF ToA 1 Elf Mage
TF ToA 1 Human Paladin Female
TF ToA 1 Tiefling Warlock
TF ToA 1 Dwarf Priest
TF ToA 2 Gnome Male Mage
TF ToA 2 Human Female Rogue
TF ToA 3 Halfling Rogue
TF ToA 3 Elf Bard
TF ToA 3 Human Warrior
TF ToA 4 Elf Monk
TF ToA 4 Human Warlock
TF ToA 4 Tiefling Sorceror
TF ToA 5 Dwarf Barbarian Female
TF Stranger
Bite the Bullet Irya, Female Barbarian
PrintYourMonsters Skeleton T-Rex and rider
Ghamak Lord of Fantasy / Keeper of Secrets
Artisan Guild Ornithaax the Majestic Black Deagon
Razduun, Undead Lord Bust MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
Druid Bust MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
Ophilia MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
Norse High School MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
Voodoo Bree MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
Korra Bust MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
Night Elf Bust MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
Lich MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
Ghamak Female Monk
Ghamak Wood Elf Pinup 1
Ghamak Chaos Sorceror
Ghamak Barbarian
Artisan Guild Amazon
KDM Face x1 MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
KDM Column x4 MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse
KDM Ore x2 MyMiniFactory/Thingiverse

Last year I also printed off Ritual Casting’s Mortaya, weilding two lightsabers.  She sits in a box on a shelf, intimidating me.  Thats everything left on my list of To Paint’s that’s currently in the house.  KD:M 1.6 has been delayed until October, Aeon Tresspass: Oddysey has been put off until 2022, and I’ve a 6 man Guild Ball team at a friends house I can’t currently get to.


Quick analysis on the last bottle of resin.  It was 1 Litre of Anycubic Soy resin and it was a few months out of date.  It was supposed to be violet.  The liquid came out pink.  The first prints were pink.  Middle prints were violet and late prints were pastel blue.  I thought I’d shaken it properly, but perhaps not?  Perhaps this is a consequence of the stuff being out of date and being exposed to air?  Perhaps this is just what happens as we reuse whats left in the vat for future prints?

Chitubox tells us how much resin our prints will take up and how much that’s worth, based on paremeters we give it.  I had resin density set to 1.1 (Not sure thats right?) and apparently I printed 632ml worth of models with maybe 10ml left in the vat (A partial print came out before it ran dry).  This begs the question, was Chitubox that far off, or did I really lose that much to residue, drips, and to the air?  Just how much goes airborne?  Next time I get a bottle (No time soon) I’ll have to watch this closer to see what I get out.  Non-soy resin feels like it went further, but perhaps thats just because I was printing smaller stuff?  A full bed of 32mm minis takes about 25ml of resin, but one bust uses 2-4 times that much.

6 MTG (+55 prints??? Almost done) Nadia, the Great Hunter and SFB Mariusz

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Mays community challenge from MWF, Nadia the Great Hunter seemed to take a lote more time and effort to paint that it looks like she should.  I’ve been painting around two 54mm models a week recently and it feels like I was working on her alone for over a week.  I can’t do feathers properly.  I usually rely on my airbrish to make wings look great and ignore individual feathers.  For Nadia, I followed the Privateer Press guide from the book Exigence.  It hasn’t worke dout the best, but I can see what its trying to do and looks fine from arms length.  If I have a few more boirds to paint, one after the other, I think I could get this to work better and then start to experiment.

The base was found on Thingiverse and 3d printed.

Nadia, the Great Hunter by RN eStudioNadia, the Great Hunter by RN eStudio

If anyone ever wants to make a model that looks fine, but is riddled in design choices that make it unnecessarily hard to paint, Mariusz is a masterclass in this.  See that armour?  Its near impossible to paint all the bone without getting some on the metal, and its near impossible to paint the metal without getting some on the bone.  Due to his shape and the fact that he comes preassembled there are soooo many places it is hard or impossible to get a brush with any degree of control even though all these places can be seen easily.  The back of his tabbard remains unpainted because of this.  I also found a few places where I could get my brush in, but then mid-stroke or on the pull out my brush would bump in to a hand and get knocked against another part leaving a streak of paint where I didn’t want it.

You couldn’t make a model this deceptively awkward to paint if you really tried.

Mariusz, from Super Fantasy brawlMariusz, from Super Fantasy brawl

8MTG (+38 prints and growing): SFB Sulka

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 5
No Comments
Sulka, from Super Fantasy BrawlSulka, from Super Fantasy Brawl

The community challenge model from Monkeys With Fire this month was supposed to have us do something outside of our comfort zone, ideally NMM.  Asset Drop shipped me a NMM gold triad from Reaper a while back and a test piece to try it on.  I’ve goven that a go and I’m not confident with the results.  nadia does not have simple armour either.  Its got hundreds of surfaces, each with their own reflections.  I fear I’d mess it up and hate every second of trying so I won’t be doing that.

My challenge will be to paint the bird by hand.  I hate feathers and usually rely on my airbrish to make wings look good.  Not today.

Asset Drop NMM test shieldAsset Drop NMM test shield
My progress so far on nadiaMy progress so far on nadia

The printing goes ever on.  I’m down to around half a litre to burn off before I pack up long term.  I lost over a day to random MyMiniFactory and Thingiverse searches this week.  Got a few busts lined up and a few more minis.  Then Its a few more terrain pieces for Kingdom Death.  If anyone can recommend any fun or interesting to paint free STLs please share a link.  I’ve found recently that Resin is like a tube of toothpase.  The first 90% vanishes instantly, but that final 10% seems to just keep going on and on, at least when you’re trying to drain it to swap it out.

34 printed models, individually bagged.  Theres a few failures in there too.  I've more curing on a window sill.34 printed models, individually bagged. Theres a few failures in there too. I've more curing on a window sill.

9MTG (+34 prints and growing) SFB Rath and Akhet

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 5
No Comments

I really do need to do a stock take on what I’ve printed.  I’m on the final bottle of aged resin now and then I’ll stop.  I’m just burning up old stock before it expires.

The Monkeys With Fire community challenge for the month is RN eStudio’s Nadia The Great Hunter 54mm miniature.  Mine has arrived and has been cleaned up and primed.  I need to finish my current mini before I start on her.  MWF is stepping up the challenges this month.  We are supposed to do something out of our comfort zone.  Ideally NMM on her.  I really lack experience and confidence with NMM.  It breaks my brain.  I’ve an Asset Drop guide and tutorial tile to practice on before I try on the model, but I fear this lady has too many different section, each with their own reflections and I’ll go mad even thinking about it. Plus there’s two shades of gold on the same armour!

I do hate painting feathers usually though and I often rely on the airbrush to make them look better than I can by brush.  I plan on breaking that habbit here, even if I don’t do the NMM.

9MTG (+34 prints and growing) SFB Rath and Akhet
Rath from Super Fantasy brawlRath from Super Fantasy brawl
Akhet from Super Fantasy BrawlAkhet from Super Fantasy Brawl

10MTG (+25??? prints TBC): SFB Ko'lel & Korvash

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 4
No Comments

Printing continues in an attempt to use up all my resin before it goes off.  I’ve the last of my current bottle in the printer now and I don’t know if it’ll do another print.  Then its on to the soy stuff that I didn’t look at the date in time and is a few months passed already.  My FEP died for the first time so I had to learn how to replace that this week  Seem’s to have gone OK as I’ve had a successful print since snd no leaks.  I’m gonna have to take a day to build and prime all this stuff at some point so I can work out for sure what I’ve got and if its printed OK.  Pretty sure I’ve caught all the failures that matter.

I’m running low on things I really want to print, so if you have links to cool presupported STLs (I’m not comfortable doing my own supports yet on complicated things) please share them below.  I’m also tempted to pick up the Felicia and perhaps Molly STLs from Ritual Casting so if anyone has a discount code for more than 10% I’d love to hear from you. I already have Mortaya (sith version) and some of the welcome bundle busts printed and ready to go.  Red lightsaber glow scares me so guides for that are also appreciated.

Korvash, Super Fantasy BrawlKorvash, Super Fantasy Brawl
Ko'lel, Super Fantasy BrawlKo'lel, Super Fantasy Brawl

12MTG (+19 prints TBC): SFB Kilgore

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7

I’ve had the 3d printer running for a couple of weeks now and I think I have 19 successfully printed models along with a few fails.  I won’t really know for sure if there are any more faults until I assemble and perhaps prime.  I’ve a little more of the good resin to go and then I can test the stuff thats a few months out of date.

I have only painted one model this week.  Kilgore from Super Fantasy Brawl.  I’ve made a good start on the other Greenskin from the box too.  This whole set came pre-assembled, which was a PITA here.  While I can see all of the base I had great difficulty getting a brush to all of it, especially with any degree of control.  I hate this sort of thing.  Grrrr.

Kilgore from Super Fantasy BrawlKilgore from Super Fantasy Brawl

The reason I’ve not got much painted is I spent a couple of days dismantling, cleaning up and disposing of my shed.  The shed seems to predate kit sheds.  it looked entirely home designed and built.  It even had a house door as its door.  it was so old the roof was corrugated asbestos/concrete mix.  I’ve yet to dispose of this.  Anyone know if there’s people you can call to just take the stuff away?  I don’t drive so I can’t get it to the correct tip.

This was a fun job.  It had an asbestos roof.  The roof was covered in ancient ivy and its thick roots.  It had electrical cabling I was only mostly sure weren’t connected to anything and I had to hose it down because of the asbestos.  The structural supports inside had rotted away.  The inside was one big cobweb and I’m afraid of spiders.  I even saw a false widow, but it didn’t appear until the last of it was down and I was just tidying up.  They’re kinda big!

See the paved patch under all that crap?  There was a shed there this time last week.See the paved patch under all that crap? There was a shed there this time last week.

13 MTG: SFB Statues, Black Spectre, and XXXVIII

Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 7
No Comments

I painted up the last of the models in the immediate queue not from SFB this week and took the quick and easy models to paint nest: The three statues for Super Fantasy Brawl.  I also fired up the 3D printer to use up the last of my resin before it expires so I printed out a replacement for the damaged weapon for XXXVIII, who I printed late last year.  He is now painted up.

I’ve also started printing lots of other fun stuff to use up the last of my resin.  Once I’ve confirmed something has had all its parts print correctly I’ll add it to my remaining total.  So far I should have an umber hulk, a necromancer, a couple of tieflings, couple of goblins, and parts of a not-great unclean one.  There’s more to come though.

Black Spectre for CarnevaleBlack Spectre for Carnevale
Statue of Ragryl, Super Fantasy BrawlStatue of Ragryl, Super Fantasy Brawl
Statue of Garnet, Super Fantasy BrawlStatue of Garnet, Super Fantasy Brawl
Statue of Esmae, Super Fantasy BrawlStatue of Esmae, Super Fantasy Brawl

17 MTG: Hell Crusader II, Lobar, and Doktor Nachtbluten

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 6
No Comments
Hell Crusdaer II by Klukva Miniatures.  Totally not based on Doom 2016Hell Crusdaer II by Klukva Miniatures. Totally not based on Doom 2016

I tried following an Angel Giraldez wolfman guide on the fur here and it didn’t exactly work.  I can see what it’s trying to do but I didn’t pull it off properly.  Its a good learning experience though.  The rocks I like though.  This is from an Asset Drop guide and I’ve done it 3ish times now and I like it more and more.  Gonna have to keep using it.

Lobar by 3dartdigitalLobar by 3dartdigital

Doktor Nachtbluten (name copy and pasted every time!) had a few issues.  One of his bag straps broke off and had to be replaced with green stuff.  I broke his lantern putting him together and that fix is less than ideal.  I also appear to have mistaken his walking stick for printer scaffold.  it was missing so was presumably clipped off and thrown away.  Oops.  I’ve replaced it carefully with a paperclip.  Looks good to me.

I first tried my hand at full OSL in my first year of painting.  I have someone out there with a big blue blob over half of their head and I still wake up screaming some nights from the memory.  I have a large sith lady with two red lightsabers to paint soon, and KD:M arriving in a couple of months so I have no choice to do OSL very soon.  I’ve used this model as a chance to try again.  I found this guide online which out it in terms I found aproachable but it was astill massivelt intimidating as I couldn’t tell if it had worked until I’d finished the entire model.  I couldn’t just test it on the coat before continuing so i was living in fear that all my work would get wasted right at the end.  I may have spent a day longer on this piece due to procrastination.  With him done I feel more confident for my next attempt.

If anyone has used this method with other colours I’d love to know if it works just as well and if there are any colours/tones I should favour or avoid.  This guide says yellow works best but doesn’t discuss other colours.  Dunno if theres a good reason for that.  I’m assuming I can just pick any bright saturated colour and so long as my highlights approach white I’ll be ok?  I don’t know how well this would look if I were to paint yellow light over blue though, for example?  Would the green look natural or just odd?

Here we see the model both before and after I applied the yellow light, which was pretty much the final stage.

Doktor Nachtbluten by 3dartdigitalDoktor Nachtbluten by 3dartdigital
Doktor Nachtbluten by 3dartdigitalDoktor Nachtbluten by 3dartdigital

This leaves me with one more model ready to paint before I fire up my 3D printer, deal with the intimidating Sith from Ritual Casting, or dive in to the Box of Undersireables, apart from Super Fantasy Brawl.  I washed, air dried, cleaned up (Minimal clean up but I may yet notice lots I missed), and primed the whole SFB set.

If anyone from Mythic or any of these big box kickstarters is reading this (I’m sure you all follow me closely!) I have a request.  Can you do a hobbyist’s option on these kickstarters please.  We check a box or order a specific version of the pledge and our models do not arrive pre-built.  Maybe we don’t get the fancy packaging and its all shoved in a brown box or something.  Pre built models create issues with access for clean up and for painting.  It’s also annoying when we spend out money and theres a huge gap in the model because someone in a factory didn’t care and had deadlines to meet and now we can’t fix it.

I know you can’t do this at retail, but maybe its more practical at KS as we are ordering pre-production and it won’t take up shelf space in stores?

Super Fantasy Brawl, primed and ready for paintSuper Fantasy Brawl, primed and ready for paint

20 MTG: Soraya the Lioness, Gwyddol, and Hell Crusader

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 7
No Comments

I upscaled Suraya for printing so she’s on a 50mm base which makes her about 60mm-ish from feet to hair.  I also upscald the scaffolds thinking this would be fine as I was too lazy/unsure of myself to reapply them.  It worked.  Kinda.  Theres flat discs on her everywhere they connected.  It’s not the best.

I used two completely different schemes and sets of paint on the leathers and the fur.  The lion pelt is Reapers Blonde Hair paint, and the leather is based on a P3 tan leather scheme from a Cygnar guide book.  Somehow they look the same.  That was not my intent.  I’ve KDM turning up in a month or two.  I think I’ll paint the white lion following the same scheme but move my mid-tone up a paint or two (IE use the old mid tone as the new shade)

Suraya the Lioness by 3dartdigitalSuraya the Lioness by 3dartdigital
Gwyddol, Great Cleaver Dyndraig Warrior from Darklands by Mierce MiniaturesGwyddol, Great Cleaver Dyndraig Warrior from Darklands by Mierce Miniatures
Hell Crusader by Klukva Miniaturres and totall not Doom GuyHell Crusader by Klukva Miniaturres and totall not Doom Guy

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