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The Final Push – Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push – Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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Project Blog by lawnor Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 2724

About the Project

It's August 2020 and the end is in sight. Out of the 2200ish models I own I only currently have 63 left to paint, so why not share the final push with everyone and watch me accidentally buy and print faster than I paint instead of doing this

This Project is Active

24 MTG: Masons, Orx, Orks, Walking Dead, and an Elementalist

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 17, Luxury: 7, Modular: 0, Bits Box: 6, Terrain sets: 12, To Ship: 80+

As I said, I got some building done before finishing off the varnishing.  I promoted a few pieces from the bits box, and some stuff arrived.  A while back a friend went to SteamCon and they had a sale on.  He picked me up a box of Masons to round out my team.  The plan was for him to hand it to me next time we saw each other.  We’ve met up a couple of times since then, but it was either straight from work, or he forgot to bring them.  Somehow 4 years has passed since SteamCon and I’ve just got my models!  They have been built, primed, and I’ve done the first three layers of the white with my airbrush.

24 MTG: Masons, Orx, Orks, Walking Dead, and an Elementalist

I had two copies of the old Mantic Orx Marauders Command sprue.  I have a few old 40k Orks already.  Maybe a starter force, but perhaps something to add to a Start Collecting box one day?  One of the models clearly makes for a good painboy proxy, but the other I couldn’t find a direct analogue.  I do have a bunch of spare parts from 90s Orks, and from Deadzone Orx, so I got to work and I think I’ve made a couple of suitable Ork Warbosses.  Here’s a naked and a base coated pics so you can see the different materials to see what’s from what kit.

The Chainsaw is an alt weapon from Kulkva’s Hell Crusader II.  The forked sword is a part of the kit.  The other weapons are from Mantic.  The banners are old 40k parts.

That’s 4 models out of the bits box.

Kitbashed Orx turning in to OrksKitbashed Orx turning in to Orks
Base coated and ready for a washBase coated and ready for a wash

I also promoted 3 Walking Dead minis out of the bits box.  I don’t have the rules or cards for them and I’m not quite sure who they are, but I’ll work that out later.  I do have the core set and I do plan on trying it solo at some point.  It’s in my queue.  As less painting needs doing I do play more solo games.

We also unlocked another Gloomhaven character last weekend and he needs painting before next session.  This leaves just two unseen minis in the box.

Walking Dead minis and Gloomhaven Triforce mini, The Elementalist.  I'm painting his white along with the Masons.Walking Dead minis and Gloomhaven Triforce mini, The Elementalist. I'm painting his white along with the Masons.

I sold some of my bits box models on ebay recently.  The Goblin Wolf Chariot sold for more than expected, despite being missing the sword goblin (£27), and the Dreadball Convicts sold at the last moment for the minimum value (£1.50 plus postage).  I wasn’t convinced they’d sell at all, to be honest.  That’s 13 more models I can remove from my totals, which might be getting a bit squiffy right now.  I’m not 100% sure when I counted a ball as a model when adding everything up.

I also managed to get 7 games of Kingdom Death in this weekend.  I just unlocked The Watcher, and I plan on facing him this weekend. I have an unexpected twist though: Due to a sexy Stranger In The Dark all the men in town are too lovesick to go out and fight so I can only send women on the next hunt. Thankfully, my Twilight Knight is a woman, as are two of my four uber survivors.  I’ve had a bit of a population explosion recently and I’m thinking I can deliberately get a lot of them killed during the Watcher fight as each of them will become two endeavours.  Then once the fight is over I can send my Legendary Lungs survivor down that mine 50 times and instantly oxidise and upgrade all my gear before I leave town.

Mean?  Yes.  Practical and efficient?  Definitely.  Am I a psychopath in real life?  You be the judge.

I’ve got 11 Lantern years to go and, after abusing the time loop once,  I think I finally have a party that can take down the Gold Smoke Knight, although I imagine the RNG factor will have something to say about that.

9 MTG: Leather Armour Sprues & Stargrave Troopers

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 2, Luxury: 7, Modular: 0, Bits Box: 26, Terrain sets: 12, To Ship: 86+

I didn’t get an update in last week.  I had a 4 day weekend, but spent 3 days of it away with friends.  I did sort of finish 24 models, but the varnish dried too glossy and I didn’t have time for another matt coat so I couldn’t call them done and post them.

Anyway, I spent my weekday evenings building stuff so I could prime it all when I got the airbrush out to varnish.  I have now painted the last of the Kingdom Death models in my house, and the Stargrave Troopers 20 man box.  Here’s what got finished:

Kingdom Death Leather Armour with Counterweighted AxeKingdom Death Leather Armour with Counterweighted Axe
Kingdom Death Leather Armour with Skullcap HammersKingdom Death Leather Armour with Skullcap Hammers
Kingdom Death Leather Armour with Bone Spear and Scrap ShieldKingdom Death Leather Armour with Bone Spear and Scrap Shield
Kingdom Death Leather Armour with Sword and Leather ShieldKingdom Death Leather Armour with Sword and Leather Shield
Stargrave Troopers: Chiseler and Casecracker.  The pouches contain thieves tools, obviously.Stargrave Troopers: Chiseler and Casecracker. The pouches contain thieves tools, obviously.
Stargrave Troopers: Commando and PathfinderStargrave Troopers: Commando and Pathfinder
Stargrave Troopers: Hacker and Codebreaker.  I borrowed some Stargrave Troopers: Hacker and Codebreaker. I borrowed some "iPads" from my 40k bits for their hacking equipment
Stargrave Troopers: RecruitsStargrave Troopers: Recruits
Stargrave Troopers: SentriesStargrave Troopers: Sentries
Stargrave Troopers: Sniper, Grenadier, and Gunner.  The sniper gun was extended by cutting off its end, turning it upside down and reattaching it on the end of a length of paperclip, made fatter by glue residue from cleaning glue nozzles.  I should have gone a little longer, I think.Stargrave Troopers: Sniper, Grenadier, and Gunner. The sniper gun was extended by cutting off its end, turning it upside down and reattaching it on the end of a length of paperclip, made fatter by glue residue from cleaning glue nozzles. I should have gone a little longer, I think.
Stargrave Troopers: TroopersStargrave Troopers: Troopers

33 MTG: Lantern Armour Kits

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 20, Normal: 6, Luxury: 7, Modular: 0, Bits Box: 26, Terrain sets: 12, To Ship: 86+

I also got some painting done last week.  I’d have posted this yesterday with the rest, but I forgot to take some of these pics.  I finished my Lantern Armour models early in the week and then got to work on the leather kits.

Lantern Armour with Club for Kingdom Death: MonsterLantern Armour with Club for Kingdom Death: Monster
Lantern Armour with Glaive and Shield for Kingdom Death: MonsterLantern Armour with Glaive and Shield for Kingdom Death: Monster
Female Lantern Armour with Grand Weapon for Kingdom Death: MonsterFemale Lantern Armour with Grand Weapon for Kingdom Death: Monster
Male Lantern Armour with Grand Weapon for Kingdom Death: MonsterMale Lantern Armour with Grand Weapon for Kingdom Death: Monster

I finished the leather armoured guys on Saturday, but they’re not done yet as they need varnishing.  I’ve noticed my matt varnish has gone frosty on the black rims of my recent models.  It’s an old pot so that means it’s time for a fresh bottle.  Let’s hope a top up coat on the frosties helps them out.  I’ll postpone putting the pigment on the base until I’m ready to seal it in with the varnish too.

Leather armour kits awaiting pigments and varnishLeather armour kits awaiting pigments and varnish

My plan for the rest of the weekend was to play Kingdom Death, but 2 games in, I ran in to an ambiguous rule I wanted to use and it took me until Monday evening to get clarification on it, so I threw myself in to painting up my Stargrave Troopers.  I’m doing quick and dirty techniques as they’re all basically identical grunts.  They’re coming together nicely and I hope to have them finished soon.

Stargrave Troops WIPStargrave Troops WIP

Terrain Catalogue

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 20, Normal: 10, Luxury: 7, Modular: 0, Bits Box: 26, Terrain sets: 12, To Ship: 86+

I’ve been ignoring terrain, as it’s something I usually only build and paint when it’s needed on a table, and I’ve not had an immediate use for any of this stuff yet.  it is all potentially useful though.

3x Terrain Crate boxes, barrels, etc.  More stuff from the bottomless Chillcon goody bag that keeps on giving3x Terrain Crate boxes, barrels, etc. More stuff from the bottomless Chillcon goody bag that keeps on giving
3x Terrain Crate horse and carts, all looking rather wobbly and deformed.  Some hot water, persistence, and some bases to pin these to will hopefully straighten them out.  Came in the Chillcon goody bag.3x Terrain Crate horse and carts, all looking rather wobbly and deformed. Some hot water, persistence, and some bases to pin these to will hopefully straighten them out. Came in the Chillcon goody bag.
Mantic Battlezones sprues.  Are they from a particular kit?  I've a bunch of this stuff built, and some leftover parts.  I wonder if I can assemble anything using this?  One more small building/ruin I imagine, at best.  Came in the Chillcon goody bag.  Update these are Urban Sprue D & E & ??Mantic Battlezones sprues. Are they from a particular kit? I've a bunch of this stuff built, and some leftover parts. I wonder if I can assemble anything using this? One more small building/ruin I imagine, at best. Came in the Chillcon goody bag. Update these are Urban Sprue D & E & ??
2x Terrain Crate wall sets. Came in the Chillcon goody bag.2x Terrain Crate wall sets. Came in the Chillcon goody bag.
I won the Rubicon fence set from BoW a while back, along with a tank.  The two MDF kits came in Asset Drop Monster boxes.  All I really wanted was the models, not the terrain.  If anyone has any helpful guides for how to make these look good, please share me some links.I won the Rubicon fence set from BoW a while back, along with a tank. The two MDF kits came in Asset Drop Monster boxes. All I really wanted was the models, not the terrain. If anyone has any helpful guides for how to make these look good, please share me some links.

And that’s everything I hadn’t already accounted for.  Well, almost.  I do still have a stash of random parts, some base decorations, and a selection of Asset Drop Tutorial Tiles, but none of that is really a model or a thing to paint by itself.

Bits Box Catalogue

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 20, Normal: 10, Luxury: 7, Modular: 0, Bits Box: 26, Terrain sets: 0, To Ship: 86+

With the end so close in sight, I went through my bits boxes over the weekend to catalogue what’s there that’s worth thinking of a model, what I want to keep, and what I want to sell or give away.  There’s not much here.  Some of it I might try to sell on eBay, but the rest I’ll probably end up giving away, probably through the discord swap channel.  If there’s anything here you’re super keen on, maybe it fills a hole in a force you’ve been trying to finish for years, speak up.

Goblin Wolf Chariot: The gobber with the sword is missing, otherwise it's all here.  No idea what it could be used for these days, beyond 9th age.  Is there a direct parallel in KoW?  I think this is heading to eBay.  I'm following one now to see what it sells for.Goblin Wolf Chariot: The gobber with the sword is missing, otherwise it's all here. No idea what it could be used for these days, beyond 9th age. Is there a direct parallel in KoW? I think this is heading to eBay. I'm following one now to see what it sells for.
A couple of Z'zor guards for Dreadball.  I already have a full allotment of these so they're spare.  I'm considering sticking them on round bases and painting them green and using them for monsters for Stargare, D&D and such like, but I can always use my painted team for that.  I might just give these away.A couple of Z'zor guards for Dreadball. I already have a full allotment of these so they're spare. I'm considering sticking them on round bases and painting them green and using them for monsters for Stargare, D&D and such like, but I can always use my painted team for that. I might just give these away.
10 Players and 2 balls for Dreadball Convicts team.  I already have the maximum allowed for each roll on a team so this is spare.  I might try them on ebay, but I think they may end up being given away in the end.10 Players and 2 balls for Dreadball Convicts team. I already have the maximum allowed for each roll on a team so this is spare. I might try them on ebay, but I think they may end up being given away in the end.
Spare random minis.  See belowSpare random minis. See below

Spare random minis, top left to bottom right: Genestealer, Cryx Satyxis Blood Witch, Skink with flute??, Skaven, Resin Abbadon the Despoiler 2019 body, Elf


I do have a tyranid force, but no Genestealer.  A single model is of no use so he sits in my bits box until more turn up.  I don’t like playing 40k, so that may never happen.

The Satyxis was a spare from a unit I built.  She needs a horn, and 9 friends.  Free to whoever wants her, or she lives in my bits box forever.

Is this skink anything, or a grunt from a large unit?  Is that a flute, or a weapon with its head broken off?  No use to me.  I can’t even think of an obvious D&D parallel he could be painted up as.

Random Skaven, or not?  Useless to me.

I’ve had this Abbadon body for ages and he feels like a huge waste.  I know it’s only 1 part of 6ish, but it feels like most of the model and I’d like to see him rebuilt.  If you have the other parts and want the body you can have him.  Likewise if you have the parts and don’t care, I’d be grateful for the donation.  I’ve no use for him.  It just feels like a waste.

The (high?) elf is a grunt with a broken sword.  He came with a supply of mostly 40k spare bits, but the blade may be amongst them, or perhaps a replacement?  Not sure.  He’s junk right now.  I might fix him up and put him on a round base, and he’ll be ok for D&D or Frostgrave or something.  I’ve considered mounting him on a bottle top and painting him up as a ruined bronze statue.

Update 14/9/22: He’s a High Elf of Lothern Sea Guard Champion.  The Skink is just a grunt and thats a blowdart pipe, not a flute.  The skaven is a Skaven Clanrat Drummer Command

Mantic Marauders Orx Command Sprue x2 & 3 Walking Dead minisMantic Marauders Orx Command Sprue x2 & 3 Walking Dead minis

I figure I can get a Painboy proxy or two out of these, and do something with the other guy?  I’m open to ideas for him.  I do have the TWD starter set, but not the rules that came with these minis.  I might paint them up and add them to the box for the day I give it a go solo, but if anyone needs them I’m open to posting them out.

37 MTG: Phoenix Armour Kits

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 4

Models remaining:
: 20, Normal: 10, Luxury: 7, Modular: 0, To Ship: 86+

Kingdom Death finally announced the preorders for the reprints of all the playable expansions.  The price had gone up more than I had hoped, but I’m hooked and FOMO took full effect and I went all in.  I don’t need to eat until next year, right?  It’s hard to say exactly, but I think that’s another 53 models on preorder, due to arrive November-ish, Poots time.  So that’s possibly any time 2023, maybe 2024 perhaps?  I’ve also got Aeon Trespass due to arrive December-ish.  That’s a lot of high quality models demanding my attention, so my new goal is to finish off all the non-luxury models in my house before either arrives.  That should be more than doable, while still giving me time to play more KDM. It would be good to have this campaign done by then.  I’ve Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion awaiting a playthrough before I start adding new KDM content.

I’ve just finished Lantern year 12 of my second time around the time loop of my first 30 year campaign.  That’s 42 years in, so that’s 42 play throughs, plus some special showdowns, and a handful of resets while learning new fights.  My records tell me that’s about 49 playthroughs, averaging 2.5 hours.  At £5.00 an hour, I’ve got £612.50 worth of entertainment out of KDM and have currently spent £1,200 on it and most of the content hasn’t even arrived yet.  It’s stupidly expensive, but it is definitely earning its keep.  That’s ignoring painting time, and time spent thinking about it, doing research, and making plans, too.

A slightly more short term plan is to have the 8 KDM survivors and 20 Stargrave models on my desk finished before my next week off, in October.  Then that week is mine to focus on painting the house, playing KDM, and starting work on 2 3D printed monsters.  Unless ebay gets generous and friendly, or OTT gives me a prize…

Anyway, this is a hobby log and you want to see some minis.  This week I focused on the Phoenix armour kits.

Female Phoenix Armour with GlaiveFemale Phoenix Armour with Glaive
Female Phoenix Armour with Grand Weapon Female Phoenix Armour with Grand Weapon
Male Phoenix Armour with Grand WeaponMale Phoenix Armour with Grand Weapon
Male Phoenix Armour with Sword and ShieldMale Phoenix Armour with Sword and Shield

My next focus is the Lantern Armour kits and I’m most of the way through them.  My hope is to get them ready to varnish tonight after work.  I’m I’m very quick, I might even get the varnishing done.  Then I want to clear the Leather Armour kits off my desk and then KDM is done, until more turns up in November.  Perhaps?

WIP on my Lantern Armour guysWIP on my Lantern Armour guys

I had the airbrush out already and I’ve decided on a scheme for the Stargrave guys so I base coated them.  The first few stages are all washes that’ll likely take a short time to apply and a long time to dry, so I’m getting those done while I work on my KDM guys.  I’m two out of the three starting washes in so far.  After that, its a drybrush and then green is done and that should feel like the bulk of the model done.

Stargrave Troopers box ready to paintStargrave Troopers box ready to paint

I’ve no idea why, but Chrome has taken to showing all these pics are really small when I load them up separately, but they load big in other browsers, and match the master file when I download them again.  Odd.

41 MTG: Screaming Armour Kits

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 20, Normal: 14, Luxury: 7, Modular: 0, To Ship: 33+

I’ve had the last week off.  I planned on getting lots of painting done.  Mostly my walls, but I was determined to get some hobby done and some KDM played and I succeeded on both fronts.  I have removed the KDM masks display base from the count as it’s pointless.  It’s too small to hang on a wall and doesn’t work when flat.  It’s dumb and I’m calling the masks spare parts now, as they really are intended as modular parts, and not a display mini.

My first job was to build and prime all the modular kits which were the last 16 KDM armour sets, and a 20 man box of Stargrave Troopers, which I spent some time working out what I might want access to, and how to build it.  The sprues didn’t really have the parts to build hackers, medics, etc but I used my bits box to do what I can and now I have 20 varied but uniformed troops built, based, and primed ready for painting.  I forgot to take a pic though, so that’ll have to wait.

Then I finished off painting the Loka Fire set Orcs.  The got airbrushed  varnished, and I primed all the new builds while I was already set up.

Loka Fire set OrcsLoka Fire set Orcs

Next up, I focused on the KDM Screaming Armour sprue as I currently have 2 sets in the game so they’re needed on the table.

KDM Screaming Armour with Glaive (Counts as axe and spear)KDM Screaming Armour with Glaive (Counts as axe and spear)
KDM Screaming Armour with ClubKDM Screaming Armour with Club
KDM Screaming Armour with Grand WeaponKDM Screaming Armour with Grand Weapon
KDM Screaming Armour with Sword and ShieldKDM Screaming Armour with Sword and Shield

My next mission is the Phoenix armour sets.  I’ve almost got my first set in the game so I’ll need them soon.  Then it’ll be the lantern armour.  I want to finish off all the KDM models soon.  Two days ago they said preorders for something will go live at the end of the month and its the end of the month.  The first wave of expansions are also due to arrive in distribution hubs ready for direct order very soon.  I’d love to have all I own done before more turns up.  That’s be a first for me, I suspect.

My current WIP tray.  There's another nearby with 20 primed Stargrave minis on it.My current WIP tray. There's another nearby with 20 primed Stargrave minis on it.

50 MTG: Jaws of the Lion, & KDM Hide & Lion Armour Kits

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 4
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 6, Luxury: 7, Modular: 37, To Ship: 33+

My focus for this week was to finish off the 8 KDM minis I’d started last week.  Turns out I’d done the bulk of the work, and what was left was straightforward and just flowed.  I had them finished just after lunch on Saturday, and then sat down with the airbrush to varnish them, and then prime and base coat the next project.

I manged to pick up a copy of Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion on ebay for a good price, with the MDF organisers in it recently.  I painted up those 4 minis next.  I thought it might take a while but I had all 4 done in a little over a day somehow.  I’ve painted a lot of the core box minis and I’d have to say the JotL guys are a definite step up in quality.  They were much better to work with.  The one exception was the Demolisher.  He feels like a guy who was designed at a much larger size and lost a lot of detail in the downsizing.  He’s a lot of stuff in his belt in the art, but all I could se on the mini was lumps.  Still, this isn’t a game about plastic.  He’s keeping the costs down and focusing on the game and I appreciate that.

My copy is used.  Does anyone know what needs to be rest?  Just the characters or are there event decks and shops etc that I need to sort through?  Google isn’t helping answer this and I’m not yet ready to sit down and read through the rules.  I want to finish my KDM campaign before I start this.

Hatchet.  I really like this mini.Hatchet. I really like this mini.
Red GuardRed Guard
Voidwarden.  I wasn't brave enough to black/void up parts of this lady.  I considered just spraying black from one side or dabbing black pigments on here, but decided whatever I did she'd just look a mess and I'd regret it.  I like her as she is now.Voidwarden. I wasn't brave enough to black/void up parts of this lady. I considered just spraying black from one side or dabbing black pigments on here, but decided whatever I did she'd just look a mess and I'd regret it. I like her as she is now.

With them done, I got back to the last models on my desk who have been there for quite a while now: The orcs from my Loka Fire set.  I don’t care about these guys.  They may one day see use in D&D or something.  They’re a basic design and I don’t care about them so they’re coming together really quickly, which is nice.  I expect to have them ready for varnishing by the weekend.  Then it’s time to build the rest of the KDM armour kits.  I also have next week off so I might end up losing myself in KDM and getting very little hobby done.  Any advice for facing the Gold Smoke Knight?

Orcs from the Loka Fire set.Orcs from the Loka Fire set.

58 MTG: Ronnie, Nightshround, & Diviner

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 14, Luxury: 7, Modular: 37, To Ship: 33+


I managed to resist playing KDM this weekend for the first time since I started playing.  My painting mojo was in full force and I made good progress.  My goal was to get the Gloomhaven minis done, and ideally Ronnie too.  I kept getting distracted by the KDM minis though.  Painting the lion fur is best done as airbrushing and a few washes.  It’s good after work painting.  It fits the time slot well, and the washes can take all night to dry.  As such I focused on them across the week, and didn’t really start on my target minis until Saturday.  Even then, I decided to paint their flesh next as I was going to have that paint out for the Diviner anyway.  Then I thought I may as well do the bone as that involves a couple of slow drying washes and I needed to go cook some chilli.  Once I’d finished my target minis I went back to them and started painting the cloth, hide, and leathers.  There’s a lot more work to be done.

KDM Rawhide Armour sprue minisKDM Rawhide Armour sprue minis
KDM Lion Armour sprue minisKDM Lion Armour sprue minis

Next up was Gloomhaven’s Aesther Nightshroud.  In the artwork he is ethereal; half in darkness, half made of purple and mint green glow.  I don’t know how to do that.  I started at the artwork for a while and came up with a plan.  I knew there was a good chance of it looking rubbish, but these minis are pretty basic and I don’t really care about them or have high expectations for them.  They’re fine for what they are, but they are not a painters dream.  It turned out that some of the detail my plan was based around wasn’t included on the model.

My thinking was lightly zenithal prime, 2-3 tone drybrush, wash, drybrush, repeat as needed.  It didn’t exactly work, but I’ve seen worse and it sort of matches the art if you squint hard.  He’s holding fire in his hand apparently.  I couldn’t find enough detail there to really work with, but I did what I could.  its done and table ready now, and that’s all that matters.

We’re not far of starting the expansion soon so I offered to get the expansion min The Diviner painted before we got there.  She was much more fun to work with.  She looks good, and a higher detail resin print of her at a slightly larger size (She feels more 25mm, than 28-32mm) could be a joy to work with and yield some really pretty results in the right hands.  She has what looks like a crab hanging off her bum, but I can’t work out why.  I’ve assumed its knots or a bow made of her dress so I’ve left it that colour.

Diviner from Gloomhaven: Forgotten CirclesDiviner from Gloomhaven: Forgotten Circles

Ronnie came in a goody bag a few years ago and I’ve been ignoring him ever since.  He took about a day.  He’s fine, if slightly softer in some detail than I’d like.  Still, that gave me an excuse to cut corners and rush him.  Painting him was an odd experience.  Despite him being washed and primed, some areas of him seemed to repel paint, and some colours more than others.  I’ve no idea why.  Persistence won out easily enough though.

Ronnie the Bard, from Kings of War and Dungeon SiegeRonnie the Bard, from Kings of War and Dungeon Siege

59+2 MTG: Loka Fire Set Started

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 15, Luxury: 7, Modular: 37, To Ship: 33+
(Plus 2 more that aren’t mine)

I took a week off of painted due to actually playing games.  I’m half way through my KDM Campaign, having finished my first playthrough.  I was able to sling 6 fully armed characters back through time to the beginning of the game, rather than have them die to the Gold Smoke Knight, who they were not equipped for.  I’m a few games in and without having to make gear I’ve already got most of the innovations and I’m getting ready to start work on end game gear.

I also went to my friends house for a weekend of Gloomhaven.  I retired my character.  I had the 2 box guy who was interesting, but his unique mechanics meant some scenarios were basically impossible.  I now have the Eclipse and we’re staring down the barrel of the last few missions.  This means I’ve unlocked a new mini to paint, and I have the expansion mini to get ready for when we start that.

Gloomhaven minis, primed and ready for paintGloomhaven minis, primed and ready for paint

The following week I got some actual painting done.  I’ve a Loka Fire set I got free a while back, and they’ve been sat primed on my desk, ready to be painted in case they’re ever useful for D&D or something.  I’ve got the 5 unique minis painted now, and left the repetitive orc pawns for later.

Loka Fire King...thing?  Pretty sure he's not sculpted on a throne, but I really cannot work out what's supposed to be going on here.Loka Fire King...thing? Pretty sure he's not sculpted on a throne, but I really cannot work out what's supposed to be going on here.
Fire Elemental from Loka Fire setFire Elemental from Loka Fire set
A fire horse  from Loka Fire set, painted up as a winged Nightmare for D&DA fire horse from Loka Fire set, painted up as a winged Nightmare for D&D
Maralith from Loka Fire setMaralith from Loka Fire set
Wizard from Loka Fire setWizard from Loka Fire set

With them done, I had half a day spare so I built up the Hide and Lion armour kits for KDM, and got all the new naked minis primed and ready for later.

I’ve been using Gorilla Glue for a while now and liking it.  I am getting fed up with how it clogs after it’s had it’s seal cracked for a while.  Constantly jamming paper clips down it to clear it between models gets frustrating.  Can anyone make any suggestions of how to prevent or deal with this better?  Or perhaps a superglue that has less issues that I can readily get in the UK?  I don’t want plastic cement.  I work with a variety of materials and want one glue to rule them all, and in my studio, bind them.

64 MTG: KDM Unarmoured Survivors

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 12, Luxury: 7, Modular: 45, To Ship: 33+

Over the weekend I finished off the four unarmoured survivors, with a selections of weapons so I have options when I start a new game.  My next mission is to finish off the odds and ends already on my tray, and build the next few KDM minis I know I want:

  • Lion gear with paired beast knuckles
  • Antelope gear with shield and lantern glaive
  • Hide with Cat Gut Bow, and perhaps a sword?
  • Maybe an Antelope with Lantern Sword and shield?

I’m in Year 23.  On 30 the Gold Smoke Knight turns up and kills me.  I doubt I can stop him.  I’ve got Kings Man turning up in a few years too.  This gives me 5 standard hunting years to farm, build, and get the Phoenix to send a party of 6 back through time with all my best and hardest to get gear.  I’ve got 3 Ageless survivors, 2 more who could go Ageless on the hunt for the bird, and another who needs 3 more points of Understanding.  I figure 2 more years of farming to take me up to 4 oxidized weapons, although the Butcher just cost me all my resources so that might not happen, and then I look in to performing the time warp.  There’s a 67% chance of the card I need being in the birds deck, so having a hunt or two spare gives me some flexibility.

My goal is to have a time loop of 6 survivors who keep gaining stats while sat in the settlement and get sent back every 28ish years, and only ever fight to perform the time loop.  The whole settlement is based around powering them up, like a cult worshiping their gods.  Then, after a few loops, when they’re true monsters, they can face the Gold Smoke Knight.   I wonder if this is how the game is meant to be played?  I’m not sure how else people are supposed to beat him, but I’m still new to this.  It’s definitely emergent story telling!

Unarmoured Survivor with Bone AxeUnarmoured Survivor with Bone Axe
Unarmoured Survivor with Cat Gut BowUnarmoured Survivor with Cat Gut Bow
Unarmoured Survivor with King's SpearUnarmoured Survivor with King's Spear
Unarmoured Survivor with paired Lion Beat KatarsUnarmoured Survivor with paired Lion Beat Katars

68 MTG: Razduun - Undead Lord

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 16, Luxury: 7, Modular: 45, To Ship: 33+


It’s taken almost 2 weeks, but I finished Razduun this weekend.  Someone at work has a lathe and likes wood turning so they kindly made me a plinth from off-cuts.  it was stained many many times, airbrush varnished with vallejo gloss a few times, and then given a few rub downs with furniture polish.  I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

Razduun - Undead Lord By Soren Ian Sorensen 3D print from MMF - Undead Lord By Soren Ian Sorensen 3D print from MMF

I also got a little ground work done on the next few models, along with killing The Watcher in KDM.  Only 9 more lantern years to go.  Advice for the Gold Smoke Knight greatly appreciated.  I’m not seeing how I can hurt him yet.

Here we have some Loka Fire models, Ronaldo the Bard for KoW, and 4 unarmoured survivors for KDM.

68 MTG: Razduun - Undead Lord

69 MTG: Asterians

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 16, Luxury: 8, Modular: 45, To Ship: 33+

I was able to finish off the 10 Asterians I got in a goody back a while back.  I’ve gone for a quick and lazy paint scheme as I don’t think I have enough for even a Deadzone list and I don’t plan on getting more, so it’s unlikely they’ll ever see the table.  I’ll record the paint scheme here in case that changes:


Asterian Khaki

Base with a mix of VMC 00.988 Khaki and VMC 70.340 Highl. Afrika. Tank Crew
Wash with P3 Gun Corps Brown
Wash with P3 Bastion Grey
Drybrush P3 Hammerfall Khaki mixed with P3 Menoth White Highlight

Asterian Black/Purple

Base with VMC 70.995 German Grey
Drybrush with HP3 Hammerfall khaki or a bone or anything that’ll blend in with the armour colours when you make a mess.
Wash with GW Druchii Violet

Asterian Dark Turquoise

Base a mix of VMC 70.309 Periscopes and Miniature Paints 13 Deep Bronze Green, favouring the blue
Wash with Miniature Paints 13 Deep Bronze Green
Drybrush with Panzer Aces
Drybrush with a mix of Panzer Aces and Miniature Paints 17 Aquamarine
Drybrush again adding more Aquamarine
Drybrush again, adding Reaper 09150 Bloodless Skin or any other off-white

Asterian Glow

Base with white or silver, based on location
Apply a single coat of undiluted Com Arts 1.035 Op. Bright Rose

Asterian Blade

Base with P3 Murderous Magenta
Wash with GW Nuln Oil
Drybrush with Warcolours Pink 3 (It didn’t do much.  Skip it)
Drybrush with Warcolours Pink 1
Glaze with undiluted Com Arts 1.035 Op. Bright Rose

Asterian Basing

Base with VMC 70.869 Basalt Grey
Wash with Jan’s Magimix (See elsewhere in this thread)
Patchy wash with Handcraft Tabletop Algenmoos 267.03 Terrain Wash
Drybrush GW Karak Stone
Make a thick wash out of Vallejo pigment 73.109 Natural Umber and apply to earthy bits
Repeat drybrush over that


Working out what each model is called was a pain as they’re only sold in mixed packs and mantic have an annoying habit of making things vanish off their web store.  There was no image anywhere saying what each piece is.  I think I’ve worked it out though.  Correct me if I’m wrong.

Asterian OverseerAsterian Overseer
Black Talons with Noh RiflesBlack Talons with Noh Rifles
Cyphers with Charge GlovesCyphers with Charge Gloves
Cyphers with BeamersCyphers with Beamers

I’ve been loving Kingdom Death (I got 3 more games in this weekend.  Butcher 2 died, with only one casualty that was probably my fault), so I’ve worked out what I want to make from my sprue of 4 unarmoured survivors.  I’ve ideas for some of the other sprues, but not enough to build all 4 people yet (Suggestions based on experience are appreciated).

Four unarmoured survivors built from the modular kits in the core boxFour unarmoured survivors built from the modular kits in the core box

Once I was done varnishing the Asterians I figured I may as well prime everything that’s ready as the airbrush was out already, so I primed the KDM people, and my Loka fire minis.  These were in the same goody back as the Asterians.  I have no interest in Loka, but perhaps these minis may prove useful, should I ever get D&D back to the tabletop?  Anyway, I thought someone might appreciate a primed pic of them so you can see the detail a little clearer.  Naked plastic or fully painted images don’t show you everything, quite like a zenithal prime does.

Some Loka Fire pieces, all primed and ready for paintSome Loka Fire pieces, all primed and ready for paint

Until Aeon Trespass turns up, I’m left with one last Hobby Pledge for 2022: A bust or similar type model.  I’m going relatively simple to begin with.  Razduun, Undead Lord bust.  He’s a 3D print I found for free on MMF when I was trying to use up the last of my resin last year.  I’ve begun blocking out base colours, which has revealed access issues with some recesses I hadn’t realised would be problems before.

69 MTG: Asterians

79 MTG: KoW Skeletons

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 10, Normal: 12, Luxury: 8, Modular: 49, To Ship: 33+


Across the week I was able to make great progress on my skeletons, finishing them off on Saturday morning, and varnishing them on Sunday morning.  The rest of my weekend was spent playing Kingdom Death.  I’m 16 games in and still loving it.  I expect to play another campaign when I’m done with this, hopefully with real people, but I’d be happy with solo again.  Does anyone know how often playable content like the Dragon king or Sunstalker appears in the shop, and what such things are likely to cost?  I know KDM isn’t cheap, but its definitely earning it’s keep.

Here’s a little maths.  Each game cycle (hunt, showdown, settlement) seems to take 2-3 hours right now (I times myself once. it might not be accurate).  Lets say 2.5 hours average.  Its 30 cycles to meet the BBEG, with possible extra cycles in the mix.  That’s 75 hours.  I paid £275 new, after P&P.  That’s £3.66 per hour of fun, even if you ignore painting fun, planning fun, and second playthroughs.  At £400 (fullish price) that’s still £5.33 which isn’t too bad either.  Thats still cheaper than the equivalent time at the cinema these days, and you have something you can sell along after.

Anyway, maths over.  Here’s my finished skelebobs.

22 Skeletons made from a 20 man box of Mantic Skeleton infantry and 2 spare GW bases. 22 Skeletons made from a 20 man box of Mantic Skeleton infantry and 2 spare GW bases.

Movement trays.  I’ve not got any and I’ve got a moderate sized KoW army.  What’s the best way to make movement trays without spending any money?  There’s got to be a way to make them using stuff I already have lying around the house, or from household/office waste, or can “borrow” from the office.  I know I can just cut out sheets of card and maybe even glue rims on them, but I doubt that’ll survive repeated transport.  Corrugated card has good depth but the edges will look horrible.  What’s acceptable when it comes to rims?  Increasing the footprint by 5mm in each direction to provide a rail/edge, or keeping the intended footprint and having one less row and column of troops?


Sunday evening I put my Asterians back on the tray and picked out the “black” areas between the armours.  They got drybrushed, and then given a purple wash just before I went to bed, so they’re still wet in this photo.  Before bed is the best time to apply a wash, after all.

I’ve had a quick look this morning before rushing to work and I’m not convinced this has gone as well as I wanted.  Oh Well.  They’ll probably never see the table.  This is about getting them done and out of my pile of shame, while keeping them ready for play should I ever have a use.  I did win a set of Stargrave recently.  Sometimes a paint job can look like arse right up until a model is finished.  Hopefully that’ll happen here.  I’ve yet to pick out the guns, glows, eyes/visors, and the bases.  This could make all the difference.

Asterian Overseer and 9 troops.  Can anyone identify them, or their weapons so I can track what I've got better?Asterian Overseer and 9 troops. Can anyone identify them, or their weapons so I can track what I've got better?

I’ve got a bunch of modular KDM survivors I can build and it’s becoming apparent which ones I’ll want as my campaign progresses.  Suggestions and corrections are appreciated. I’m only in LY 14 so far. Right now I think I won’t build more until after my first playthrough, but if I had some solid suggestions then perhaps I could get some done for this playthrough?


The box comes with 2 male and 2 female of each of the following sets:

Antelope / Screaming Fur

Unarmoured: Bow, axe?  I started with 1 bow, 1-2 axes, and 1-2 bone swords
Swords: The Intimacy couple covers this for unarmoured
Bow: Male and female in hide armour
Katars: Male and female in Lion armour
Antelope Armour: Maybe spear?  Currently wielding swords.


Do the mask sculpts serve a purpose, or is that just for display?

101 MTG: Plague finished

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Apparently, I forgot to mention that I finished my 10 plague models during the week too.

This leaves me with:

Batch: 32, Normal: 12, Luxury: 8, Modular: 49, To Ship: 33+

101 MTG: Plague finished

111 MTG: Skeleton progress

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Not much to show off this week.  It was a rare weekend of Gloomhaven for my group.  We get in perhaps 4 weekends a year on average I think, and play 4-6 games each weekend.  This huge campaign has lasted us many years now and the end isn’t in sight yet.  I’m enjoying it, but I’d love the chance for us to play other campaign games eventually.  I also feel that my current character is occasionally a liability (I’m the two box character) to the group, even though he is enjoyable.  My retirement conditions also appear to be impossibly unless we go back and repeat a dungeon we’ve already done.  That seems like a bit of a waste, given how little we get to play anyway.  I hope Isaac Childres has learned from this and made the conditions for things a little more flexible for future iterations of the game.

Anyway, despite spending the weekend away I was able to prime, basecoat and wash my 22 skeletons.  I’ve also printed out some double sided tokens for Kingdom Death and I’ve been gluing them to some card.  keeping track of what survival actions have been used each round is impossible otherwise, and I’m not paying $20+ postage for 20 small cardboard tokens that should have been free in the core box anyway.

I beat the King’s Man Sunday evening too.  I’m now trying to work out what I ant to hunt next.  Am I ready for lvl 3 quarry?  Should I be able to face a lvl 1 phoenix?  His aging powers terrify me.  He can hit you hard enough to send your party back to the start of the game with all their equipment and skills and nothing else, or just erase everyone from time!  It’s my Lantern year 10.  A few more years of farming lvl 2 lions and goats is ok, right?  Is there anything I should be looking at to build for protection against the phoenix?

My skeletons, in need of a drybrush highlight, then its on to the metals.My skeletons, in need of a drybrush highlight, then its on to the metals.
The Asterians.  Their armour colour was finished last week.  I need to pick out the joints etc in a near black next.  That's likely to be fiddly, so I'm sticking with the straightforward skeletons for now.The Asterians. Their armour colour was finished last week. I need to pick out the joints etc in a near black next. That's likely to be fiddly, so I'm sticking with the straightforward skeletons for now.

111 MTG: Kingdom Death started and the last 4 3D printed small based models finished

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

It was the 4 day Jubilee weekend so I made the most of it!  I had things to do like deal with a large Tescos deliver, mow the lawns, sign a double glazing contract etc, but I still managed to get a lot done.  I’d already basically finished these four models, but they still needed varnishing.  Thursday morning I got the airbrush out and took care of that, and applied a base coat to 10 Plague models and 10 Asterians.

This was all finished by lunch, and I left them well alone until just before bed, when everyone got a wash that could dry overnight.  Next morning the Asterians got their second wash.  The plague didn’t need one.  That evening, they all got the drybrush highlights I had planned for them.

By working around other things and using lazy/fast techniques, I’ve already painted the plague flesh and asterian armour colour and spent almost no time working on these models.  That’s 75% surface area of 20 models finished in very little time and with no effort.

Amberal Thundercloud by 3dartdigitalAmberal Thundercloud by 3dartdigital
Jacques Satyr by 3dartdigitalJacques Satyr by 3dartdigital
Norse High School Adventurer found on MMF from a game that never got madeNorse High School Adventurer found on MMF from a game that never got made
Tiefling Sorcerer from Titan Forge's Titans of Adventure 4 Tiefling Sorcerer from Titan Forge's Titans of Adventure 4

With that done, Thursday afternoon I started my big plans for the long weekend: I started playing Kingdom Death Monster for the first time.  It arrived between Christmas and New Year, and I’d spent 3 months painting up the models for it.  I wanted a solid few days to sink my teeth in to it.  I didn’t want to learn the game in a rushed few hours after work one day.  I’ve tried rallying my friends to play, but we’re scattered around now and I couldn’t get three other interested people who could commit to turning up regularly (I already play Gloomhaven this way and we get perhaps 4 weekends in a year.  It’s fun, but very slow going).

The rule book is set up very well for your first game.  You don’t need to read the rules.  It has a tutorial much like a computer game.  It teaches you by having you play.  This makes the learn super fast, easy, and fun.  At the time of writing I’ve been playing for four games and I’ve still not read the rules sections after this, although I do occasionally look something up.  If you’ve read them and you know this means I’m missing something important please let me know!

The first fight was fun, but the game didn’t grab me.  Then I went back to the settlement, and that was interesting, but I wasn’t pulled in yet.  Then the hunt phase happened, and again it was fun but didn’t make the game special yet.

I set up the second showdown and weighed my options.  Go back to painting and play again tomorrow, or play another game and apply some washes before bed?  I kinda wanted to se how my new gear played out and how different the real White Lion was to the tutorial White Lion.  It had the beginning of it’s hooks in me after all.  As I got playing and the lion died giving me new resources to spend I realised I was hooked.  Not on one phase of the game.  On the cycle.  Each phase feeds the next and I constantly want to do the next phase to see how my decisions work out.  At the time of writing I’ve just finished year 9 and I’m about to face The King’s Man for the first time.  knowing this, I’ve replaced all my breakable weapons with metal ones for the first time as I expect his armour would destroy my bone blades.  He’s got 5-6 always on powers, and the most I’ve faced is 5 on the Butcher, but I normally face 2 at the moment.  I’ve not looked at what they are yet.  Am I screwed?  I don’t know.  I am concerned though.  I’m not sure I’m going to get another game in this week though, as it’s Gloomhaven with friends all this weekend, I need to finish my models, and I’m busy Tuesday and Wednesday evening.

Does anyone know if the Intimacy couple, Old Joe and Young Rachel have a specific purpose, or if they’re just optional extras to be used any time?  I’ve seen an innovation that would let two survivors be married and gain advantages when they fight together.  I assume that’s the intimacy couple?

I know there’s a good settlement tracking app out there but I’ve forgotten what it’s called.  I can keep using the cards, but keeping track of my survivors and who’s got what upgrades based on whey they were born etc is getting to be a bit messy.

If I have one complaint about KDM, it’s that the books and cards never give you a page number for anything.  Something triggers a power or an event or something that you’ve no reason to have ever seen, IE the Butcher attacks for the first time.  Would it really kill them to put a page number with that event on the timeline?  There’s a contents page, but no index.  There is a glossary instead and every entry would be so much better with a page reference.

Oh, and the stat line on the character sheets could use a second row: Base stat and Stat with equipment.  The armours could use a second box each too.  With full equipment, and current armour.  Both of these are easily fixed though.

I’ve learned two important things playing KDM:

  1. After spending 4 days stood leaning over a table my legs refuse to move anymore without complaining.  I am old
  2. I cannot stop narrating out loud what I’m doing while playing solo.  Does everyone do this?  Why does this happen?  Does it help me think, or make my decision more real, or is this a leftover habit from playing games with other people and declaring what I’m up to so they know?
My second fight against the white lion.  Not a particularly exciting pic, but I'm actually playing at last!My second fight against the white lion. Not a particularly exciting pic, but I'm actually playing at last!

Every morning and evening around KD:M I would watch the UKGE coverage from OTT and do a little painting.  I’d try and time washes and long drying time techniques for jest before a game or just before bed.  The armour colour on the asterians is finished.  I need to pick out an under-armour colour next, then it’s spot colours and bases.  The plague just need their bases done an a couple of quick highlights, before varnishing.  It’s frustrating to get them this close to done, but not be done.  I hope to power through and do them tonight, but I’m not sure I’ll have time to varnish.  It all comes down to how long it takes the wash on their bases to dry.

I was also able to build and base my box of 20 KoW skeletons. I was even able to squeeze 1 more skeleton and a giant skeleton rat out of the box for 22 models.


This leaves me with:

Batch: 42, Normal: 12, Luxury: 8, Modular: 49, To Ship: 33+

So close to done that it annoys me!So close to done that it annoys me!
A 20 man box of KoW skeletons all built up as 22 models, ready for priming once the PVA dries.A 20 man box of KoW skeletons all built up as 22 models, ready for priming once the PVA dries.

I also got up to date on Kenobi and Strange New Worlds.  I’m really enjoying both.  Is it just me or does SNW occasionally contradict itself?  One week the federation uses genetic engineering to disguise people for away missions.  The next genetic engineering has always been outlawed in the federation.  I’ve seen other examples of inconsistency.  They can be argued away, but it feels a little iffy.  Good show though, otherwise.  There are moments when Pike speaks and I can see and hear Kirk.  I love that we know most of the crew will be gone before Pike ends up in the chair.  This means we know most of them can die at any moment.  They’ve gotta be gotten rid of at some point before the show ends.  Unless this is setting up it’s own “Trousers of Time” splinter universe?

Also, they are very dumb at times, when they can’t figure stuff out that’s blindly obvious to the viewers.  But that’s a plot thing and I think it’s reminiscent of TOS.  A way of drumming home the point they were making.

113 MTG: Slathos the Soul Stealer

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

This week I’ve been working towards finishing off the 5 remaining models that have been on hold since Christmas.  I’ve finished one, and have been picking out colours on the others.  What’s slowing me down here is making decisions about which colour to use.  Committing to a starting colour is helping get me moving.

I’ve also been doing prep work on the models for after.  I’ve built, based, and primed the Warpath minis I have: 10 Plague and 10 Asterians.  I already have a Plague force and these guys will be based with GW Astrogranite once they’re painted to match the others.  The Asterians wanted a new base scheme that worked for Sci-fi and didn’t just feel like generic, fantasy applicable “In a field” basing.  I didn’t want to buy anything new, or get any resin for my printer, so I pulled out my old Basius Imperial pad and went with bombed and broken concrete.

By next week I hope to finish 1-2 more models, and get a base colour applied on these new 20 models while the airbrush is already out to varnish the finished pieces.


Slathos’s Base

Base Vallejo 70.340 Panzer Aces Highlight Afrika Tank Korps
Wash P3 beast hide
Drybrush P3 Menoth White Base
Drybrush P3 Menoth White Highlight

Slathos’s Armour

Base Vallejo 70.309 Panzer Aces Periscopes mixed with a little Black
Wash GW Nuln Oil
Highlight with base
Highlight 2 is base with more Periscopes
Highlight 3 is as above but with added VMC 70.966 Turquoise
Highlight 4 is as above but more Turquoise
Highlight 5 is as above but with a little VMC 70.918 Ivory

It’s odd that this was painted with black and shades of turquoise, and yet it just looks blue.  Not what I was aiming for, but I’ll go with it.

Slathos’s Cloak

Base Miniature Paints MRP 13 Deep Bronze Green mixed with MRP 17 Aquamarine, mixed 1:3ish.  The green dominates at 1:1
Shade with heavier green mixes and pure green
Reclaim with base
Highlight 1 with almost pure Aquamarine
Highlight 2 with Aquamarine
Highlight 3 Aquamarine mixed with increasing amounts of Miniature Paints MRP 21 Arctic Blue
Highlight 4 As above, but add a little VMC 70.918 Ivory

Artisan Guild's Slathos the Soul Stealer: An Ilithid SpellcasterArtisan Guild's Slathos the Soul Stealer: An Ilithid Spellcaster
L to R: Titan Forge's Tiefling Sorceror, 3dartdigital's Amberal Thundercloud, Norse Highschool Adventurer - Troll Girl, and 3dartdigital's Jacques Satyr.  Colour suggestions are more than welcome.  I'm not sure which way to go.L to R: Titan Forge's Tiefling Sorceror, 3dartdigital's Amberal Thundercloud, Norse Highschool Adventurer - Troll Girl, and 3dartdigital's Jacques Satyr. Colour suggestions are more than welcome. I'm not sure which way to go.

Lets play some games with those number as 113 is a lot of models, and it’s not the whole truth as to what my goal here is, and we all know the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.  So what do I have?

KoW Skeletons x20
Busts and display pieces x8
3D printed regular models x7
Ronaldo the Bard
Loka Fire set x8
KD:M Modular warriors etc x29
Stargrave Troops x20
Asterians x10
Plague x10
Masons (Not arrived yet) x6
Aeon Trespass Odyssey Wave 1 (Not arrived yet) x27
Aeon Trespass Odyssey Wave 2 (Not arrived yet) x??


They can be broken down in to categories, based on when and how I want to paint them:

Batch Paintables to be rushed: 
KoW Skeletons x20
Asterians x10
Plague x10

Regular Paintables, worth putting  regular effort in to:
3D printed regular models x7
Ronaldo the Bard
Loka Fire set x8

Luxury Paint jobs to be savoured: 
Busts and display pieces x8

Modular stuff, not to be built until I’m ready to be put on the table: 
KD:M Modular warriors etc x29
Stargrave Troops x20

Not arrived yet: 
Masons (Not arrived yet) x6
Aeon Trespass Odyssey Wave 1 (Not arrived yet) x27
Aeon Trespass Odyssey Wave 2 (Not arrived yet) x??


This gives me:

Batch: 40, Normal: 16, Luxury: 8, Modular: 49, To Ship: 33+

My real goal is to clear out Batch and Normal (56) so I can enjoy Luxury (8), and handle everything else (82) at my own pace when it needs attention.  I’m already not counting the To Ships in my Models To Go total.


If anyone is interested, I have gone back to the first post in this project and added an index, complete with links.  It should make it easier for me to find things later, even if no one else cares.

114 MTG: Adding the Box of Undesireables

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Since I last updated here I’ve gone in the the Box of undesireables (The stuff I’ve been pretending doesn’t exist) and pulled out all my Dreadball and gotten it painted up for the spring cleaning challenge.  I’ve also built an Optimus Prime model kit.  With that lot out of the way I may as well bring the remaining models in to the fold and admit I’m going to paint them too.  I also won a box of 20 Stargrave models and the books.  That means my To Go total has just risen by 53 models!  I’m still ignoring stuff that’s yet to be delivered.

So what do I think I have left?

KoW Skeletons x20
Busts and display pieces x8
3D printed regualr models x8
Ronaldo the Bard
Loka Fire set x8
KD:M Modular warriors etc x29
Stargrave Troops x20
Asterians x10
Plague x10
Masons (Not arrived yet) x6
Aeon Tresspass Odyssey Wave 1 (Not arrived yet) x27
Aeon Tresspass Odyssey Wave 2 (Not arrived yet) x??

I think there may be one or two other bits not accounted for here, too, like an oooold WHFB Goblin Chariot.  No idea what that could be used for these days.

It seems that when Kingdom Death turned up I was already part way through painting 6 models, and I have a challenge model to paint up for MonkeysWithFire.  More progress was made over the weekend.

A single model from the Stargrave Crew II set, for the MWF challenge.  Done using AP Speed Paint Fire Giant Orange.  I approve!A single model from the Stargrave Crew II set, for the MWF challenge. Done using AP Speed Paint Fire Giant Orange. I approve!

I was trying to match GW’s Martian Ironearth/Ironcrust above, but just using regular basing material and paint.  It’s not quite there.

Base: P3 Bloodstone mixed with Army painter Mars Red
Wash: GW Agrax Earthshade
Drybrush: Mars Red
Drybrush 2: Apparently, I didn’t take notes.  Perhaps P3 Khardic Flesh, possibly mixed with a little Mars Red?

Tiefling Warlock, by Titan ForgeTiefling Warlock, by Titan Forge

Ruins Base: 

Base: VMC 70.884 Stone Grey
Wash with this Ultimate Weathering Wash Light Dirt (
Clean up with a wet brush as needed
Drybrush GW Screaming Skull

61 MTG: Kingdom Death: Monster in Full

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
I finally got off my back side and took a group pic.  I'm slowly getting the game set up ready for solo play.  There's A LOT of cards to sort and sleeve first though!I finally got off my back side and took a group pic. I'm slowly getting the game set up ready for solo play. There's A LOT of cards to sort and sleeve first though!

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