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New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

New painter attempts to not ruin the Indomitus Space Marines

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Project Blog by Benidem Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 218

About the Project

So the new 40K starter box got me back in after having not played since 5th edition. I've decided to actually paint my miniatures instead of the grey legion making it's inglorious return. So armed only with the advice of a friend who is actually good at this i'm attempting to paint my own miniatures. Why Dark Angels? I just think they're cool.

This Project is Completed

First miniature finished

Tutoring 12
Skill 15
Idea 15
First miniature finished
First miniature finished

So after priming the squad in Grey Seer I used Dark Angels Green contrast for the main of the armor, I think I might be using too much paint but I kinda like how it’s turned out.  The red I wanted something that popped in contrast to the dark green so I went with Blood Angels Red. The metal bits is base Leadbelcher washed with Nuln Oil. I was originally going to use Contrast Snakebite Leather for the pouches and holster but on a  friend’s suggestion I tried Layer Skrag Brown and washed it with Agrax Earthshade. I still might try Snakebit on another mini to be able to compare them. As for the Gold details and trim I went with Balthasar Gold washed with Agrax Earthshade.


I know it’s a bit splotchy but for the first miniature of the set i’m very pleased with how it’s turned out.


Also I have no idea why the pictures are sideways.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Second model finished

Tutoring 11
Skill 13
Idea 15
Second model finished
Second model finished
Second model finished

So here is my second model. This time I tried the Snakebite Leather Contrast for the holster and pouches instead and I’m not quite sure which I prefer the lighter coloring looks more like real leather but I like the darker shade from the first model. I’ve also make the foregrip on the Bolter red instead of brown like the first model, considering that these are supposed to be pistols maybe more uniformity of color is in order.  I also think I might have put too much paint on the model as this one is considerable darker than the last, i’ll try to be more careful but it’s a mistake i’m probably going to keep making.


I’ve also tried just dabbing a little bit of leadbelchers in random spot to simulate a little bit of battle damage (there is only war after all) and i’m rather pleased with the aesthetic of it but i’m also afraid of over doing it and making some kind of marine Dalmatian.

Working on the rest of the squad

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 13
1 Comment
Working on the rest of the squad
Working on the rest of the squad
Working on the rest of the squad

So I finished the other seven assault Intercessors. I chose to stick with the contrast Snakebite Leather. Other than that I’ve made few changes, mostly choosing to make the entire gauntlet and central chest piece gold. I like the way to pops compared to the dark green. I also took it easier on the “battle damage” making the marks smaller and less often.

I’m about 90% done with the Sergeant but I haven’t done his exposed head yet still trying to find a skin color I don’t hate. He’ll get his own entry when I finish him.

Intercessor Sergeant completed

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 10
1 Comment
Intercessor Sergeant completed
Intercessor Sergeant completed
Intercessor Sergeant completed

So I finished my SGT I went with Contrast Guilliman Flesh over a Seer Grey Primer (thanks for the tip Crazyredcoat) I had a hard time getting enough of the contrast to actually stay put on the head and not just pool in the armor. The hair is just base Abbadon black nothing special. The plasma pistol is easily my least favorite part of the model I just could not get the right shade of blue (this was attempt number 3) I just can’t get the right mix of Tallassar Blue and the contrast medium to get that plasma light blue.

The chest shield I do think came out pretty alright I looked in my Dark Angels Codex to see what the companies looked like and I ended up going with the 3rd company mostly because a red strip seem pretty doable. Still a bit more work than I had expected though had to paint on some Seer Grey before going back over with the Contrast Blood Angels Red but i’m still very into how that particular red pops against the armor.

Eradicators finished

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 11
1 Comment
Eradicators finished
Eradicators finished
Eradicators finished
Eradicators finished

These guys were pretty quick to paint since I did not have to do much different and I think I’ve gotten the standard Dark Angels down. Real shame these are the last models I’m painting as standard Dark Angels. I’m going to be moving on to the Bladeguard but I’ve decided to paint them in the style of Deathwing so I can’t wait to start ruining these guys and their tiny details.

Bladeguard Veterans

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 10
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans
Bladeguard Veterans

Ok so the little booklet said these guys come from the 1st company so that’s all the push I needed to paint these guys in the style of Deathwing. I used contrast Skeleton Horde to get that dirty bone color. I took inspiration from how GW painted Deathwing knights so I painted their robes Dark Angels green.

I also painted the majority of the shields Dark Angels green to keep the contrast from the bone armor doing the inlay in Balthazar Gold and washed with Agrax Earthshade.

I kept the gold bracer and chest piece to keep continuity with the rest of my troops. The leather is still contrast Snakebite Leather and all the red is Blood Angels red.

For the swords I just painted them in leadbelcher, washed in Nuln Oil, then dry brushed with a small amount of Tallasar Blue to try and give it that blue hue.

The sideways pictures have returned! Surely the Emperor is with us!

Outriders Finished

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Ok so I haven’t been good about updating this project. Ok so over a month is actually being REALLY bad about updating it.

So I went with a less is more Ravenwing style for the bikers. Most of the models are just Abaddon black with a bit of Blood Angels Red for the weapons and actual wheels. Tires are contrast Basilicum Grey not sure I’m crazy about how it turned out they feel a little cartoony. And of course some Gold because well like Big E himself I’m a fan of gold.

Characters finished

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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So to finish out this project here are my characters. I mostly kept to my Deathwing inspired Bone armor and DA green robes scheme.

I wanted the Chaplin to pop a little more so I made his robes Apothecary white instead to help contrast the Abaddon black armor and Agrax washed gold.

I also made my Captain/Master in the more traditional green armor since I want to use him for my Greenwing and eventually get a Terminator or Belial himself for my Deathwing/Veteran troops.

Project wrapped up.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
1 Comment

So I thank everyone who joined me on this mess and especially everyone who gave me advice along the way (especially crazyredcoat). I’ve gotten over my MASSIVE fear of actually painting my miniatures. They’re not great but I think I’ve comfortably hit my goal of tabletop quality and I’ve put in the work so I’m proud of them regardless.

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