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Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

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Project Blog by hazyboy75 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 831

About the Project

I’ve been sitting on my Hundred Kingdoms Conquest army for some time now. I was hoping for a BOW hobby weekend but since COVID kicked in and ballsed everything up it’s all been sitting gathering dust on my shelf. Recently a friend of mine traded me his Hundred Kingdoms for my Spires and so I have been inspired to get them ready for the tabletop. Haven’t painted a tank and flank army for a loooong time so will be interesting to see how to do it. I’ve got so used to painting single characters for the likes of WWX and Crisis Protocol it’ll be weird painting 20 odd sword and board dudes!

This Project is Active

And now for some more knights!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
Whilst clearing out a cupboard I found these fellas stashed away. Nice work past me! The the knights of the Ashen Dawn!Whilst clearing out a cupboard I found these fellas stashed away. Nice work past me! The the knights of the Ashen Dawn!
Little bit of the ole beige on the metal.Little bit of the ole beige on the metal.
A quick 50/50 wash to bring up the metals…A quick 50/50 wash to bring up the metals…
And the horses are done!And the horses are done!
Little bit of touch up, glued to the horses and basing and these behemoths are ready!Little bit of touch up, glued to the horses and basing and these behemoths are ready!

And now for some more knights!

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Whilst clearing out a cupboard I found these fellas stashed away. Nice work past me! The the knights of the Ashen Dawn!Whilst clearing out a cupboard I found these fellas stashed away. Nice work past me! The the knights of the Ashen Dawn!

Some more units done, time for a little more kitbashing!

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment
Using a crossbowman and a man at arms for the base I made up two more heroes for the ranks using leftovers from the Squires and Crimson TowerUsing a crossbowman and a man at arms for the base I made up two more heroes for the ranks using leftovers from the Squires and Crimson Tower
Huzzah, after losing my hobby space to a child I’ve been looking at alternative solutions and found this box of delight from Frontier Wargaming. My hobby space lives again!Huzzah, after losing my hobby space to a child I’ve been looking at alternative solutions and found this box of delight from Frontier Wargaming. My hobby space lives again!
Some cheeky beige to help calm the brightness down…Some cheeky beige to help calm the brightness down…
Based and ready!Based and ready!
I missed the last 2 steps, BM drybrush then a dark tone wash. Based and ready!I missed the last 2 steps, BM drybrush then a dark tone wash. Based and ready!

Time for some hopeful young bucks, it’s the Mounted Squires

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Time for some hopeful young bucks, it’s the Mounted Squires
As they look a little to clean to match the rest of the army I gave them a trusty beige drybrush and then a 50/50 soft tone and medium washAs they look a little to clean to match the rest of the army I gave them a trusty beige drybrush and then a 50/50 soft tone and medium wash
After a dip in the base mix they are done!After a dip in the base mix they are done!

Order of the Crimson Tower

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Unlike everyone else the 100 Kingdoms don’t do big monsters, they rely on very heavy horse!Unlike everyone else the 100 Kingdoms don’t do big monsters, they rely on very heavy horse!
I want to make sure these have a more grim dark look so I’m going to dull down the metals with a trusty Biege drybrush.I want to make sure these have a more grim dark look so I’m going to dull down the metals with a trusty Biege drybrush.
A final dip in the basing tub and he’s done!A final dip in the basing tub and he’s done!
And that’s the unit completed!And that’s the unit completed!

The Seasoned Veteran

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment
Time for a quick single mini. Love this model and he is great in First Blood so time to get him paintedTime for a quick single mini. Love this model and he is great in First Blood so time to get him painted
Quick Brainmatter drybrush and a dark wood speedpaint for the tree stump and it’s on to washesQuick Brainmatter drybrush and a dark wood speedpaint for the tree stump and it’s on to washes
Quick dip and done!Quick dip and done!

The mighty, mighty Militia!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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The mighty, mighty Militia!

Now I have heard that the medium included with the Army Painter speed paints can be used to add to normal war paints to create your own speed paints. I’ve been wanting to test this for a while so I decided I needed a low level unit to try it on so enter the militia!

These guys are absolute chaff on the field so even if it doesn’t work they aren’t usually around long enough for people to see them!

So to test it out I chose hemp rope and did a mix of 3 medium to 1 paint and slapped it on.

Low and behold it seems to have worked!Low and behold it seems to have worked!

Now they are block coloured I’d like to try to muddy them down a bit as they look way to bright and poppy for what should be lowly militia so I’m going to see if they hold up to a trade mark Brainmatter Beige drybrush and wash.

Well, of course I would!

Beige rage!Beige rage!
Washes applied, 2-1 dark tone and medium for armour and 2-1 soft tone and medium for the clothWashes applied, 2-1 dark tone and medium for armour and 2-1 soft tone and medium for the cloth

Quick dip in the basing tub and they are done. Overall quite pleased with how they turned out. I look for to some more experimenting!

The Three Amigos!

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
The Three Amigos!
The Three Amigos!

The Acolyte

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments

Now for the Acolyte it went a little off piste. I’ve been really pleased with Army Painter Speedpaints and with the recent announcement of metallics coming I wanted to see how they fared on my Conquest minis. Now, I did get carried away and forgot to take pictures of the steps but anyone with the set of them will be able to work out what I used. The only exception being the jerkin. It’s a mix of the speed paint leather brown and the yellow. The metals were done in my usual Chop Slap (TM) biege drybrush style

The Acolyte

All painted up really easily and as it happens isn’t to jarring when standing with the rest of the army. I should note that the cape colour hive dweller purple was quite heavy so I did add some water to some it out. Not perfect but good enough. As I said, got excited and rushed!

As for Speedpaints, my verdict…As for Speedpaints, my verdict…

The Warrior

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The Warrior
Beige me like one of your French girls!Beige me like one of your French girls!

After washing with 50/50 medium that warrior is ready

Kitbashed Retinues

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 6
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I’m back! It’s been a while but recently I’ve discovered the updated rules to Conquests First Blood and it’s got me re energised to continue my Hundred Kingdoms army.

Recently I planned a game and for the first time I included a retinue for my Theist Priest. I was going to proxy the models but then I remembered a kitbash I had done a while ago mixing a Man At Arms torso with Household equipment (and a slung crossbow just for added badassness) and thought he might work as a warrior retinue. They have the support rule so makes sense that he would have a halberd. I also needed a bodyguard so kitbashed him together from the crossbowman, man at arms, gilded legion and militia sprues. Finally I needed an acolyte which was trickier as he would need to be less martial looking. I had a spare militia head which has a cap instead of a helmet and with a bit of cutting and gluing managed to create a more magical looking staff and by trimming down a shield I created something that looks enough like a book to pass!

The BodyguardThe Bodyguard
Kitbashed Retinues
Ah, Brainmatter, how I’ve missed thee!Ah, Brainmatter, how I’ve missed thee!

Now for the washes, all 50/50 mixed with medium in the true Chop Slap (TM) style!!

Added an old Bretonian transfer to the shield an the badass bodyguard is done!

Its the end of the path, for now...

Tutoring 12
Skill 14
Idea 13

Finally, my Path of Conquest army is ready to march to war!

Thanks to the slow grow league keeping me focussed its great to finally line up a full army shot and even though the units were all painted to a very basic level im really pleased with how they look en masse.

A friend of mine has also just got his 2000 point Spire army painted so come May 17th there will be a battle report!


From the fringes of the Hiundred Kingdoms the Noble (but minor) Lord Salocin leads his host to war!From the fringes of the Hiundred Kingdoms the Noble (but minor) Lord Salocin leads his host to war!
Lord Salocin and his trusted Household Guard (with Armsmaster Kurt Von Vessail)Lord Salocin and his trusted Household Guard (with Armsmaster Kurt Von Vessail)
Not fully trusted by Salocin, the Imperial Officer Sir Beaumont and his elite Steel Legion (with grizzled drillmaster Boris)Not fully trusted by Salocin, the Imperial Officer Sir Beaumont and his elite Steel Legion (with grizzled drillmaster Boris)
Escorted by her retinue of Men at Arms, Lady Helena brings her arcane knowledge to the fieldEscorted by her retinue of Men at Arms, Lady Helena brings her arcane knowledge to the field
His exalted eminence Rodrigo De Montoya and his flockHis exalted eminence Rodrigo De Montoya and his flock
The War CouncilThe War Council

The Armsmaster

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 13
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This is it, the final model needed to complete my Path to Conquest 2000 point army!This is it, the final model needed to complete my Path to Conquest 2000 point army!

After the obligitory Brainmatter Beige drybrush its in with the washes, 2/1 medium to wash.

And thats him, and the army, DONE!!! Im off to set up a full army shot!And thats him, and the army, DONE!!! Im off to set up a full army shot!


Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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Looking forward to these guys, lovely looking models but as there is a lot of detail on these I’m going to prime them green to save some time painting them.Looking forward to these guys, lovely looking models but as there is a lot of detail on these I’m going to prime them green to save some time painting them.
Now the basics are done it’s time to add some individual colours to the various scarves, masks etcNow the basics are done it’s time to add some individual colours to the various scarves, masks etc

Next up it’ll be the standard Brainmatter Beige drybrush for the whole unit and then washes (all 50/50 with medium)

military shade on the green, soft tone on the browns, dark tone on the metals / dark colours and the rest on the appropriate matching colours.

After a dip in the basing pot and a Matt varnish they are ready to go. Love this unit even if I did manage to snap every bloody arrowhead!!!After a dip in the basing pot and a Matt varnish they are ready to go. Love this unit even if I did manage to snap every bloody arrowhead!!!

The final push!

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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It’s the final stretch now to get to 2000 points. Just 3 stands each of Household Guard, Longbowsmen and Men at Arms. Aiming to smash through the then this week! It’s the final stretch now to get to 2000 points. Just 3 stands each of Household Guard, Longbowsmen and Men at Arms. Aiming to smash through the then this week!
Household GuardHousehold Guard
The final push!


Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments
A friend of mine recently discovered a few sheets of old GW Brettonian transfers that he generously handed over. After a quick watch of a Gerry Can on how to apply transfers (haven’t done it that for a loooong time) I dug out the gloss and Matt varnish and set to work on my Men at Arms!A friend of mine recently discovered a few sheets of old GW Brettonian transfers that he generously handed over. After a quick watch of a Gerry Can on how to apply transfers (haven’t done it that for a loooong time) I dug out the gloss and Matt varnish and set to work on my Men at Arms!

I won’t bother showing how it was done, the excellent Gerry Can video will do a much better job than I can. Have to say I’m really pleased with the results, makes the units look a lot more vibrant. Now to do the rest of the units!


All bases covered!

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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In Conquest a hero in a unit is placed on a 4 spot rank base and whilst it’s perfectly functional its not particularly elegant. I have been using a plinth design a friend of mine created which is cool but with the new retinue rules you can now add characters to the heroes base to assist.

Seeing as i have a printer and Tinkercad i thought i’d see if i could come up with something.

So, two things. first design is a plain square with either 1,2 or 3 base holes. Quick bit of measuring and done. I’ll attach the files should you wish to use them. (No i wont, just realised you cant!! happy to share if required!)

Then i thought could i create a more scenic base using the printer to create the stucture. so this i what i did.

Firstly i created this in Tinkercad and printed out.Firstly i created this in Tinkercad and printed out.

Then moulded a shape using brown stuff, primed, textured, paint, drybrush and softone said texture and finished with a dip in the flock mix!

TA DA! QUite pleased with that for a minor distraction! Think i may continue playing around with these...TA DA! QUite pleased with that for a minor distraction! Think i may continue playing around with these...

'Pick that sword up son!'

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments
Now all my leaders are done its time to get some discipline into the ranks. Step up the Drillmaster!Now all my leaders are done its time to get some discipline into the ranks. Step up the Drillmaster!
Enjoyed this one, nice and simple!!Enjoyed this one, nice and simple!!

'The Chapter Mage'

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments
Another model thats been sitting around for a while is the stunning Chapter Mage model, so whilst on a painting high i thought i'd get her finishedAnother model thats been sitting around for a while is the stunning Chapter Mage model, so whilst on a painting high i thought i'd get her finished
And here she is in all her majestic glory!!!And here she is in all her majestic glory!!!

'A horse, a horse, why did i paint it yellow?!?!?!'

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments
Its back in the saddle (wink) on the Path of Conquest as i look to finish a problematic leader fo the army! A mounted lordIts back in the saddle (wink) on the Path of Conquest as i look to finish a problematic leader fo the army! A mounted lord

Bit of backstory on this one. There I was happily trucking along on the Path of Conquest, riding high from a battle report and getting the core of the army painted when lockdown v3 kicked in. I was really looking forward to expanding the force and doing another battle report as this had really helped give me a push to keep going. With that out the window my motivation took a hit and i struggled to muster up the energy to paint more units.

In an attempt to break the funk i thought it might help if i just painted up a character to get me going again so i dusted off my mounted lord and had a think.

Now the the knights i had painted so far were quite plain and i wanted my lord to stand out  a bit from the ranks so i decided to go with golden armour with resplendant yellow and blue livery.

Firstly i primed the horse and rider in gold as it had worked nicely on the unmounted version and then the problems started!

Yellow, always f++king yellow! Now once again no matter what i did i couldnt get it to work and after multiple attempts i threw the whole thing to one side and decided leave it alone for a bit and find some other options for yellow.

This involved buying inks, new paints and defacing a bunch of old models!

after getting some satisfactory results with yellow with some Crisis Protocol X-Men i finally found a decent soloution. It still took another few weeks to build up the energy to tackle him again but finally last week i reprimed the skirts with white and got back to work.

Annoyingly this meant i would now have to pepaint the gold armour by hand and on a model that was already annoying me this really turned into a slog and i can honestly say i hated every minute of painting this one and i hate how it turned out but its DONE and i can move on!!


'A horse, a horse, why did i paint it yellow?!?!?!'

And there he is. All i feel is relief now he’s finished. Honestly every step with this one was a chore and everything seemed to go wrong. Even resorted to trying pigment powders on the skirts to try and hide some of the paint and wash issues but even that didnt seem to work!

One thing i can guarentee is this guy is going to be initating a lot of suicidal chrages in his future!!!

Have to say as annoying as this model was to finish, now its done i do now have a renewed vigour for getting on with my Conquest stuff. Time to grab a Wizard…