Everyone remembers their first Conquest!
Recommendations: 911
About the Project
I’ve been sitting on my Hundred Kingdoms Conquest army for some time now. I was hoping for a BOW hobby weekend but since COVID kicked in and ballsed everything up it’s all been sitting gathering dust on my shelf. Recently a friend of mine traded me his Hundred Kingdoms for my Spires and so I have been inspired to get them ready for the tabletop. Haven’t painted a tank and flank army for a loooong time so will be interesting to see how to do it. I’ve got so used to painting single characters for the likes of WWX and Crisis Protocol it’ll be weird painting 20 odd sword and board dudes!
Related Game: Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings
Related Company: Para Bellum Games
Related Genre: Fantasy
Related Contest: Path of Conquest 2020
This Project is Active
Apologies, ive just realised the Project system must have glitched and the last turn didnt update so hear it is!
As we enter the final turn the inspired charges of the earlier rounds were paying off for the Hundred Kingdoms as they had scored well off the objectives and were sittng comfortably on a 5 – 0 lead. Could they hold their early gains from the insidious Spires….
Pheromancer cast Pheromantic Overdrive on the Abomination causing him to attack twice, first attack causes 5 wounds after resolve and the second caused 2 wounds after resolve.
He aslo cast Lethargy on the Order of The Sealed TEmple.
Household Knights clash the Abonination causing 2 wounds
The Biomancer then heals 3 wounds on the Abomination
Order Of The Sealed Temple clash the Brutes causing 8 wounds after resolve.
The Brutes then heal 4 and clash the Order Of the Sealed Temple causing 9 wounds and wiping them out.
Crimson Tower charge the Force Grown Drones and wipe them from the field with ease!
The Force Grown Drones on the left fail their charge against the Ashen Dawn.
The Ashen Dawn then charge into the Force Grown Drones causing a mighty 23 wounds, decimating the unit.
The Aftermath
And with the final charge of the Ashen Dawn in Turn five we called the game.
It was obvious there was no way back for the filthy Spires and they retreated back to their termite mounds to grow some more meatbags.
Really enjoyed finally geting to use my Cavalry list, and im sure there will be rematch on the cards soon.
Until then im planning on looking to venture to some tournaments with them in 2025 so watch this space!
BATTLE REPORT!!!!!!1500 points Hundred Kingdoms Vs The Spires
Things start hotting up this turn as one of the dreaded Abominations charged onto the field.
The Squires cautiously move forward in an attempt to draw charges away from the other knights.
The Pheromancer casts Peromantic Overdrive.
Household Knights charge up the left flank
Force Grown Drones on the right continue their cautious approach
In an thunder of hooves and breaking trees the Crimson tower burst from the small woods.
Biomancer passes
Priory Commander passes
Force Grown Drones on the left stay put.
The Order Of The Sealed Temple charge onto the central hill to take the objective.
The Force Grown Drones on the left charge the Squires causing 5 hits / 4 wounds and a furthe to failed relsolve tests.
The next Abomination also charges onto the field.
Fianlly the Brute Drones reform and shuffle forward.
The 100 Kingdoms kicks of turn 4 with the Household Knights charging the Abomination on the left causing 3 wounds wifrom the Impact Hits and a further 4 from combat and a failed resolve.
The nearby Biomancer heals 3 wounds from the Abomination and a furthe 3 by Flesh Knitting.
The Order Of the Sealed Temple conduct a free reform and charge the central Abomination causinf 4 wounds from Impact Attacks and a further 13 wounds from combat killing it dead!!
The Abomination on the left kills 1 Household Knight.
The Squires activating trigger the Force Grown Drones ‘Aura Of Death’ causing 5 wounds
The final Squire cases 4 wounds on the Force Grown Drones.
The Pheromancer casts Lethargy on the Sealed Temple and +1 resolve on the Brutes.
The Crimson Tower Knights advance and take the right objective.
The other Pheromancer on the left heals 4 wounds from the Force Grown Drones and they kill the final Squire.
With a sense of dread in the air the mighty bastions of ohnour that are the Order of The Ashen Dawn race up the field.
Finally the Brutes charge the Order Of the Sealed Temple causing 2 wounds with impact and a further 3 wounds from combat.
Some more knights….
Old vs new!
Order of the Sealed Temple
Before I go any further I wanted to define the white on the cloth so it’s a drybrush with a layer of Stone Golem first and then white
And now for some more knights!
Some more units done, time for a little more kitbashing!
Time for some hopeful young bucks, it’s the Mounted Squires
Order of the Crimson Tower
The Seasoned Veteran
The mighty, mighty Militia!
Now I have heard that the medium included with the Army Painter speed paints can be used to add to normal war paints to create your own speed paints. I’ve been wanting to test this for a while so I decided I needed a low level unit to try it on so enter the militia!
These guys are absolute chaff on the field so even if it doesn’t work they aren’t usually around long enough for people to see them!
So to test it out I chose hemp rope and did a mix of 3 medium to 1 paint and slapped it on.
Now they are block coloured I’d like to try to muddy them down a bit as they look way to bright and poppy for what should be lowly militia so I’m going to see if they hold up to a trade mark Brainmatter Beige drybrush and wash.
Well, of course I would!
Quick dip in the basing tub and they are done. Overall quite pleased with how they turned out. I look for to some more experimenting!
The Acolyte
Now for the Acolyte it went a little off piste. I’ve been really pleased with Army Painter Speedpaints and with the recent announcement of metallics coming I wanted to see how they fared on my Conquest minis. Now, I did get carried away and forgot to take pictures of the steps but anyone with the set of them will be able to work out what I used. The only exception being the jerkin. It’s a mix of the speed paint leather brown and the yellow. The metals were done in my usual Chop Slap (TM) biege drybrush style
All painted up really easily and as it happens isn’t to jarring when standing with the rest of the army. I should note that the cape colour hive dweller purple was quite heavy so I did add some water to some it out. Not perfect but good enough. As I said, got excited and rushed!
The Warrior
After washing with 50/50 medium that warrior is ready
Kitbashed Retinues
I’m back! It’s been a while but recently I’ve discovered the updated rules to Conquests First Blood and it’s got me re energised to continue my Hundred Kingdoms army.
Recently I planned a game and for the first time I included a retinue for my Theist Priest. I was going to proxy the models but then I remembered a kitbash I had done a while ago mixing a Man At Arms torso with Household equipment (and a slung crossbow just for added badassness) and thought he might work as a warrior retinue. They have the support rule so makes sense that he would have a halberd. I also needed a bodyguard so kitbashed him together from the crossbowman, man at arms, gilded legion and militia sprues. Finally I needed an acolyte which was trickier as he would need to be less martial looking. I had a spare militia head which has a cap instead of a helmet and with a bit of cutting and gluing managed to create a more magical looking staff and by trimming down a shield I created something that looks enough like a book to pass!
Now for the washes, all 50/50 mixed with medium in the true Chop Slap (TM) style!!
Added an old Bretonian transfer to the shield an the badass bodyguard is done!
Its the end of the path, for now...
Finally, my Path of Conquest army is ready to march to war!
Thanks to the slow grow league keeping me focussed its great to finally line up a full army shot and even though the units were all painted to a very basic level im really pleased with how they look en masse.
A friend of mine has also just got his 2000 point Spire army painted so come May 17th there will be a battle report!
The Armsmaster
After the obligitory Brainmatter Beige drybrush its in with the washes, 2/1 medium to wash.
Next up it’ll be the standard Brainmatter Beige drybrush for the whole unit and then washes (all 50/50 with medium)
military shade on the green, soft tone on the browns, dark tone on the metals / dark colours and the rest on the appropriate matching colours.