Lupa15’s Warhammer Underworlds
Recommendations: 459
About the Project
Painting my Warhammer Underworlds and documenting the journey.
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
So I kind of just missed updating this project but I did complete Lady Harrow’s Mournflight.
50-50 mix of Citadel Doombull Brown and Citadel Gorthor Brown
Wash with Agrax Earthshade
Highlight certain areas back up to the 50-50 mix of Citadel Doombull Brown and Citadel Gorthor Brown
Edge Highlight with a 50-50 mix of Citadel Tuskgor Fur and Citadel Gorthor Brown
Dirt Base
A 50-50 mix of Citadel Celestra Grey and Citadel Stormvermin Fur washed with Agrax Earthshade
A 50-50 mix of Citadel Celestra Grey and Citadel Mechanicus Standard Grey
Wash with Nuln Oil
Layer most areas with a 50-50 mix of Citadel Mechanicus Standard Grey and Citadel Administratum Grey
Highlight the edges with a 50-50 mix of Citadel Eshin Grey and Citadel Ulthuan Grey
Citadel Deathworld Forest
Wash with Athonian Camoshade
Highlight the top of the vines with Citadel Straken Green
Citadel Screamer Pink
Wash with Druchii Violet
Highlight with 50-50 mixture of Citadel Pink Horror and Citadel Screamer Pink
Rim of Base
Citadel Stormvermin Fur
Citadel Leadbelcher
Wash with Agrax Earthshade
Highlight with Citadel Ironbreaker
Citadel Balthasar Gold
Wash with Agrax Earthshade
Highlight with Gehennas Gold
Lady Harrow;s Mournflight
I started out by painting Lady Harrow’s Mournflight. The first step was to undercoat the miniatures with Corax White.
Following the undercoat a wash of Nihilakh Oxide would provide the ghostly glow.
Finally once wash was dry I generously drybrushed the miniatures with Ulthuan Grey and followed that up with a lighter drybrush of White Scar.
I think for the arms and skulls I am going to utilize the same colors but use a layering and highlighting technique rather than a drybrush.
The Project Begins
I couldn’t resist jumping in on Warhammer Underworlds, especially after being inspired by a Warhammer TV painting video. Back in 2016 I saw this video walking through painting spirit hosts:
I loved the color scheme and wanted to paint some undead but I didn’t have anything…
Four years later Warhammer Underworlds gave me that opportunity to collect some ghostly undead without going all in on Age of Sigmar. So my project begins!