Magic and Tech: Development
Recommendations: 364
About the Project
This has been a long time coming. The origins can go back three years ago when I first came up with the idea of Magic and Tech but then failed to carry through with any serious development. It has been only recently in the past 4 months that I really put any serious effort into rule development. My original plan was too wait til I had more done and wait til the Spring Clean Challenge has passed til I created a project page dedicated towards this but that is a week away; plenty of time to take Q&A for those who are curious and until v0.04 is up which contains everything right up to shooting rules as the current v0.03 only contains movement rules. If I get enough interest, I will be happy to put up Magic and Tech v0.03 but until then, I will be happy to put up a few images that I found that helped me get inspired to move this project along.
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
V0.15 is up!
And here we go! Beta V0.15 is done and now live! This was a lot of work and I found a lot of proxies were not made! So cards have been updated and improved so there is less cards to deal with. It is easier to see who is who now on said cards. Some stats have been changed and wording made easier to understand; I hope. So take a look and enjoy V0.15!
Post Historicon Write-Up
Whew. Historicon is over with. I did unfortunately caught covid but the feedback and the loot made it worth it. V0.15 is being edited with what energy I have available to me and soon, it will be released!
Throughout the 5 games, I had 22 players play and lines upon lines of notes and feedback to implement. So enjoy some pics as I go through my work.
V0.14 is now live!
V0.14 coming soon!
Had another playtest today and some changes will have to be made again. Mostly to unit stats but I think the mechanics are there; just need some ironing. Expect V0.14 by months end! I hope.
V0.13 is up!
Holy moly! V0.13 is a serious rework of not only the rules but also the unit cards and quick reference sheet!
These changes include:
- Re-worked rules
- Added some new rules
- Resized templates
- Edited Unit Cards
- Added many more unit that are available for testing
- Redone weapon ranges
Magic and Tech V0.12 is now up! Have fun!
Now is the time for you all to start play testing in earnest! Have fun.
Magic and Tech V0.11 is now up!
Well, it’s time again. V0.11 for Magic and Tech has been uploaded. I will eventually begin play testing as well as maybe post videos of gameplay when the time comes.
Magic and Tech V0.10 is now up!
Sorry for the delay. I’ve been busy and now I have a chance to upload Magic and Tech V0.10 with slightly expanded rules and four more unit cards.
Magic and tech V0.09 is here!
This is it people! The largest one yet! Magic and Tech V0.09 is now up!
V0.10 won’t be til sometime in January as I create more cards and finalize the force points and begin creating the Table of Organization and Equipment for Narata, Penar Providence, Cultists, rogue mages and orc insurgents.
Progress on proxy minis.
These minis were cleaned, sprayed with a gray primer and then sprayed with a Tamiya Olive Drab spray. I think. I should check on that and make the proper edits as all of my work is done at the shop as well as check what color went what for the battle dress uniform and the vests but the brown is Tamiya NATO Brown.
The war dog came after I started painting and the handler was quickly made and I accidentally skipped the green spray. Once they’re done, no one will know anyway.
Magic and Tech V0.09 will be coming along next Saturday so until then.
V0.08 Is Here!
V0.07 is here!
Unknown future.
Two weeks ago, my dad had passed away and the future for this project now looks bleak. I will do what I can but more of my time is being spent trying to pick up where my left off and I have had little time in touching this project. My own play tests are now on hold indefinitely until things stabilize and I am able to spend more time tackling this project.
That is all I have to say for now.
The Future of Magic and Tech V0.07
V0.07 will be in about a months time as I expand the mission creation rules, add in the vehicle;e morale chart, run some rough playtests on a small scale and begin to put together the TO&E chart. This last bit will take perhaps the longest to do as this will cover so many branches of service and so many other choices. In the mean time, please tell me if any of my links have been working and what you like, don’t like about the ruleset so far?
Magic and Tech V0.06 Is Finally Ready!
Magic and Tech V0.06 Delayed again and more pics.
This was made 6 years ago. This cemented the idea to redo an old story world I had came up with many, many years ago and it was a total mess. I have revisited that world and have made it better and I hope I can share this world with you through story and in miniature form. Hopefully I will have BETA V0.06 done by next Friday. Until then, have a good week.
V0.06 Delay and more project inspiration pics.
It is with regret that I must inform you all that V0.06 BETA rules for Magic and Tech will be delayed until at best next Friday as life has gotten bust and I had not the time to work on my rules as much as I wanted.
But with that, how about some pics that helped inspire me to create this project.
As of now, I have no idea just how far I want to go with infantry and powered suits. It is without a doubt that there will be some units that will have a frame; no doubt about it but should I go with full-on powered exo-suits? That is the question.
Another thing I am hopeful to add are Mechanicus to the game. Both humanoid and walker/ multi-legged “spider” types. But such a thing maybe years down the road as I am having a hard enough issue trying to figure out how to raise funds to make the combat witches and infantry but that is another topic for another time. Until then, see ya all next week. I hope.
Magic and Tech Beta V.0.05
Here it is! Beta Version 0.05 for Magic and Tech is now up!
I am hoping that the next update in two weeks will cover the beginning of the vehicle rules and a completed chart of magic spells for combat witches be finished. Until next time.
Inspiration Pics Part 2: Infantry
Infantry will be key for the game. Infantry as of now operate in their fire teams or a whole squad, pending upon national or branch doctrines. Still, the theme of a game is a fantasy setting with a near sci-fi twist so imagine elves but in modern combat gear. That is the sort of picture one can gather with Magic and Tech.
As one might of gathered, a lot of my inspiration comes from manga/ anime artists. Whether this will be the style going forward is unknown. The true goal is to create minis where there will be a male and female bodies in various poses with options for a number of races for heads and tail parts. Whether they be made out of metal or plastic depends on how things go.
As for how they operate in the game; infantry vs infantry can be a drawn out process with movement and terrain modifiers adding or subtracting to a base shooting score using a D10 times the weapons Rate of Fire. I wonder if I should make it very less attractive to fire ATGMs inside of a building by auto-pinning the whole team or anyone in the wall facing? Play testing should be most interesting.
V0.05 of the rules will be uploaded this Friday so catch ya then.
Version 0.04 BETA Rules
I wasn’t sure I’d get V0.04 which covers everything up to shooting done in time with the week I’ve had. Long story short, I’ve been caring for a sick cat whom died yesterday and this is why this project page has been silent all week.
Still, a promise is a promise and I’ve said I’d be ready with the rules once the spring clean challenge was over as not to interfere with them. Now that is over, now is the time to upload the latest rules.
In two weeks, I’ll cover the rules out to close combat and add in the necessary templates and markers and such so anyone interested can really help me playlets the rules. See you then.