10mm fantasy
Recommendations: 729
About the Project
Heading down the road of 10mm fantasy miniature war gaming. Reading some rules and choosing base sizes and hopefully having a game or two.
Related Company: Pendraken Miniatures
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Completed
Dry brushing
Dry brushing on all model ghost grey on above. Tinny tin followed by glorious gold below.
Sundays work
Monks robes got a coat of snakebite leather and then skin got a coat of darkoath flesh. The staffs a coat of desert yellow, bleached bone on ropes and feet. Pale burnt metal on weapons.
Ghost grey on all horses and then contrast Basilicanum grey, gore-grunta fur and space wolves grey on horse body’s and skeleton horde on the hoof’s
command and support
catapult and crew painted and on base not to happy with use with the saxons so will probably have to start a roman legion now.
Gaming markers
Some markers for the games. Pva all over followed by DAS clay and then painted earth and covered in the same mix as the bases for the saxons and half will have the same as the orcs.
Birthday surprises
Primed black then dry brush with bone white and then contrast skeleton horde.