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Rangers of Shadow Deep begins

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Project Blog by hairybrains Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 166

About the Project

I started to paint these in anticipation of beginning a campaign as I had recently got the deluxe rule book, however lockdown intervened and we have moved to playing this on tabletop simulator now. Hopefully by the time we are allowed out again I will have finished enough of these for a game with real miniatures.

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Ruins 2

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Ruins 2
Ruins 2

So this is pretty much finished with the paint, the roof is Tuskgor Fur and then the everything apart from the wood gets a black wash and walls are dry brushed with a Administratum Grey and a very light dry brush with Longbeard Grey.

I am looking at trying to make some creepers on the walls.


Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
Buildings from printable sceneryBuildings from printable scenery
Primed with halfords car sprayPrimed with halfords car spray
Channeling my inner Gerry with the picture, picked out individual stone with eshin greyChanneling my inner Gerry with the picture, picked out individual stone with eshin grey
Different stone with baneblade brownDifferent stone with baneblade brown
Eshin Grey again for the tile floorEshin Grey again for the tile floor

Monsters Galore

Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 6
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Monsters Galore
Monsters Galore
Monsters Galore
Monsters Galore
Monsters Galore
Monsters Galore
Monsters Galore
Monsters Galore
Monsters Galore

Those are all the monster done, based and finished. Although just is finishing these up I found some vultures which i have started. I also have a couple of 3d printed buildings from printable scenery that need doing and then i am ready to play (hopefully).

Belated Rangers

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Belated Rangers

Finally I realised that I would need some rangers for this, I had some wizkids D&D miniatures and gnome wizard from reaper. These were left over from a previous D&D campaign that needed finishing, the gnome character was a cartographer so I had added some plastic rod as map cases all over him.

Belated Rangers

No flies on this

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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No flies on this

These are some giant flies from north star, I did some research on what flies look like close up, ok I googled some images. Quite a few seemed to have a metallic sheen to them on their wings and body so I was shooting for that here.

The miniature has a basecoat of wraithbone and then I painted the body, wings and eyes with a coat of chrome from the model air range. Then I used contrast paints, with akhelian green for the body and warp lightning for the wings and finally leviadon blue for the eyes. The head is Iyanden yellow and legs and anything else is black templar over the base wraithbone.

Worm time

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Worm time

This was is a reaper bones mini I intended as a burrow worm and when I order it I thought it would be grey resin just like the other stuff I have from the Kickstarter however this was some white flexible material I have never run across before. If you drop miniatures a lot then you will love this stuff as bends a great deal but for me it made cleaning the mold lines off very difficult as it tears if you try and scrape them off, they must be cut off with a very sharp knife.

The colour scheme had a bit of a false start in that I primed it with wrathbone and then hit it with magos purple but I wasn’t happy with the results, so I give it a coat of emperors children and then applied the magos purple and I was much happier with the result, much more purpler.

The mouth parts where mephiston red with a wash of carroburg crimson, with claws and teeth based with game colour bonewhite and then a wash around the base of agrax earthshade.

The eyes just have warp lightning over the wrathbone.

Spiders are us

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 10
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Spiders are us
Spiders are us
Spiders are us

These spiders are from North Star apart from one who is from reaper (he’s missing part of his leg). These had a base coat of wraithbone with gryph hound orange and black templar contrast paint on the main body, this colour scheme was something I saw when I googled pictures of tarantulas. Then I added flesh tearer for the mandibles and spinnerets and nodes on the back. The eyes are chrome from Vallejo model air and warp lightning over the top.

I am not sure if I should base these or just leave them as is, does anyone know if you need a base for Rangers?


Tutoring 6
Skill 11
Idea 10
1 Comment

These are some Mantic undead from Dungeon Saga, I have a load more but I haven’t painted any before so I thought I would see how these go. Mostly contrast paints, even a Lloyd shot for good measure.

starting monsters

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 8
1 Comment
starting monsters

Here are the figures I started with, they are mixture of stuff from North Star, Reaper, Mantic and there are even some Hero quest rats in there.

Flesh golem

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Here is my first attempt at these, normally I have a reference picture to work from but these are what I think they should look like. This a flesh golem from reaper minis, from their bones range.

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