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Pendraken Warband Project

Pendraken Warband Project

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Project Blog by dorsetdragon

Recommendations: 94

About the Project

I brought some two Pendraken Warband armies about two years ago - built one and the other is still in their bags! I have decided to build the remaining models, paint them up and play a few games using these gorgeous looking 10mm models. First up - is my undead army, shortly followed by the armies of the Dragon Men. Then they shall meet on the field of battle and try out the Warband Rule set.

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Dragons for the Dragon Men army

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
1 Comment

I painted up my dragons and mounted them onto their flying stands. I decided to paint them both yellow to match the yellow dragon insignia on the Dragon Men shields.

I’ve almost finished the rest of the Dragon Men Army too – just got to add some adhesive grass tufts and flowers to the bases and they are complete. Then they are ready to play a couple of Warband games at long last! 🙂


High Elves on the horizon

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2

My order from Pendraken arrived and with it comes my new High Elf Army and a few other exciting bits.

I built the army onto their supplies 100x50mm bases (see below) and I will begin painting them soon. I am planning on painting them white, with light blue trim and shields. I love the Citadel Thousand Sons Blue so will be using that colour for sure.

In my order are also a few reinforcements for the Undead and Dragon Men armies. I got some flying Dragons for the Dragon Men (pictured with the High Elves), and also a unit of undead Chariots and Wraiths/Spirits for the Undead.

The undead units were easy and quick to paint up and so I finished them in a day. The Wraiths/Spirits were painted only using Citadel washes and technical paints.

Late Knight painting session

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1

I felt like I was making good progress on the Dragon Men Army but the Men-At-Arms units were slow to paint. After they were finished – I fancied painting my shiny knights.

The riders were easy to paint – but the horses were a little tricky. I also worked on the cannons to break up the painting of the horses and keep me motivated. Late last night I managed to finish my Knights and the cannons for my Dragon Men Army!

My Pendraken order arrived yesterday too bringing a few more goodies to keep me busy (more on that later!) 🙂 once I have based and varnished all the Dragon Men Army I will hopefully be able to test the Warband ruleset out with two fully painted armies.

Knights and cannonsKnights and cannons

More Men-At-Arms

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
No Comments

Progress on the Dragon Men Army has been slow due to work. However I have finally finished two units of Men-At-Arms and almost finished my Knights.

I’m planning on working through the Knights and maybe the Cannons this weekend. This will leave one more unit of Men-At-Arms and then I plan on playing a few games to test the Warband ruleset.

Also, another order I made from Pendraken will be arriving early next week which contains some exciting goodies!

Men-At-Arms unitsMen-At-Arms units

I got a little distracted!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

Work on the Dragon Men Army is ongoing. I finished the Wizard Priest unit (just needs basing and varnish!) and also nearly completed two units of Men-At-Arms. This will leave me: 1 unit of mounted knights, 1 unit of cannons and my new unit of men-at-arms left to do.

A welcome break from painting tiny soldiers I decided to do something with the tents I bought from Pendraken. After reading through the Terrain section of the Warband Rulebook I decided to use all the tents and make a encampment for my Dragon Men Army.In game I will use it as a ‘settlement’ which gives some defensive bonuses.

In Warband, scenery can be ‘purchased’ by players depending on how skilled their commander unit is at the beginning of the game. This is meant to represent commanders finding a advantageous place for their army to fight. I like this mechanic and will surely have to make a graveyard for the undead now! ?

Wizard Priests and encampment Wizard Priests and encampment

More Men-At-Arms and some tents

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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I’ve been working away slowly on painting the Dragon-Men army after work, and will put up a few photos of the progress soon.

However most exciting – my Pendraken order arrived this morning. Some more 100x50mm MDF bases, a bag of Dragon Men men-at-arms and some tents that I figured would be fun to add to the gaming table to replicate the commanders tents. I’m debating whether I should mount them on scenic bases or keep them loose so I can place them freely once I have more scenery ?

Pendraken delivery!Pendraken delivery!

First of the Dragon Men

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3

I’ve made a good start on the Dragon Men Army. The Baron, archers and one unit of Men-at-arms are pretty much there – they still need their bases finishing and varnishing.

I decided to paint the Dragon Men red so the units in the army will match – except the peasants (or archers in this case) whom are different dull greens, brown and tan. I’ll probably get some archers-at-arms models at some point and will paint them red to match the more ‘professional’ soldiers. I’ll also obviously get some dragons too and paint them yellow to match the yellow shield markings. So far I’ve thoroughly enjoyed painting these Pendraken 10mm models!

First of the Dragon MenFirst of the Dragon Men

The Undead armies have risen!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

I’ve completed my Pendraken Warband undead army.

Today I added the finishing touches with a varnish and some adhesive dead grass tufts.

Photos are below (upside down in thumbnail for some reason ?)

Undead army nearly done

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
Undead army awaiting varnishUndead army awaiting varnish

I’ve pretty much finished the undead army. It now only needs varnishing and basing materials to finish them off.

Painting the models on the multi base wasn’t too tricky with the skeletons – however I’ve mounted two units of the Dragon Men onto their bases and they are a little trickier to paint. They have more detail and also I’ll be using more paints. I’ve almost finished the Baron (the commander) and started a unit of archers. I’ll try painting the knights next but will try blue-tacking them to a lolly stick for painting instead of glueing them onto the bases.

Photo of the Baron below 🙂

Baron model almost finished painting Baron model almost finished painting

End of Day 1

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments

I made good progress on my undead Warband army, almost completing 5 stands and started the final 3 stands.

My technique consisted mainly of using base coats, some layering and then washes. This was a quick way of painting the 50+ miniatures but also presenting them in a good tabletop standard. I learnt from painting Baccus 6mm miniatures that it you can spend too much time on a miniature and you won’t really notice a difference – especially from afar on the tabletop.

I was hoping on starting my Dragon Men Army tomorrow but I seem to have misplaced their 100x50mm bases! I have ordered some more (plus other reinforcements) from the Pendraken online store. The final 3 stands of skeleton warriors will have to last for now! 🙂

Undead Army after first day of painting Undead Army after first day of painting

The Beginning

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 8

So about two years ago I bought two Warband armies and the rule book from the Pendraken online store. I assembled the undead army and primed them in Army Painter Skeleton Bone – and that was that. The Dragon Men didn’t even get out of their bags! At the time I had many projects on the go (Kings of War, Test of Honour, Bolt Action) so the little 10mm men went into storage.

Yesterday, whilst sorting my collection boxes, I stumbled upon them again! I was impressed by the amount of detail in these tiny 10mm models. I also have Baccus 6mm and Flames of War 15mm but this scale is my favourite ‘non-28mm’ scale.

Today I will paint as much of the undead army as possible – until my eyes ache and start to cross-over (Baccus 6mm Imperial Romans I’m looking at you!)

Both armies as they standBoth armies as they stand

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