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Crimson Slaughter rises

Crimson Slaughter rises

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Project Blog by kharegim

Recommendations: 39

About the Project

With quarantine locking me and my brother down we've both decided to challenge ourselves to have an army done by the end. For him it's his death guard and for me it's my crimson slaughter chaos space marines.

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The footsoldiers of kranon

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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So its been many months but I finally came back to this project with a squad of regular chaos marines! I’ve got two more of these squads to do but I’m having fun just grabbing some 40k minis in-between my fantasy and historicals!

The footsoldiers of kranon

The madness grows

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 3
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So today I managed to finish off my second squad of chosen and my Hellbrute, I especially enjoyed painting the Helbrute and using the larger transfers for him, looking forward to getting another one in the future!

The madness grows
The madness grows
The madness grows

The beginning

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8
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So I’ve had these guys for years now but with quarantine me and my brother set ourselves the challenge to have an army done each so on the other side we can finally play!

I began by priming them in army painter dragon red, thereafter I washed all the minis with AP red tone, followed by a drybrush of dragon red and rough edge highlights of AP mars red. The edge armour plates were then painted in AP weapon bronze, metal in AP gun metal, bone in AP skeleton bone, and black in AP Matt black. Those parts excluding the black was then washed in army painter strong tone before the receiving a layer of the original colour once dry. The edges of the copper armour plates were painted in plate mail metal. The mutations in the armour were then painted in oozing purple, washed in AP purple tone before being edge highlighted in AP toxic boils. The eyes were painted in deep blue, then layered with AP crystal blue, AP troglodyte blue and then finally AP voidshield blue before a single black eye slit is painted. The capes of the squad leaders and chaos warlord were wet blended starting with deep blue and Matt black mix, blended into a stronger mix with more deep blue, before being blended into pure deep blue and then hydra turquoise which also formed the edge highlight. Gold on the cloth was painted using the Reaper paints blonde trio. Bases were a simple Armageddon dust drybrush with AP skeleton bone.

The beginning

The transfers were then applied using micro set, and micro sol before all the minis were then varnished with AP Matt varnish.

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