Lupa15’s Spring Cleaning 2020
Recommendations: 502
About the Project
For the Spring Cleaning challenge and to kill some time with the Coronavirus quarantines going on I decided to revisit some old miniatures that I never completed. Surprisingly I have quite a few!
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Active
Deathwatch - First One Done!
This weekend I was able to block out the basic colors for three of the miniatures and follow that up with a wash on those colors. I went further with a single miniature and completed him with all highlights.
Not sure if you can see in the background but I also did a little more work on the Howling Griffon Deathwatch guy’s shoulder pad, his skin and hair.
In the Spirit of Spring Cleaning
To keep with the spirit of spring cleaning and the fact that I have some extra time at home I did some organizing this weekend. I reorganized my bookshelf and my unending Horus Heresy novels in order of release.
Additionally I went through my hobby space and display cabinets to give center stage to my more recent projects. Sitting uncompleted I found a pair of pink horrors from Warhammer Quest Silver Tower that are just missing a few details. I am planning on finishing these guys up.
Finishing the bases
I used Citadel’s texture paint Astrogranite Debris which was drybrushed with Tyrant Skull. This was then washed with Agrax Earthshade. I feel like it gives a really easy stony/city debris look. I would like to find some battlefield debris to further spruce up the bases in the future. Perhaps some razor wire might do the trick.
Revisiting Kill Team Excis
Kill Team Excis is a Deathwatch Overkill extension from the September 2016 copy of the White Dwarf. As you can see below they are partially started with some silver, gold and other random colors done.
Calas Typhon, First Captain of the Death Guard
After another isolation weekend I completed Calas Typhon. I finished the base with a little bit of Agrax Earthshade, Seraphim Sepia and yellow ink followed with another layer of realistic water effects.
I made sure to make the metal look dirty using generous coats of Agrax Earthshade and Typhus Corrosion over coats of Balthasar Gold, Ironhands Steel and a 50/50 mix of Screaming Bell and Balthasar Gold.
Revisiting Typhus
I started painting Typhus almost two years ago but stopped after getting distracted by other projects. As part of revisiting a bunch of old unfinished miniatures this is # 1.
My first idea is to finish the green goo on the base using some washes and inks such as yellow and brown to give it that extra bit of “yuck” factor. Second I want to finish Typhus’ armor by finishing the highlighting and follow that up with a dingy gold and dirty metal.