Recommendations: 1096
About the Project
This project went from recreating my version of ‘Last Stand at Glazers Creek’ to an Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) force from the Praetorian Guard of the XXIV that closer represents ‘The Battle of Big Tooth River’. The Imperial Guard force is now complete (part 1), comprising 140+ miniatures that includes infantry, armour, artillery, aircraft and supporting units. Now onto the terrain (Glazers Creek Farmstead) which will be part 2 of this project. Part 3 will be the Orks that I have created a separate project thread for.
This Project is Active
Leman Russ Battle Tank with a commander painted to match the infantry. I do enjoy painting tanks! Next - 1st squad of the 2nd platoon, 1 infanteer already painted as a test model some time ago
2nd Platoon Command Squad done Commissar and Tracker Next - Leman Russ Battle Tank
After taking a bit of break due to work I’m back into painting the Praetorian Guard. Here is the 3rd infantry squad (Victoria Lamb sculpts) completed. This is what I have done to date, I’m really pleased with how they look and are coming together. I think I’m about a third of the way through. Next - 2nd platoon command squad, with supporting commissar
Chimera I never really liked painting tanks, but I do now for some unknown reason. Next - 3rd Infantry squad, Victoria Lamb miniatures again
Heavy Weapons Support Squad (Mortars) done Baneblade and Leman Russ Demolisher rescued and will be added to the XXIV. The ruined Chimera from Forgeworld will make a nice piece of terrain once repaired, stripped of the old paint and painted to match everything else in the force Next - battered and battle damaged Chimera
Victoria Lamb infantry squad done, this unit took longer to complete as there is more details on these than the GW metal sculpts Next - Heavy Weapons Support Squad (Mortars)
Basilisk Next - Infantry Squad (Victoria Lamb Miniatures)
Platoon Command Squad, Lieutenant and Commissar Commissar and Tallarn tracker A battered and old Basilisk is next
First 10 man squad completed Next - Platoon Command Squad and Lieutenant