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Gaz’ork’as – A Gorkamorka Project, … or better a Gorka Project

Gaz’ork’as – A Gorkamorka Project, … or better a Gorka Project

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Project Blog by andre77 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 1752

About the Project

Last year Nerd-Rage vacation, we decided to start a new group project: Gorkamorka. We would building and painting them starting from february on in a bi-monthly 50 teefs cycle up to 200 teefs. So resulting in a 8 months project. So from november to february there would be more time to do some gubbins. As usually i got overboard again. You will see here. Where ist the gorkamorka related game pull down selection?

This Project is Active

4th Block finished: Gretchins

Tutoring 7
Skill 16
Idea 14
1 Comment

Finished my last block for our Gorkamorka campaign. 10 Gretchin slaves.

4th Block finished: Gretchins

Only Bonus rounds are left: 4 terrain pieces and the tank for the war rig.

The last boys from the hood

Tutoring 13
Skill 20
Idea 19
1 Comment

We are closing in on Orktober. These are my last boys for this project. 11 grots, the tank for the war rig are left and 4 terrain pieces. But these could be finished in the orktober. Before we go on buddy vacation and will play gorkamorka.

The last boys from the hood
Llyods view.Llyods view.

Bonus Round part 2

Tutoring 19
Skill 19
Idea 19
1 Comment

Here the step-by-step guide how i painted the truck:

I started with a base-coat of leadbelcher, then a coat of nuln oil, and dry-brushed with ironbreaker.

Over this AK interactive light rust enamel wash (use glooves). When dried, i use the AK white spirit to wash this. The rust will flow in the corners and a light patina will remain. When the result is sticky, i use vallejo premium matt varnish for this. Over this AK interactive light rust enamel wash (use glooves). When dried, i use the AK white spirit to wash this. The rust will flow in the corners and a light patina will remain. When the result is sticky, i use vallejo premium matt varnish for this.
When dried, i drybrush the this very lightly with a ironbreaker. When dried, i drybrush the this very lightly with a ironbreaker.
Same for the top part.Same for the top part.
I painted then the other parts of the top part with averland sunset.I painted then the other parts of the top part with averland sunset.
The yellow parts i washed with a thinned contrast Iyanden yellow.The yellow parts i washed with a thinned contrast Iyanden yellow.
When dried i added more colours like red and blue on some sufaces and when the contrast is shiny, use a matt varnish again. When dried i added more colours like red and blue on some sufaces and when the contrast is shiny, use a matt varnish again.
Now for the rust. I use a mix of red brown as a basis and used a blister foam to apply it on the yellow part. Don't be afraid for the metal part. More is better. Apply especially on the raised surfaces. Then ironbreaker metal, but concentrate more on the edges.. Now for the rust. I use a mix of red brown as a basis and used a blister foam to apply it on the yellow part. Don't be afraid for the metal part. More is better. Apply especially on the raised surfaces. Then ironbreaker metal, but concentrate more on the edges..
Done. Now added more details. Done. Now added more details.
Then i glued the lower and top part together. The driver and gunner were painted separatly.Then i glued the lower and top part together. The driver and gunner were painted separatly.

Bonus Round part 1

Tutoring 12
Skill 18
Idea 17
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We are closing on the finish line of this project.

Added some gubbins to my pikk-up:


Bonus Round part 1
Bonus Round part 1

And the truck for my war rig:

Bonus Round part 1
Bonus Round part 1
Top viewTop view
Lloyds viewLloyds view

Next entry will be a step-by-step guide.

The gitburna aka trak with scortcha

Tutoring 12
Skill 20
Idea 18
No Comments
The gitburna aka trak with scortcha
The gitburna aka trak with scortcha
Lloyds viewLloyds view
The gitburna aka trak with scortcha
Other lightsource. Crazy how different it looks. And i noticed some lost colour on the top front tracks. The finish line is in sight.Other lightsource. Crazy how different it looks. And i noticed some lost colour on the top front tracks. The finish line is in sight.

The Squigcaller

Tutoring 9
Skill 20
Idea 17
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The Squigcaller
Turned to the lightsource. The staff covers the light from the top.Turned to the lightsource. The staff covers the light from the top.
Llyods view. Get away u grots.Llyods view. Get away u grots.
This model was a little bit of pain to paint, because of the level of details. When i thought i was finisehd, i always noticed some detail more. Over and over again.This model was a little bit of pain to paint, because of the level of details. When i thought i was finisehd, i always noticed some detail more. Over and over again.
By the powers given to me by gork, i call you my beloved beasts. ATTACK!By the powers given to me by gork, i call you my beloved beasts. ATTACK!

Beware the attack of the giant squig

Tutoring 9
Skill 17
Idea 16
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First a big thanks for the second award of this project:

Beware the attack of the giant squig

And now for the new entry. A giant squig. The Kaiju on gorkamorka. The Alpha class squig. The end boss.

Beware the attack of the giant squig
Beware the attack of the giant squig
Beware the attack of the giant squig

Still working on the squig caller. Still have one week of vacation left. Want to see this finished because the finish line for this project is in sight.

Buy Gas from Gaz Part 1

Tutoring 16
Skill 25
Idea 27

Man is it hot outside. My wet-palette ist going down to his knee. So i take a bit time on building my version of a War Rigg. Gaz Gas Rigg.

Buy Gas from Gaz Part 1
Lloyds ViewLloyds View
Forgot the front. But you will see it, when it is done.Forgot the front. But you will see it, when it is done.

Sons of Orkony, or the guys from the gas station

Tutoring 11
Skill 22
Idea 20

3rd block Gorkamorka Bikerz done:

Sons of Orkony, or the guys from the gas station
Sons of Orkony, or the guys from the gas station
Sons of Orkony, or the guys from the gas station

So i have enough time left in this month for my goblin team to be finished and a bonus round gorkamorka.

June... July not much to report, but i working on it

Tutoring 10
Skill 19
Idea 20
No Comments

In june i painted 18 gobbos for bloodbowl. Well not much for Gorkamorka. But my plan looks like this:

3rd Block june – july

Spanner Boy with Warbike and ‘udge Choppa 18 teefs

Boy with Warbike and twin-linked Shoota 20 teefs

Boy with Warbike Choppa amd Slugga 18 teefs

Bonus-Round: Weirdboy and more terrain. And something BIG.

4th Block august – september

Slaver with Whip und Stick 10 teefs

3+ Grots 6+ teefs

Hegel/Youf 4 teefs

Hegel/Youf with Kanon 6 teefs

Ketta mit Scortcha 23 Zähne

Bonus-round Truck + more Grots and Boys.

Preview 1Preview 1
Preview 2Preview 2

Okay, this will be picture heavy

Tutoring 13
Skill 17
Idea 17
No Comments

The mek released the Big Buggy for use in the skid with an “orky” note:

Used thinned down contrast paint Iyanden Yellow. It gives me a nice result, so i could leave out a wash or a rust effect. It may shine a little bit, but with a matt varnish the result is quite good.Used thinned down contrast paint Iyanden Yellow. It gives me a nice result, so i could leave out a wash or a rust effect. It may shine a little bit, but with a matt varnish the result is quite good.
I used a rust effect from dirty down. Not the result i know from the old model mates. A agrax wash doesn't help much, actually it pooled the rust in the corners. i later used a matt varnish with my airbrush. This helped a little bit. Luckily the underside is seldom to be seen.I used a rust effect from dirty down. Not the result i know from the old model mates. A agrax wash doesn't help much, actually it pooled the rust in the corners. i later used a matt varnish with my airbrush. This helped a little bit. Luckily the underside is seldom to be seen.

Using Black Templer contrast paints on ork parts is quite nice, as can be seen on the big shoota.

After all colours were covering up and decals were applied, i used a blister sponge to weather the model. First i used a red brown, second metal. Concentrating on the edges, were the the main colour will be worn down first.

The driver was painted seperatly and can be in game removed, when needed. Next some  gubbins: scrab grabber

"We all live in the yellow speed machine... yellow speed machine... yellow speed machine!!"
Rockit Launcher with heat-seeker-missile upgrade (magnetized).Rockit Launcher with heat-seeker-missile upgrade (magnetized).
Wrecking BallWrecking Ball
Big GrabbaBig Grabba
My first 100 teefs mob done.My first 100 teefs mob done.

So is this the end? Serious, No!

4 more months to go Gorkamorka.  100 more teefs to upgrade. I have a weirdboy who deserves paint, another vehicle, some bikes and more boys. 3 left over buildings to be done.

News from the Mek-shop

Tutoring 13
Skill 17
Idea 17
No Comments
Hammering-, spanning- and welding-noisesHammering-, spanning- and welding-noises

“Wheels or tracks?!” “Not tracks, too slow. Boss wants somethin’ fast. Take round thin'” “How does round look?”

"Rockits are niiice." "Needs moar plates!"
"Put some fastener things there, there and there" "Ockie, dockie. How about some gubbins?" "Later in Mektown. The Boss has a list. Ah, there he comes."
"Gubbins and dakka"
"Now some paints over it." "Boss wants yelp. What about the underside corrosion?" "What you talking about? Put some paint over it, bcause what u can't see, is not there."

So far from the mekshop.

I tried thinned down contrast Iyanden Yellow. Works quite well. May shine a litte bit more than a wash. But i will use later an matt varnish anyway, which works quile well for me. For the wheels i use contrast Black Templar. Then i will wear all down a bit with a sponge.

Giving the newbies a chance

Tutoring 7
Skill 17
Idea 14

In this orkona crisis my boss still giving the lads a chance:

Notice each boy owns 2 guns, but no shoes. These boys really need their chance ;)Notice each boy owns 2 guns, but no shoes. These boys really need their chance ;)
Compulsory Llyods viewCompulsory Llyods view

Now both my spanna boys have to think about the way, they want to put this trukk together, so it works.

"Weld- and hammering-noises"

The painboy brings a cure for the orkona virus

Tutoring 5
Skill 17
Idea 14
No Comments

One more week into the orkona outbreak. Lets hope for a cure.

The painboy brings a cure for the orkona virus

Zurbak and Gomoku: 3 more weeks into Orkona outbreak

Tutoring 7
Skill 13
Idea 10
No Comments

2 more boys for my viral mob:

Zurbak 2nd Boy and Gomoku 2nd spanna boy for my 2nd ride


Zurbak and Gomoku: 3 more weeks into Orkona outbreak
Zurbak and Gomoku: 3 more weeks into Orkona outbreak

Every day more, i think i need a Mad Doc. Ferget the possible fallout of the cure.

Opinions? Everyone is a Mad Doc today.

And while you at it, watch my buddys counterparts. I think i already hate those shield bearers 😉 Totally imba.

50t Challenge: GorkaMorka Wild Orkz with Contrast Paints by Bothi

Heinz Sielmann memorial post

Tutoring 4
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

Just one more week and i can start working on the second batch. Well the Mad Doc and the Weirdboy still looking in my direction. But to fill some time in this crazy times i started working on a giant desert scorpion:

What a little stingy scorpi. Outside in the slid you can find much bigger ones, than this one. Those i would avoid.What a little stingy scorpi. Outside in the slid you can find much bigger ones, than this one. Those i would avoid.
Heinz Sielmann memorial post
Heinz Sielmann memorial post

And a big thank you for this golden button. More to come, Stay safe and at home. There will big games comin’ when all is fine again.

We need more Squigs

Tutoring 6
Skill 13
Idea 13
No Comments

More ist better:

We need more Squigs

Expect a mad doc and weirdboy

Things to fill da teef

Tutoring 7
Skill 15
Idea 13
No Comments

Not much left from my fundus of orkish things. Some barricades and an orkish Orkivalent Da Krusha:

Still much time left till april, for the second batch.Still much time left till april, for the second batch.

Scrapmarkers/Treasure Troves/Things or so

Tutoring 10
Skill 20
Idea 15
No Comments
Scrapmarkers/Treasure Troves/Things or so
UXOO = UneXploded Orkish OrdnanceUXOO = UneXploded Orkish Ordnance

Well i used this time mostly contrast paints and worked out quite well. Added some details and from this point no additional work had to be done. Ork vehicles will be very thankfull for those paints i think.

The Ketta/Trakk "The loud one"

Tutoring 7
Skill 21
Idea 14
No Comments

Next we have the Ketta/Trakk with the driver Agronak:

The Ketta/Trakk

The model is from Kromlech and i changed not much. The shoota holder was turned by 180° and placed nearer to the driver so the gunner has more room

The gunner Maknok can be mounted and dismounted The gunner Maknok can be mounted and dismounted
The Ketta/Trakk
So was quite helpful that the head sprue from kromlech always includes two times the same part. So was quite helpful that the head sprue from kromlech always includes two times the same part.
The whole 50 teefs mob so far. The whole 50 teefs mob so far.

So from now on i have to wait till april so i can continue. But i am allowed to continue on gubbins and buildings.

The first were a herd of flesh squigs.

The Ketta/Trakk
Who is the prey?Who is the prey?

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