YATP – Yet another terrain piece
Recommendations: 63
About the Project
I've got some wooden piggy banks. But they look like tiny houses. Let's make one big house!
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
I think my washes are...
…a bit dark? XD At least the black one is way to dark. Or don’t you think so? 😉
But the roof! The roof is on fire... what? I allready done that joke?
These headaches aren’t helping much in finishing this project…. put some mode podge on it, a dark grey and did a medium dry brush with a light grey. Now letting everything dry and then see what a wash will do.
It’s been a week and I couldn’t get myself to do any hobby… again. But yesterday I did a bit of colour on the bar. Question is: should I paint the roof next or first cover it with modge podge?
Just a pinch of filler...
…or spackle or whatever it may be called in your neck of the world. For me it’s “Spachtelmasse, fertig angerührt” (filler, ready to use)
It doesn’t seem like much but the weight gain is huge!
But the roof! The roof is on fire...
well, no. It only has some holes. But a few strips of cardboard did a pretty good job hiding those.
Current state of build: Nice!
Glue, tape and a lot of matches
After ripping of two of the three chimneys and glueing the three roof tops together I put some masking tape over the gaps so that later the spackle would have something to stick to.
Then I took a lot of extra long matches (those for lighting fireplaces) and cut some wood. I also made a big door from some coffee stirrers and toothpicks. See results below.
Size comparisson
After putting three of them side by side it was clear to me that the final house would be too small’ish for 28mm. So I scratched the thought of a house…. and made it a barn.
Collecting thoughts
So the resident dragon my mother in law works at a hobby craft store and sometimes brings us (or rather her granddaughter) bags of crafting stuff. Most time it’s…. trash. And sometimes it’s not.
This time it was a bag of wooden piggy banks. At first the idea was to have birthday guests of our daughter each paint their own but after inspecting the houses that was soon a no go. The wood was roughly cut and there are splinters everywhere.
So we put them aside and after cleaning my home office / hobby space I found them again. And started thinking.