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Turbo Laser Turret SW Legion Scale

Turbo Laser Turret SW Legion Scale

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Project Blog by fleboy Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 15

About the Project

I wanted to create this iconic unique style building for my star wars legion gaming table. Since this would take too long to print and require a lot of filament at this scale I decided to build it from XPS. It has seen a lot of battlefields all over the galaxy, which makes it a very universally usable building no matter what your gaming table's theme is.

This Project is Completed

TUTORIAL Turbo Laser Turret SW Legion Scale

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments
Rough shape cut from xps foam and fittingRough shape cut from xps foam and fitting
Adding base and ground floor as well as the laser cannonsAdding base and ground floor as well as the laser cannons
Adding exterior panels made from cardboard cut in random shapesAdding exterior panels made from cardboard cut in random shapes
Adding Adding "maintenance ladder"
Finished construction. Added a magnetic sheet on the tower top and added a steel sheet on the base to make the top moveableFinished construction. Added a magnetic sheet on the tower top and added a steel sheet on the base to make the top moveable
Finished weathered and painted modelFinished weathered and painted model
Full backside with doorFull backside with door
The laser cannons can be rotated as well. I used the same technique with magnet and steel sheets attached to the side of the gear slots.The laser cannons can be rotated as well. I used the same technique with magnet and steel sheets attached to the side of the gear slots.
The turret in all its beauty on the gaming table. Thanks for reading!The turret in all its beauty on the gaming table. Thanks for reading!

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